        Thanks. I need some quick down and dirty help. I looked at that and
it didn't quiet work for me. Let me describe what I am doing to see if maybe
you know a way I can do this.

I am using qmail 1.03 on redhat 7.2 with qmail-scanner/spamassassin. I have
procmail 3.21. The procmail I am assuming installed with redhat. I did not
do it.

By the time the file arrives at the maildir, it has already been scanned and
tagged as spam. I only need to sort it, not re-scan it. 

I guess short and sweet, I need to know:

1. What do I put in my .qmail file to invoke procmail.
2. What do I put in my /etc/procmailrc file to look for the  *
^X-Spam-Status: Yes , move spam to a spam dir and then deliver the rest to


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Thoene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 11:54 AM
To: dempsey
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Finally got it working...

Hello dempsey,

Friday, June 7, 2002, 9:12:36 PM, dempsey wrote:

> THANKS! Good timing on the email. I am researching that prospect now. Any
> advice?

As long as you have procmail running, it's as simple as putting the
following in your .procmailrc file...

        | spamassassin -P

        * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

This just says to pass every mail through spamassassin, and if it tags
it as spam (X-Spam-Status: Yes), move it to a spam folder.

 Matt                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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