On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 09:46:15AM +0700, Olivier Nicole wrote:
| One of my concern, for example, as a sys admin, I start my email by
| "Dear user" this is quite highly pondered. One more hit and my message
| would get lost.
| I receive quite some emails from Indian/Sri Lankan/Pakistanese people
| that start with "Dear sir" and that MUST not get lost.
| It does not sound extravagant to me that one whishes to build his own
| local rules.

What you can do is specify the score you want for those tests on your
system.  You can choose a score lower or higher than the default score
SA ships with.  You can lower the "Dear sir" test low enough that it
doesn't trigger on your system.  Running the GA yourself would likely
yield better results, but at least you have an option now :-).



Consider what God has done:
    Who can straighten what He has made crooked?
        Ecclesiastes 7:13

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