On Sun, Aug 24, 2003 at 11:24:03AM +1200, Simon Byrnand wrote:
> Well I tried both _REPORT_ and _SUMMARY_ in the header, and they both look
> the same ?? And they're quite badly formatted too:

Are you using one of the rc releases?  The default header is better
formatted than what you pasted in.

> Hmm, I wonder why it was decided to remove the ability to customize the
> report header ? I can't really think of a good reason, its just reduced

You couldn't modify the summary before either.  As for "terse_report",
that's what add_header is for. :)

> the ability to customize spamassasin to ones own needs. Now that thats
> been done its impossible for people using report_safe 0 to customize the
> report headers to include a contact email address and/or link as I used to
> do :(

Why?  use "add_header".

> So whats the point of the new makefile forcing you to fill in a contact
> email address if theres no way to see it in report_safe 0 ?

 _CONTACTADDRESS_  contents of the 'report_contact' setting

/me thinks you're not using an rc release.

> Is it possible to simulate the old report template by cramming it all on
> the add_header line ? If so, what character can be used to represent a new
> line ?

\n, but we covered that in another message. :)

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Quiet, you kids!  If I hear one more word, Bart doesn't get to watch
 cartoons and Lisa doesn't get to go to college.
                -- Homer Simpson
                   Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

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