On Wednesday 02 October 2002 13:17, Rossz Vamos-Wentworth wrote: > I didn't see all that much rhetoric. I'm not using the isp blocks, just > the cn-kr and nigeria list. Since it's a private mail server, I have the > advantage of being able to implement blocks of entire countries. I > couldn't do that if I was an isp. > It is quite true that as administrators of non-public servers we can block entire countries. I have an easier way to do that. I use TMDA and simply add to its blacklist_wildcards list entries like *@=.kn (bye-bye North Korea) I currently limit its use in this way to rogue states. I subscribe to a number of lists that have members all over the world that I might want to communicate with directly, so blocking spam on a country-wide basis is out for me. > > > ------------------------------------------------------- > This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek > Welcome to geek heaven. > http://thinkgeek.com/sf > _______________________________________________ > Spamassassin-talk mailing list > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk
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