----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matt Beland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 8:07 AM
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] (no subject)

> On Tuesday 03 June 2003 08:40 pm, Ryan Bingham wrote:
> > Didn't this (and all the subsequent flames) just happen?  Like several
> > times already in the recent past??
> >
> > Anyone ever see Groundhog Day?  I'm startin to get wigged out...
> Yeah, but these guys aren't as funny as Bill Murray.
> One other thing to note - virtually all of the people emailing the list and 
> complaining are sending email without subjects. Now, it's been a while since 
> I used Outlook or Little Outlook, but I seem to recall they both complain 
> when you try to do that. Not only that, but in my experience, even people who 
> aren't used to email quickly grasp the objective of the Subject line and use 
> it. So now we have a variety of people who all
> 1. Don't like SpamAssassin
> 2. Use Outlook or Little Outlook (not very distinguishing, granted)
> 3. Don't use subject lines
> 4. Did enough research to find the mailing list, but not enough (apparently) 
> to see what the list is for.
> Does anyone else think this is an odd series of coincidences? Or have I 
> watched too many conspiracy movies lately?

What I found really odd was that I mentioned a rule in this list to handle some spam 
that was getting through 1 per day
then the next day I got the same general sort of spam but changed so that it was not 
detected by my rule.

Spooky Eh ? 

It seems clear to me that spammers are using an increasing number of techniques to 
circumvent spam checking, all ultimately doomed of course. I Imagine they must check 
their spam against SA and others.

Therefore it is logical to conclude that a good number of the lurkers in this list are 
spammers. As they see there inevitable demise no doubt they feel the urge to bait the 

Troll is too good a word for these people, we need some new jargon to refer to a 
trolling spammer, suggestions?

Stuart Gall  
Systems Administrator
Critical Error: REALITY.SYS Corrupted! Reboot universe? (y/n) [y]:

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