On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, Bart Schaefer wrote:

> > I assume this person has an AOL account and sent mail from Yahoo.
> They sent mail from their home PC using an AOL dialup to connect to the 
> Internet and with their user agent's idea of the sender's address set to 
> be a Yahoo! account.  That fits the definition of "forgery" of the From:
> header, even if the Yahoo! address is a valid one.  It's not intentional
> forgery, but it's not distinguishable by SA's rules.

What can I tell this person to do differently to avoid this? When you say
it is a known address from where spam was sent (dialup) do you mean the
dialup account of the original AOL user? Maybe they do send spam and I
don't know it! 

I don't like turning things off. I would rather fix the problem.

Which brings up another question. SpamAssassin is great. I have weeded out
250 spams in 4 days with virtually none getting through. So we all do this
and lower the local noise greatly but the messages still come and the
bandwidth and waste of resources is still there. These jerks never know it
does not get to where it should. Well maybe you would say if no one gets
it then no one would respond but those that don't care about filtering
spam are the ones that would respond. Can we forward this junk to our US
representitives or somewhere else where it is noticed?


*  Doug Crompton           *
*  Richboro, PA 18954      *
*  215-431-6307            *
*                          *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]        *
* http://www.crompton.com  *

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