The Mail Killer
In this case the culprit was an alleged spam filter system called "Spam 
Any person that recommends this software should be required to re-take 
their IQ test, to see if they still have one.
Any service denier who actually uses it should be promptly sued into oblivion.
It's true that most anti-spam filtering systems are intended simply to 
reduce spam, not to apply judgments to the content of email. They fail, as 
any dumb, brute force filtering system will do, but their intentions are 
generally good.
Not the ... person ... who wrote Spam Assassin.
He appears to have a political agenda that's nicely summed up in his own 
words in the documentation for the software. He says, and I quote:
Profit is dirty, not pure
I wonder how this ... person ... feeds himself, without benefit of someone 
making a profit somewhere?
Or why he bothers.

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