I am not adding anything else for now. I recently have added qmail,
procmail, spamassassin, and qmail-scanner. I didn't realize what I had
bitten into when I decided to go the spamassassin route. I just need to
learn what I have. Plus, I am not killing spam the way the designers had in
mind. I finally got to add ******SPAM******* to the subject line and from
there use an Outlook rule to put it into a spam folder. Which if I had
thought about it before hand is how I would have wanted it anyway. After I
am sure only spam is going in that folder, I will set it up to just whack

Thanks one and all,


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Derrick 'dman' Hudson
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Finally got it working...

On Sat, Jun 08, 2002 at 11:38:07PM -0400, Bryan Hoover wrote:
| dempsey wrote:
| > I got the whole enchilada working now. Good bye spam!
| Ahh, a great feeling isn't it?  If you havn't already, install Razor -
| http://razor.sourceforge.net - and feel good about reporting the ones
| that slip through.

Razor isn't that good.  Last week sometime, someone was
auto-reporting all messages to exim-users.  The listmaster did come up
with a nice and creative way to identify who the luser was :-).  If it
weren't for things like that I might actually use it.



 "Piracy is not a technological issue. It's a behavior issue."   
                                                       --Steve Jobs
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