At 8/23/03 08:18 PM , Greg Ennis wrote:

Why do you limit spamd to 4 processes?

Because my mail server is painfully underpowered and spamd seems to place a fair amount of load on it -- see my other recent message about "dealing with huge mail floods"; it gives some of the specs. Basically, when I let spamd run as many of itself as it likes, then when a spammer tries to mail many of my users all at once, the multiple spamds spike my CPU load enough that *nothing* gets done.

                                                --Kai MacTane
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 and stoic virtue of mannequins:
 Somewhere beyond the world of single dimension,
 Beyond the façade of the sensual,
 Where nothing cuts you deeper than your own blade."
                                                --The Last Dance,
                                                 "Fairytale (the Storm)"

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