On 28 Jul 2003 09:05:58 -0400, you wrote:

>On Sat, 2003-07-26 at 07:14, Bonny wrote:
>> In data Fri, 25 Jul 2003 20:27:44 -0400
>> Matt Kettler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scriveva:
>> > If you want to know in-depth, check out the changelog:
>> > 
>> > http://www.spamassassin.org/dist/Changes
>> > 
>> > 2.44 was released 2003-01-31 and 2.55 was released 2003-05-19.
>> OK, I'll check it. Now, as I got SpamAssassin installed from Redhat 9
>> RPMs, what's the best way to get it upgraded to 2.55?
>You might want to check the mail list archives on this topic. From what
>I've read and experenced, the easiest thing to do is actually
>install/upgrade via CPAN. Less muss and fuss and no RPM depencancies to
>worry about.

There's also some kind of dependency error in the redhat RPM/
SpamAssassin chain.  I never did get the most recent RPM to install,
it keeps complaining about a dependency problem - and asking me to
install something that's already installed.  Also, the most recent
Redhat SpamAssassin RPM is a few revs back from current.  Go the CPAN


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