I had a false positive today from a non-spam (but semi-commercial) message and it 
appears to be a bug, albeit one that isn't too likely to occur, in the 
HTTP_ESCAPED_HOST rule. Since this rule is scored at 4.0 I thought I should mention it.

Here's the text that triggered the score:
Check out our selection at
http://www.exploratoriumstore.com.  Don't forget Members receive a 15%
discount on store purchases.

The rule is being triggered because there's a % sign on the same line as the URL - not
within the URL, as it should be. This also only happens because the URL doesn't have
a trailing slash, a usage that is unfortunately common.

I'm not too good at regular expressions, but I believe changing the regex to:

rawbody HTTP_ESCAPED_HOST       /http\:\/\/[^\/ ]*%/

...would fix it. (It was considering the hostname done when it reached a slash [^\/]* 
and should also end when it reaches a space. Or perhaps a parenthesis or quotation 
mark? Tab? Pound sign? Anything else that URLs commonly end with?)

This same issue could make a false positive in the HTTP_CTRL_CHARS_HOST rule, but I 
haven't run into one.

michael moncur   mgm at starlingtech.com   http://www.starlingtech.com/
"Of those who say nothing, few are silent."     -- Thomas Neill

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