On Tuesday 03 June 2003 08:40 pm, Ryan Bingham wrote:
> Didn't this (and all the subsequent flames) just happen?  Like several
> times already in the recent past??
> Anyone ever see Groundhog Day?  I'm startin to get wigged out...

Yeah, but these guys aren't as funny as Bill Murray.

One other thing to note - virtually all of the people emailing the list and 
complaining are sending email without subjects. Now, it's been a while since 
I used Outlook or Little Outlook, but I seem to recall they both complain 
when you try to do that. Not only that, but in my experience, even people who 
aren't used to email quickly grasp the objective of the Subject line and use 
it. So now we have a variety of people who all

1. Don't like SpamAssassin

2. Use Outlook or Little Outlook (not very distinguishing, granted)

3. Don't use subject lines

4. Did enough research to find the mailing list, but not enough (apparently) 
to see what the list is for.

Does anyone else think this is an odd series of coincidences? Or have I 
watched too many conspiracy movies lately?

Matt Beland

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