Creator of the logo here. The effort for making any particular
translation is pretty much just typing in the text, so don't feel bad
about removing the Italian translation. The decision of the Italian
translation team should be followed.
There are other similar cases where I have translated th
he moment most of them are outdated. But
> I'm confident that in a next future I'll be able to re-use the work done...
> -- Antonio Rosella | arosella(at)yahoo(punto)com
> ----------------
> On Sun, 5/15/16, Chusslove Illich wr
ization, at the moment most of them are outdated. But I'm
confident that in a next future I'll be able to re-use the work done...
-- Antonio Rosella | arosella(at)yahoo(punto)com
On Sun, 5/15/16, Chusslove Illich wrote:
Subject: Re: [Wesno
> [: Antonio Rosella :]
> Since the italian translation community decided long time ago that the
> name of the game should not be translated [...]
> Of course, the simple approach is to delete the png [...] but I would like
> to have a more general solution
Why would you like a more general solu
I can only think of deleting the translated logo image, which you already
mentioned, or reverting to "" in po/wesnoth-lib/it.po (line 6321). The
problem with the latter is that this will disable all Italian-specific
images/resources although in practice I think only the logo is translated