SA will use razor and dcc automatically if it detects that they are installed. You don't need to edit anything (and I don't think you even need to restart spamd -- though perhaps you do). There are some config-file options for controlling both, and these are documented in the manpage for Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf
C Kingsley G. Morse Jr. wrote: KGMJ> I've installed razor and made sure spamassassin isn't KGMJ> called with the -L option. KGMJ> KGMJ> However, I've found no documentation on configuring KGMJ> spamassassin to _use_ razor, or any mention of DCC KGMJ> whatsoever. KGMJ> KGMJ> Can you direct me to documentation or tell me if KGMJ> there's anything else I need to do? _______________________________________________________________ Don't miss the 2002 Sprint PCS Application Developer's Conference August 25-28 in Las Vegas -- _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]