On Sat, Mar 30, 2002 at 01:55:00PM -0500, Duncan Findlay wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 30, 2002 at 12:04:58PM -0600, Donald L. Greer Jr. wrote:
> > > >  People in the US are... well... somewhat "limited" when it comes to
> > > > understanding the world... Treat them like childern, and hope that they
> > one day
> > > > will grow up. };-)
> > 
> >   Hey!
> >   Don't screw up our illusions!
> >   We're the greatest country in the world!  Our President said so! ;^)
> >   Honestly, you have to remember, the US was the first country to adopt
> > things like freedom of speach, freedom of religion, no monarchy, an elected
> > president, public education, public wellfare (small "w"), etc.  If we
> > screwed a few things up along the way it's probably because we were entering
> > uncharted territory and it's really tough to change something once it's got
> > some momentum behind it.  That's why the Union was called "the Great
> > Experiement" by the founders ... and 225 years later we're still tinkering
> > with it.
> >   Don
> I'm trying to avoid bringing up how your country still can run a decent
> election... even after 225 years.

Duncan Findlay

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