i agree with you, particularly now that i've counted that (off hours)
2/3 of the mail being delivered to a company whose firewalls i manage
was graded as spam by sa.  at the point we needed to add an extra
machine purely for spam assassin, i decided to get serious about blocking,
which i'd previously done using obtuse smtpd in a much more ad-hoc way.

in my client's environment, postfix/amavisd/sa in a sizeable business, i
generally prefer to do it locally, based mostly on a static database
of envelope from rather than on blackhole lists of ip addresses,
(particularly those that list entire isps such as verio as hole-worthy.)

now, i wish i could figure out a way to hack postfix to do a blackhole
lookup *only* for certain from addresses (e.g. yahoo, hotmail, aol).

i have a static list of domains in /etc/postfix/access which are
blacklisted, no smtp connections taken from those domains.

this list was generated somewhat painfully:

i've hacked pflogsumm to look through both the postfix logs and the
amavis logs of spamassassin traffic, and can see what sites are highly
spammy.  then i manually add them to the no access list.

plus i have spamtrap mailboxes -- years ago departed employees, malformed
email addresses that somehow got harvested from web pages, etc...  anything
to them is almost certainly spam.  i manually add these to the no access list,
although i've found that around 75% of them are detectable from a few days
of pflogsumm+sa log data.

i log several days of spam in quarantine folders and inspect the content
before adding a site to the list.

in general, i don't block access to any site which is opt-in and takes
their bounces, even those that are just a joke plus daily advertising.

happy to provide the blocking list to anyone who wants to start with
such, by direct email request, no warranty of accuracy or suitability
for your purpose expressed or implied.

btw, here's an example of a bit of daily report from pflogsumm.
it shows, for example, on one mail exchanger, that i now reject
more mail than i accept, and during the night, i reject more than
twice the mail i accept.

the received numbers are 3*inflated, because of the multiple deliveries
involved due to relaying through amavisd and to an inside mail hub machine. 


  19516   received (including internally)
   6967   delivered 
   6827   inspected for spam
   1578   graded as spam
   6958   forwarded
     27   deferred  (29  deferrals)
      0   bounced
   7535   rejected

 391636k  bytes received
 269373k  bytes delivered
   4127   senders
   2026   sending hosts/domains
   1103   recipients
      7   recipient hosts/domains

Per-Hour Traffic Summary
    time          received  delivered   deferred    bounced     rejected
    0000-0100         578        137          0          0        340 
    0100-0200         578        163          1          0        259 
    0200-0300         512        164          0          0        322 
    0300-0400         651        144          1          0        387 
    0400-0500         507        138          1          0        276 
    0500-0600         544        161          0          0        263 
    0600-0700         573        199          0          0        282 
    0700-0800         546        138          0          0        300 
    0800-0900         661        241          0          0        266 
    0900-1000         887        344          0          0        299 
    1000-1100        1146        525          1          0        308 
    1100-1200        1394        569          2          0        421 
    1200-1300        1234        546          6          0        316 
    1300-1400        1091        402          5          0        374 
    1400-1500        1228        477          3          0        332 
    1500-1600        1089        450          2          0        258 
    1600-1700        1177        488          0          0        311 
    1700-1800        1034        360          2          0        399 
    1800-1900         852        269          0          0        396 
    1900-2000         745        223          3          0        353 
    2000-2100         668        225          0          0        291 
    2100-2200         650        207          0          0        278 
    2200-2300         615        185          1          0        278 
    2300-2400         556        212          1          0        226 

Host/Domain Summary: Messages Received 
 msg cnt  spam cnt bytes   host/domain
 -------- -------- -------  -----------
    539        46   17413k  aol.com
    408       310    1993k  boing.topica.com
    404       148    5466k  yahoo.com
    351        20    3520k  returns.groups.yahoo.com
    283        74    1505k  hotmail.com
    144        46    1062k  reply.yahoo.com
    136         0    7525k  from=<>
    102         0    1867k  ms1.lga2.nytimes.com
     96         0    4416k  info.aa.com
     93        90    4251k  sbcglobal.net
     84        30    1674k  msn.com
     74        50     759k  bounce.exactis.com
     72        66    2758k  www.weathernewsletter.com
     68        22     933k  dlbdirect.com
     65        62    2994k  bounce.e-dialog.com
     50         0     600k  lists.peertopeer.org
     46         0    5048k  jonesday.com
     44        14  365862   marketwatchmail.com
     42         0    1609k  comcast.net


On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 09:50:23AM -0800, Rossz Vamos-Wentworth wrote:
> I've always considered filtering spam as the last resort.  I prefer 
> blocking at the mta if at all possible.  Here's a useful resource:  
> http://www.blackholes.us/
> Rossz
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