At 01:43 AM 7/26/2003 +0200, Bonny wrote:

I'm using spamassassin 2.44 and would like to know

a) the difference with the latest release (2.55 afair)...

There's a very significant difference.

First, 2.44's spamd has a buffer overflow vulnerability. This wasn't completly fixed till 2.50 so don't use spamd under 2.44.

Other noticeable differences include: 2.5x has a bayesian classifier, in addition to the standard ruleset. There's also a variety of newer rules, the standard format for in-body markup is changed.

If you want to know in-depth, check out the changelog:

2.44 was released 2003-01-31 and 2.55 was released 2003-05-19.

b) why are my subjects NOT rewritten, although I told it in the config

How are you calling spamassassin? some tools that call SA (ie: MailScanner) do not use SA's markups directly and instead insert their own. What exact config options did you use to "tell it" to mark subjects?

Thank you for the beginning...

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