SM> Can you give a brief description of the corpus (how big (both spam and
SM> non-spam), how well exercised the rules are, etc)?  I would find it useful
SM> to see how many times each rule is triggered.  That would allow me to poke
SM> around through my private "corpus" and send you examples that complement
SM> what you already have.  For example, I do some ebay stuff from time-to-time.
SM> I could probably save up a few more "question for seller" sorts of mails and
SM> forward them along.

Most of the data you probably want is attached to

SM> Aside from longer execution time, what's the downside of disabling network
SM> checks in the mass-check script?

Well, speed, clogging your pipe, speed, flooding the servers, speed, and last
but not least, speed.  Doing 400,000 RBL lookups (to each RBL service), hundreds
of thousands of DNS MX lookups, 400,000 razor lookups, 400,000 DCC lookups, etc,
etc is nasty.



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