> > 1) SA Doesn't work Win32
> > Line 649 of SpamAssassin.pm (2.11) has getpwuid on it. This
> appears to be
> > getting the user's home directory but I don't know why. I've
> hacked it to
> > return something but I'd love to know why it's doing this so I
> can write a
> > propper patch. Once that is hacked it's just a little slow. I
> also can't get
> > the makefile to work.
> Without looking at the code, I would guess SA needs getpwuid to find the
> user's SA directory, ~/.spamassassin on Unix.  This is where the
> auto-whitelist and user_prefs file live on Unix.
I thought as much too but I specify all that in when I make a new instance
of SA. I'd hoped that by specifying all that I'd be able to get around
having to hack the .pm but alas...

> I suppose the properly Microsoftish thing is to put something in the
> registry, but you're the Windows guy around here.... ;-)
Uh... Yeah. Cuz the registry would make everything faster, easyer and nicer!

> > 2) SA is *SLOW* on Win32
> > When you fireup SA it takes quite some time to start. Once it's going it
> > preforms all right. I think this has to do with the overhead of perl.exe
> > starting.
> SA is slow to startup everywhere.  On Unix, we have spamd, which starts
> up once (boot time, presumably) and then sits in the background handling
> requests to process a message from spamc.  I very much doubt that a Unix
> daemon would work as-is on Windoze, though.
SA is slow to start no matter what... but there is slow and SLOW. I've
played with SA on a PIII733 running RedHat (I'm not a *total* Microsofty)
and SA running on a PIII750 running Win2k. The 2k machine was much slower in
starting up. 4-8x slower. This is only realy when I'm running the command
line version though.... Using SA from within Perl seems to make little
difference in speed. I think maybe it's something to do with not being able
to find the directorys it expects?

I looked at spamd and spamc, there was realy too much porting (From what I
could see) to be done to get it running well. So I opted for the proxy


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