Scott A Crosby writes:
>I just had a 100+ message thread on perl5-porters discussing the
>impact of my recent research on perl. I would not have had that had
>that list been set up to deny non-subscribers from posting. And Perl
>is being changed to be robust against the hash table attack we

That was you? nice work!

>My current research is analyzing SA for low-bandwidth DoS attacks on
>its regular expressions. I'm using SA's regexp's as a test set and
>I've identified several that are extremely suspicious. Now I am a
>currently a member of the list (I'm not entirely sure why; I read it
>rarely), so I can post my results here, but if I'm not... 
>Well, would I be likely to send a subscription request, ack it, send
>the email, get flooded with dozens of unrelated emails waiting for
>replies to my post, then send an unsubscribe request, or send it off,
>note the bounce and just drop it on the floor and think 'I tried'.

The solution, as I mentioned in a followup mail, is to subscribe
with the "nomail" setting on.  That will not send you any of
the SpamAssassin-talk traffic, but will allow posting.

The dev team bandwidth is greatly reduced these days due to day-job
pressures, and acting as "list mom" was becoming quite a lot of
work.  The increasing volume of spam (ironically) and viruses
meant we had to do something. :(


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