On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 11:44, Lars Hansson wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 18:16, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> > Of course the downside is we probably lose two good developers, as the
> > FAQ states that Justin and Craig will spend their time working on the
> > proprietary side of things. Does that mean the NAI version is a fork of
> > the open source version? Probably. Does that mean my working on
> > SpamAssassin is a conflict of interest (NAI is a competitor of ours)?
> > Probably. I'll have to talk to my boss about that.
> That could mean losing 3 good developers then?
> Just out of curiosity, how'd you figure they're a competitor?
> They sell a consumer product, you sell a service. Does that
> make them a direct competitor?

They sell a service too. McAffee.com. In fact they even stole the idea
off us (but that's another story ;-)

And yes, it's 3 developers lost. Shame.


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