On Sat, Mar 30, 2002 at 02:17:08PM -0500, Duncan Findlay wrote:
| On Sat, Mar 30, 2002 at 01:55:00PM -0500, Duncan Findlay wrote:
| > On Sat, Mar 30, 2002 at 12:04:58PM -0600, Donald L. Greer Jr. wrote:
| > > > >  People in the US are... well... somewhat "limited" when it comes to
| > > > > understanding the world... Treat them like childern, and hope that they
| > > one day
| > > > > will grow up. };-)
| > > 
| > >   Hey!
| > >   Don't screw up our illusions!
| > >   We're the greatest country in the world!  Our President said so! ;^)
| > >   Honestly, you have to remember, the US was the first country to adopt
| > > things like freedom of speach, freedom of religion, no monarchy, an elected
| > > president, public education, public wellfare (small "w"), etc.  If we
| > > screwed a few things up along the way it's probably because we were entering
| > > uncharted territory and it's really tough to change something once it's got
| > > some momentum behind it.  That's why the Union was called "the Great
| > > Experiement" by the founders ... and 225 years later we're still tinkering
| > > with it.
| > >   Don
| > 
| > I'm trying to avoid bringing up how your country still can run a decent
| > election... even after 225 years.
| s/can/cant/

Elections used to be decent (like 225 years ago when technology was a
little different).  I was amazed to see that Florida actually uses
pieces of paper.  For quite a long time, New York has had machines
where you simply pull a labled lever.  I remember in 3rd when the
first Bush (Sr.) election was.  The teachers took us all down and we
got to vote in the voting machine.  The other problem with the
election is that some people are sore losers.  I'm not saying who
really lost the first time, but to fight over it like little children
is absurd.  The whole thing was ridiculous.



Folly delights a man who lacks judgement,
but a man of understanding keeps a straight course.
        Proverbs 15:21

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