I received a very brief personal reply to a message that was misclassified as
spam. This was largely due to some DNSBL scores, but I was surprised that the
message managed to score 2.6 points for the spam phrases test. Here's the

X-Spam-Report:   5.36 hits, 5 required;
  *  1.6 -- Contains phrases frequently found in spam
            [score:  21, hits: for your]
  *  1.0 -- spam-phrase score is over 20
  *  0.8 -- Received via known spam-harbouring dialups
  *  2.0 -- Received via a relay in relays.osirusoft.com
            [RBL check: found]

...and here's the message in its entirety. Does "for your" really deserve 2.6
points? I confirmed this by sending myself a message with nothing but "thank
you for your message" and it scored 2.6 points as well.

---begin included message

Michael --

Works great!

Many thanx,

-- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : --
Never do card tricks for your poker group.

---end included message

michael moncur   mgm at starlingtech.com   http://www.starlingtech.com/
"Of those who say nothing, few are silent."     -- Thomas Neill

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