On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Doug Crompton wrote:

> What can I tell this person to do differently to avoid this?

When using an AOL dialup to connect, reconfigure the user agent to use an
AOL address as the sender.  (AOL doesn't sell dialups without assigning a
"screen name" that can receive email, do they?)  And set the SMTP server
to use AOL's gateway for all deliveries rather than connecting directly to
each recipient's SMTP.

> When you say it is a known address from where spam was sent (dialup) do
> you mean the dialup account of the original AOL user?

This has been pretty well answered already, but to clarify:  The dialup IP
address is shared by many AOL users (one user at a time as they dial in,
but many dial in at different times).

> Can we forward this junk to our US representitives or somewhere else
> where it is noticed?

There's the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> address specifically intended to collect
examples of spam, but I get the impression they're mostly interested in
fradulent advertising and other scams rather than simple junk mail.

I wouldn't recommend sending it to your representatives, they probably get 
enough copies of it already and just have overpaid staffers to sit around
and delete it.  Let them be overpaid for going through useful email.

On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Derek Broughton wrote:

> Actually, it said FORGED_YAHOO_RCVD which seems pretty misleading.
> Shouldn't the rule, then, be FORGED_YAHOO_FROM?

I almost mentioned that when the rule was added, but the description is
correct so I figured the name was just meant to look similar to the other
anti-forgery rules.

On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Doug Crompton wrote:

> What we really need is legislation and a registry or don't send list
> similiar to telephone solicitation.

There's quite a bit of legislation:


And the Direct Marketing Association maintains a do-not-mail list:


Only DMA members are allowed to use the DMA's list for filtering, though,
so it isn't effective against people who buy a spamware CD and blast away.

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