I have saved the database on the production server with
On my development-environment I dropped the database (postgresql), created a
new empty one and the following happened when I tried to import the backup:
Have you tried apache bench (ab)?
> ab -kc 100 -t 30 http://example.com
this would bombard your site for 30 seconds with 100 connections.
On Nov 12, 2:01 am, Luther Goh Lu Feng wrote:
> Quick question: is there a way to simulate a stress test to find the
> upper limits of performance without
How do you get the initial url which initiated the redirect to a login
screen. I need to build a dictionary for custom login errors based on
these urls. Can this information be accessed from the login view?
> Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?
> A bug in my head. Sorry for the noise. Wrong syntax.
May grace and peace be yours in abundance through the full knowledge of God
and of Jesus our Lord! His divine power has given us everything we need for
life and godliness t
Thank you very much. This does indeed seem like a useful tool. I will
research more into it.
The web2py installation was running on a 128mb Xen vps. As mentioned
earlier, we used apache to reverse proxy. We had 17 users login at the
1st try simultaneously. Just trying to access the login page of o
I have a table full of records and would like to retrieve only the 15
most recent records, sorted by their creation date.
I've tried using the limitby= argument to select() in the DAL, but the
online book only shows one example that uses limitby to select 2
records starting from 0, ie. limitb
Jquery 1.4.4 has been released: http://j.mp/jq144
Perhaps it should be included as well?
On Nov 13, 2:12 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> web2py 1.89.1 breaks clockpicker for Field('...','time').
> Somehow jquery.clockpicker fails to determine the coordinates of the
> location where the INPUT is located
I have now experienced a number of difficulties with Clockpick. I
wonder whether it is a good time to consider an alternative?
My suggestion: http://keith-wood.name/timeEntry.html
Mature and seems supported.
More intuitive and perhaps easier to use.
I like use of mouse scroll wheel -- quic
Hi everyone,
i'm doing a desktop like iGoogle, with boxes containing information
from different sources (it can be the same application, or other
apps). So I need send my own forms (like "available_boxes", "modify
content preferences" and so)
I saw that the modal plugin is old and now is located
If you want to try it...
1). Download files:
Optionally this: http://plugins.jquery.com/files/jquery.mousewheel.3.0.2.zip
2). Add to views/layout.html
Hi Ruiwen,
See also 'orderby' in the book. Do something like this:
db().select(db.person.ALL, orderby=~db.yourtable.created_date,
limitby=(0, 15))
Don't overlook the tilde (~), this is important because it makes
reverse order i.e. latest dates first
On Nov 13, 10:10 am, Ruiwen Chua wrote:
Hi Demetrio
Check out www.web2py.com/book chapter 13 and read about components and
the LOAD function which may help.
On Nov 13, 11:48 am, demetrio wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> i'm doing a desktop like iGoogle, with boxes containing information
> from different sources (it can be the same applic
Good day.
Is it posible keep the data in the form AFTER the submit.
It is show me a new form. I need the inserted data continue in the form.
Is it posible?
Hi Napoleon
Yes, look up 'keepvalues' in this chapter of the book.
On Nov 13, 1:52 pm, Napoleon Moreno wrote:
> Good day.
> Is it posible keep the data in the form AFTER the submit.
> It is show me a new form. I need the inserted data continu
This would be a good slice :)
On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 6:29 AM, villas wrote:
> If you want to try it...
> 1). Download files:
> http://keith-wood.name/timeEntry.html
> Optionally this:
> http://plugins.jquery.com/files/jquery.mousewheel.3.0.2.zip
> 2). Add to views/layout.html
Hi Jason
I guess you have to define 'large deployment' first of all. Number of
records and size of DB? Number of concurrent users? Large data model
or number of forms etc? Number of servers -- or replication? Global
In principle I don't think there's any reason why Web2py would be
Hi Mr Freeze!
Well, if others like it, it may end up in trunk :)
If not, I'll make a slice for it.
Best wishes,
On Nov 13, 2:24 pm, Nathan Freeze wrote:
> This would be a good slice :)
> On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 6:29 AM, villas wrote:
> > If you want to try it...
