I'm probably one of those email admins he hates. 

A couple months ago, our company's execs decided they were tired of getting offers for 
"vi*gra" and "h*t ho*ny te*ns". I set up spam-assassin to mark and deliver emails. I 
told the users what we were doing and told them to tell me when email was marked as 
spam but wasn't. I dutifully white listed the mail lists, even joke-of-the-day. Then, 
about a month ago, I put the system into full-delete mode. I bumped the threshold up 
to 7.0 and reply to all messages marked as spam with a polite message telling them 
that their message has been flagged as being spam-like. I log everything so I can 
track what went into the dumper.

Over that month, we have bounced around 25% of incoming mail, 7100+ emails total. I 
have gotten zero complaints about legitimate email going lost. In fact the only 
complaints I've gotten are about the (very) few spams that still get by or around the 

Thanks spam-assassin!

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