Two things:

1) You didn't implement the whitelist/blacklist outright accept/reject
concept yet. Bug #62 mentions that in some of Craig's notes, so if that's
still of interest then someone should create a new "bug" for it.

2) Spamd needs an update to reflect the short-circuiting. Attached is a 

Otherwise, cool. I did some informal beating on it with the patched spamd
and a mix of 1000 messages from my INBOX, 2/3 non-spam and 1/3 spam, and
it consistently shaves a few seconds off. Running with no AWL, no user
configs, and the short-circuiting got it to 8.7 messages per second, fed
serially via formail on a generic 1.4 GHz Athlon box.


> > Matt, take a look at bugzilla #62 -- there is more discussion of exactly
> > this there.  If you re-order the rules, then the only problem with
> > short-circuit scoring is razor submission.  If "-L" is used though, this
> > is irrelevant, you can just exit when the threshold is exceeded.  It
> > would probably be good to indicate that score evaluation was
> > short-circuited in some header or other (probably just tack on the
> > X-Spam-Status) so people don't get confused.  Also, you'll want to make
> > sure none of the "make test" stuff needs adjusting for the new scores
> > some of the mails will get.
> OK, all implemented and checked in (along with the other stuff (conf ||=,
> and subject in body). Please test CVS anyone who's interested in this.
> -- 
> Matt.
> <:->get a SMart net</:->
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> Spamassassin-talk mailing list

Bob Plankers                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Wisconsin - Madison                      +1.608.262.7783
Division of Information Technology   

--- ../../base/spamd/spamd.raw  Sat Feb 23 15:53:04 2002
+++ spamd.raw   Wed Mar  6 20:56:11 2002
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
                   server (default:
   -D              Print debugging messages
   -L              Use local tests only (no DNS or other network lookups)
+  -S              Stop testing when spam threshold is reached
   -P              Die upon user errors (does not exist or user = root) instead of
                   running as 'nobody' with defaults.
   -F 0|1          remove/add 'From ' line at start of output (default: 1)
@@ -70,10 +71,10 @@
 use vars qw{
     $opt_d $opt_h $opt_L $opt_p $opt_A $opt_x $opt_s $opt_D $opt_u
-    $opt_P $opt_c $opt_a $opt_i $opt_q $opt_F
+    $opt_P $opt_c $opt_a $opt_i $opt_q $opt_F $opt_S
-getopts('acdhi:p:qs:u:xA:DLPF:') or usage();
+getopts('acdhi:p:qs:u:xA:DLSPF:') or usage();
 $opt_h and usage();
@@ -109,6 +110,7 @@
 my $spamtest = Mail::SpamAssassin->new({
     dont_copy_prefs => $dontcopy,
     local_tests_only => $opt_L,
+    stop_at_threshold => $opt_S,
     debug => $opt_D,
     paranoid => ($opt_P || 0),

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