Which brings me to a question... what exactly did they purchase? If they purchased Deersoft, does that give them the right to enforce the trademark and prevent the open source Unix style SpamAssassin product from using that name? Do they hold patents that could shut down the open source SA project? Having seen Network Associates at work, it wouldn't surprise me to see them enforce their patents and trademark as soon as they have a vaguely marketable product under their own power. Note from the http://www.spamassassin.org/ homepage, 'SpamAssassin' is a trademark of Deersoft, Inc.

I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on the legal implications to the open source SA project. And please, assume a doomsday scenario, since this is Network Associates we're talking about.

Tony L. Svanstrom wrote:

On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 the voices made Duncan Findlay write:

DF> On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 09:32:57PM -0500, Diffenderfer, Randy wrote:
DF> > Did anyone see in the NAI announcement that its first product (due in Q2)
DF> > will be named...
DF> >
DF> > McAfee SpamKiller(TM) Enterprise
DF> >
DF> > And they had the "nerve" to trademark that! :-))) Don't even have to get my
DF> > thesaurus out for that one! :-)
DF> Well they own the trademark for SpamAssassin, don't they? It's not
DF> like they're coming up with an exceedingly close name because they
DF> can't call it SpamAssassin.

<URL: http://www.mcafeeb2b.com/other/jump/deersoft-faq.asp >

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