> > 1). Download files:
Easy! thanks a lot!
On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 9:23 AM, villas wrote:
> Hi Napoleon
> Yes, look up 'keepvalues' in this chapter of the book.
> http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/07
> -D
> On Nov 13, 1:52 pm, Napoleon Moreno wrote:
> > Good day.
> >
> > Is it posible keep the data in
Thank you very much villas!
This can works to me, but in that documentation doesn't says anything
about javascript modal windows.
Does somebody know how to make the jQuery modal windows without using
the plugin PluginMModal()? I will need to create it manually.
El sáb, 13-11-2010 a la
Hi all,
Can anybody please help with this?.
On Nov 12, 3:45 pm, Carlos wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm getting the following error in my local installation with
> postgresql when using auth.define_tables(migrate=True):
> (relation "auth_user" already
> exists)
> web2py™ Vers
You can try with oauth10a_account.py under
gluon/contrib/login_method, it uses standard OAuth 1.0a protocol.
See this example:
2010/11/13 Kuba Kucharski :
> Hi, long time no see, guys
> I
Hi Demetrio
You don't need to use plugin_wiki to use it. There is a warning that
is 'may' be old, but there's no harm in trying it :)
1. Create a new test app from the Appadmin interface. (e.g. named
2. Download plugin from:
I had the same problem, that code works fine. Thx dspiteself
On 12 nov, 22:23, dspiteself wrote:
> there was a problem loading my static files in the designer
> I would push it but our project uses git here is a patch.
> /***
> fix web2py bug
Thank you very much villas!
All of you guys are awesome. Everyone in this community :). This is why
I love web2py, an amazing framework, and a more amazing community!
I hope I can be helpful too some day in the near future :)
El sáb, 13-11-2010 a las 07:36 -0800, villas escribió:
> Hi Demetrio
When a new app is created in shell mode the databases folder is
missing, which causes it to fail with the following:
web2py Enterprise Web Framework
Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2010
Version 1.89.1 (2010-11-12 15:14:36)
Database drivers available: SQLite3
Traceback (most recent ca
Does any module exist in web2py that I can use so that authenticated
users in my application might be able to send Private Messages to each
It is a file permission issue.
On Nov 13, 12:33 am, Kenneth Lundström
> Centos 5.5, Apache 2 and mod_wsgi.
> I tried using the "New simple application". I gave it a name och pressed
> create. I get "unable to create application 'testing'".
> Kenneth
> > What is your setup? apache?mo
should be in request.vars._next
On Nov 13, 2:40 am, rāma wrote:
> How do you get the initial url which initiated the redirect to a login
> screen. I need to build a dictionary for custom login errors based on
> these urls. Can this information be accessed from the login view?
I agree with Villas. The larger the development the more the database
becomes the bottleneck and the framework irrelevant.
On Nov 13, 8:35 am, villas wrote:
> Hi Jason
> I guess you have to define 'large deployment' first of all. Number of
> records and size of DB? Number of concurren
Corrupted database/*.table
did you delete them?
On Nov 12, 3:45 pm, Carlos wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm getting the following error in my local installation with
> postgresql when using auth.define_tables(migrate=True):
> (relation "auth_user" already
> exists)
> web2py™ Version 1.89.1 (2010-1
Ok timeEntry it is. I will replace it today.
On Nov 13, 8:24 am, Nathan Freeze wrote:
> This would be a good slice :)
> On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 6:29 AM, villas wrote:
> > If you want to try it...
> > 1). Download files:
> >http://keith-wood.name/timeEntry.html
> > Optionally this:
> >http://
Oh, noes! This widget suffers from so many usability issues I can't
believe it still exists.
1. controls are microscopic
2. it's not obvious you can switch between fields by clicking on them
since fields are enclosed in a single box with no visible separators
3. you cannot jump to desired values (
SymmetricDS looks like the best alternative so far for the application
I am working on. The application they developed for is a close match
to the kind of data sync I need. Thanks for the link to the article. I
will run a test implementation.
On Nov 11, 11:56 pm, shem p wrote:
> Maybe any of this
What is large deployment?
