> This is actually scary.
I agree, our company has spent a good deal of time changing the formats of
our mails and learning how spam blockers work so that our Newsletters don't
get blocked. They are a major source of $$$ for us. If no one could get them
we would be in deep do do.

> I donšt block spam by default for that
> very reason.
Exacly! Any mail administrator can see that it's not good for the user if
there not getting their mail.
This guy is pissed because of the problems he is having and the danger this
issue presents to his cash flow. That's fine. Figure out the problems and
try and get a solution. That I'd be Ok with.
However he's just decided to go around shouting at the top of his lungs
about how all spam filters are evil. Don't just sit there and complain numb
nuts... do something constructive. He didn't even try to discuss this issue,
he just got on his high horse and started denouncing things. Silly, it's
only good for getting yourself labled a nutcase and ignored.

I think this is a valid issue but a bad way of approaching it.


> I just use the terse reports in the headers. Let the user's decide what to
> do with it.
> Tyler.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tyler Hardison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 3:13 PM
> To: Nick Fisher; Rose, Bobby; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
> Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Spam Assassin
> On 4/5/02 12:00 PM, "Nick Fisher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think his rant is realy directed at people who setup SA to
> automatically
> > reject/delete mail that hits the threshold score. He doesn't
> seem to realise
> > that's not the way your supposed to do it. I might point out
> that I am the
> > postmaster for a domain that sends out 100s of thousands of
> emails a week
> > (Subscribed users ONLY) and I have run in to some of these
> problems myself.
> > I have a Dennis Leary quote for this occation:
> > "Life sucks, Get a fucking helmet"
> > The computer world is not easy... Getting huffy and stomping your feet
> > doesn't make it better.
> >
> > Nick
> >

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