Bart Schaefer wrote:

BS> On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Doug Crompton wrote:
BS> > What can I tell this person to do differently to avoid this?
BS> When using an AOL dialup to connect, reconfigure the user agent to use an
BS> AOL address as the sender.  (AOL doesn't sell dialups without assigning a
BS> "screen name" that can receive email, do they?)  And set the SMTP server
BS> to use AOL's gateway for all deliveries rather than connecting directly to
BS> each recipient's SMTP.

If they want replies to go to a address, then set that as the reply-to 
address.  If they're actually sending from AOL, the RFC suggests they should set 
the From to be

BS> > Can we forward this junk to our US representitives or somewhere else
BS> > where it is noticed?
BS> There's the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> address specifically intended to collect
BS> examples of spam, but I get the impression they're mostly interested in
BS> fradulent advertising and other scams rather than simple junk mail.
BS> I wouldn't recommend sending it to your representatives, they probably get 
BS> enough copies of it already and just have overpaid staffers to sit around
BS> and delete it.  Let them be overpaid for going through useful email.

I was just kidding suggesting to do that.  Please don't, you'll probably just
get the FBI knocking on my door then doing a body cavity search for anthrax
spores or something.  Of course, if you're the person who submitted my mail 
server to ORDB that might be your idea of fun.

BS> On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Derek Broughton wrote:
BS> > Actually, it said FORGED_YAHOO_RCVD which seems pretty misleading.
BS> > Shouldn't the rule, then, be FORGED_YAHOO_FROM?
BS> I almost mentioned that when the rule was added, but the description is
BS> correct so I figured the name was just meant to look similar to the other
BS> anti-forgery rules.

The moral is look at the rule description, not the name, because the rules 
frequently change meaning over time, but the descriptions normally stay up to 


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