> >  People in the US are... well... somewhat "limited" when it comes to
> > understanding the world... Treat them like childern, and hope that they
one day
> > will grow up. };-)

  Don't screw up our illusions!
  We're the greatest country in the world!  Our President said so! ;^)
  Honestly, you have to remember, the US was the first country to adopt
things like freedom of speach, freedom of religion, no monarchy, an elected
president, public education, public wellfare (small "w"), etc.  If we
screwed a few things up along the way it's probably because we were entering
uncharted territory and it's really tough to change something once it's got
some momentum behind it.  That's why the Union was called "the Great
Experiement" by the founders ... and 225 years later we're still tinkering
with it.

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