I think his rant is realy directed at people who setup SA to automatically
reject/delete mail that hits the threshold score. He doesn't seem to realise
that's not the way your supposed to do it. I might point out that I am the
postmaster for a domain that sends out 100s of thousands of emails a week
(Subscribed users ONLY) and I have run in to some of these problems myself.
I have a Dennis Leary quote for this occation:
"Life sucks, Get a fucking helmet"
The computer world is not easy... Getting huffy and stomping your feet
doesn't make it better.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rose,
> Bobby
> Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 2:45 PM
> Subject: RE: [SAtalk] Spam Assassin
> One work... Uninformed.  Based on the content of the e-rag, he has
> issues far beyond SA.  My impression is that the various spam software
> being used by systems is either outright refusing his e-rag or in SA's
> case tagging it.  Maybe his email address should become a spamtroll
> address ;-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wandrer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 2:28 PM
> Subject: [SAtalk] Spam Assassin
> FYI:
> The Mail Killer
> In this case the culprit was an alleged spam filter system called "Spam
> Assassin."
> Any person that recommends this software should be required to re-take
> their IQ test, to see if they still have one.
> Any service denier who actually uses it should be promptly sued into
> oblivion. It's true that most anti-spam filtering systems are intended
> simply to
> reduce spam, not to apply judgments to the content of email. They fail,
> as
> any dumb, brute force filtering system will do, but their intentions are
> generally good.
> Not the ... person ... who wrote Spam Assassin.
> He appears to have a political agenda that's nicely summed up in his own
> words in the documentation for the software. He says, and I quote:
> Profit is dirty, not pure I wonder how this ... person ... feeds
> himself, without benefit of someone
> making a profit somewhere?
> Or why he bothers.
> http://www.talkbiz.com/assassin.html
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