The spam-phrase code weights the scores of phrases by the length of the
message, in other words, it's not the occurrence of spam phrases, but rather
the density of spam phrases that's important.  Since "for your" consititutes
a large percentage of such a short message, it's getting scored really high.
I suspect that probably the algorithm would be a lot less sensitive to
false-positives if it had a "maximum density" compensator for short
messages.  I'll take a look at it if you file a bugzilla report at


on 1/31/02 6:43 AM, Michael Moncur at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I received a very brief personal reply to a message that was misclassified as
> spam. This was largely due to some DNSBL scores, but I was surprised that the
> message managed to score 2.6 points for the spam phrases test. Here's the
> report:
> X-Spam-Report:   5.36 hits, 5 required;
> *  1.6 -- Contains phrases frequently found in spam
> [score:  21, hits: for your]
> *  1.0 -- spam-phrase score is over 20
> *  0.8 -- Received via known spam-harbouring dialups
> *  2.0 -- Received via a relay in
> [RBL check: found]
> ...and here's the message in its entirety. Does "for your" really deserve 2.6
> points? I confirmed this by sending myself a message with nothing but "thank
> you for your message" and it scored 2.6 points as well.
> ---begin included message
> Michael --
> Works great!
> Many thanx,
> Dilly
> -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : --
> Never do card tricks for your poker group.
> ---end included message
> --
> michael moncur   mgm at
> "Of those who say nothing, few are silent."     -- Thomas Neill
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