At 09:19 PM 4/21/2002 -0400, Jim Paris wrote:
> > So let's
> > say it's closer to 8 billion pieces of spam per day.
> > we are still looking at
> > somewhere between 30,000 and 100,000 additional machines necessary for
> > spammers to be able to deliver their wares.
>Total.  For 8 billion pieces of spam.  That's nothing.
>You said it yourself -- at 3 seconds per hashcode, a single computer
>can send 28,800 spams per day.  That's a single spammer, with a single
>computer.  That's still a LOT.

as I wrote on another mailing list about unencumbered spammer traffic...
In order for the hashcash portion of camram to be effective, it must 
slowdown spammers (i.e. cost them time and or money).  The bigger the 
slowdown factor, the bigger the impact.  So let's start with looking at how 
fast unencumbered spammers can send messages.  A fundamental number is 
"messages per second" and is calculated using the equation below.

Messages per second = pipe speed/(message size*8)

Pipe speed is bps
message size is bytes

For the purposes of this discussion, I've chosen three different speeds and 
three different message sizes.  The speeds are modem (56 K.), typical 
cable/DSL upload (384k) and T1 (1.54M).  The spam message sizes are 1k, 2k, 
4k bytes.  As I'm writing this message, I'm building a spreadsheet and you 
are more than welcome to a copy of it to verify these numbers.

the first column on the table below is the pipe speed, the second, third, 
and fourth columns are the messages per second for that pipe with a 1k, 2k, 
4k message size respectively.

56000        6.84    3.42    1.71
384000      46.88   23.44   11.72
1540000    187.99   93.99   47

now that we know how fast one can send messages, let's figure out what the 
performance hit would be if one had to generate a hashcash stamp for every 
message.  the slowdown factor is calculated using the equation below:

Slowdown factor = messages per second/stamps per second

running the numbers for the messages per second matrix into the spreadsheet 
yields the following matrix.  As in the previous matrix, the first column 
is the size of the pipe and the second, third, fourth columns are the 
slowdown factors for message sizes of 1k, 2k, 4k respectively.

56000     20.51    10.25    5.13
384000   140.63    70.31   35.16
1540000  563.96   281.98  140.99

The matrix shows that the worst-case slowdown is the larger message on a 
slow pipe.  The spammer can't send very many messages very fast and 
therefore hashcash created slowdowns do not have much of an 
effect.  However, on fast pipes and medium sized messages, slowdown factor 
is quite significant.

so, in contrast to 28,800 possible messages in the day, an unencumbered 
spammer could deliver between 147744 and 4060800 pieces of spam.  yes, 
28,000 messages is a lot but it's one helluva lot less than 150,000.  At 
worst, it means the spammer will now need to run four or five machines to 
do the work of 1.  For higher volume spammer's, it means they will need to 
deploy between 35 and 140 machines where before they once had one.  There 
are other models of service bureaus for postage stamps that gets into a 
whole other set of modeling.

Hopefully, now you understand why I'm trying to get a handle on the size of 
the problem.  If you can characterize the problem, you can determine how 
effect of certain measures will be.  For example, I really love 
spamassassin as a filter.  However, it does have some shortcomings and I 
still need to manually handle about five to 10 pieces of spam a day as well 
as filter through the trapped mail list for anything that might be 
important.  The combination of an antispam filter and proof of work postage 
would provide an almost unstoppable barrier to spam yet at the same time, 
allow legitimate e-mail through.  We would be hitting the spammers from two 
different directions and creating significant evolutionary pressures that 
would give them significant pause.

my modeling is also trying to go after worst-case scenarios i.e. everyone 
has a Pentium IV/1.9 gigahertz and can stay on line for unlimited amounts 
of time.  The reality is that most small-scale spammers are probably still 
sitting in the Pentium II/Pentium III class of system and are more likely 
to be calculating coins at a rate of one every 10 seconds.  If this 
assumption is correct, then the numbers look even better.  One other nice 
thing about camram/hashcash is that it provides a nice barrier to 
transport.  If the mail message does not have a digitally signed message or 
a postage stamp, it can be held up for delivery as long as the 
administrator wants to.  granted this is not practical during early phase 
of the adoption process but it is something that would be 
possible.  Anyway, this is becoming way off topic for the Spamassassin 
mailing list.

I do appreciate the feedback I get and at worst, I will only disagree with 
it politely.


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