On Wednesday 02 October 2002 10:08, Simon Matthews wrote:
> At 09:50 AM 10/2/02 -0800, Rossz Vamos-Wentworth wrote:
> >I've always considered filtering spam as the last resort.  I prefer
> >blocking at the mta if at all possible.  Here's a useful resource:
> >http://www.blackholes.us/
> Interesting, but one of my company's mailservers is listed in the XO
> block:  66.237.... (
> On that basis and the fact that our IP address does not show up in any
> other blocking lists, they appear to be taking the view that everyone who
> uses XO as an ISP is a spammer -- a rather extreme view.
An extreme view, but you ought to see how many of the people who hang out on 
spamcop's mail list subscribe to it.  Heck, they even imply that XO is 
responsible because some mail originating from their IP block is 
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