
it would be nice if someone could explain some of the rule descriptions:

  # describe PREST_NON_ACCREDITED 'Prestigious Non-Accredited Universities'

"Prestigious" and "non-accredited" don't seem to fit together for
describing a university. Someone suggested to me spammers using this
phrase tell the truth ("non-accredited") and count on victims being too
stupid to recognize this clash. Is that the case?

  # describe BUY_JUDGEMENTS               Buying judgements

Another unknown phrase to me. I take it that "judgement" means a court
order at the end of a law suit. How can you buy this? Or does it refer
to some transferrable financial claim as a result of a law suit?

  # describe      GENERIC_VIAGRA  Mentions Generic Viagra

Is "generic Viagra" a kind of clone of the "original" product Viagra
but without the right to use the brand name? I haven't encountered the
term "generic" in association with drugs, yet.


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