Is it a large codebase that you must manage for an internal dashbaord, or
just alot of users/database io that needs to scale out for worldwide access?
If its the first case, web2py can get really complicated in dealing with
lots of models and difficult to manage in an ef
Hi Massimo,
I did not delete any *.table files located at:
Should I try deleting them?.
How can this get corrupted?.
What else should I try?.
On Nov 13, 10:54 am, mdipierro wrote:
> Corrupted database/*.table
> did you delete t
alright so i got a connection between my MSSql server any web2py. that
has been all sorted out but now im having issues with how to select a
tuple from web2py
in web2py i have this code:
if db(db.User.Email == s).select():
print "success"
which should check if the users email is in the db
Maybe the problem is that, for the same app, I started with sqlite and
then switched to progresql?.
Anyways, I just dropped the database in progresql and deleted all
files in /databases/, and it seems to be working ok now (so far).
Can you please confirm the above (switching from sqlite to p
You cannot this in web2py. perhaps you can create a database view.
On Nov 13, 12:11 pm, Crim wrote:
> alright so i got a connection between my MSSql server any web2py. that
> has been all sorted out but now im having issues with how to select a
> tuple from web2py
> in web2py i have this code:
talking about timeentry or clockpicker?
On Nov 13, 11:06 am, Branko Vukelic wrote:
> Oh, noes! This widget suffers from so many usability issues I can't
> believe it still exists.
> 1. controls are microscopic
> 2. it's not obvious you can switch between fields by clicking on them
> since field
On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 7:28 PM, mdipierro wrote:
> talking about timeentry or clockpicker?
Branko Vukelić
Check out my blog: http://www.brankovukelic.com/
Check out my portfolio: http://www.flickr.com/photos/foxbunny/
Registered Linu
On Nov 13, 12:23 pm, Carlos wrote:
> Hi,
> Maybe the problem is that, for the same app, I started with sqlite and
> then switched to progresql?.
> Anyways, I just dropped the database in progresql and deleted all
> files in /databases/, and it seems to be working ok now (so far).
> Can you
Hi Massimo,
I did not delete anything when this problem appeared, I just switched
from sqlite to postresql in the DAL.
Should I worry about this problem appearing again (in my local machine
or in a production environment)?.
Should I test anything else?.
On Nov 13, 12:30 pm,
what cant i use? the web2py statement?
On Nov 13, 12:26 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> You cannot this in web2py. perhaps you can create a database view.
> On Nov 13, 12:11 pm, Crim wrote:
> > alright so i got a connection between my MSSql server any web2py. that
> > has been all sorted
On Nov 13, 5:06 pm, Branko Vukelic wrote:
> Oh, noes! This widget suffers from so many usability issues I can't
> believe it still exists.
Hi Branko
I am not saying it is necessarily the best, but for me it is better
than clockpick.
It seems that hardly anyone is using just a Time widget. The
There is no webpy API to generate
"FROM [master].[dbo].[User]"
"FROM [User]"
On Nov 13, 12:45 pm, Crim wrote:
> what cant i use? the web2py statement?
> On Nov 13, 12:26 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> > You cannot this in web2py. perhaps you can create a database view.
> > On Nov 13, 12:11
crud.select() is not yet very usable.
I pesonaly wished it support:
-any query or rows (just like SQLTABLE)
-it could be ajaxable
Support the first two would be great for everyday use, I guess.
I tried webgrid, it´s great but does not work in my hosting because of
python version 2.4.
I agree. If you go to the Spinners tab and check "Expand", things
improve somewhat (particularly the explicit version, with "+", "-",
and "NOW"), but still a hassle that you have to cycle through all the
numbers (or manually type).
On Nov 13, 12:06 pm, Branko Vukelic wrote:
> Oh, noes! T
im not using web2py to do the second select statement the one "FROM
just the:
if db(db.User.Email == s).select():
print "success"
i connected to my db and want to select the table user and the column
On Nov 13, 1:05 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> There is no webpy API
On Nov 13, 4:20 pm, Daniel Gonzalez wrote:
> Thank you very much villas!
LOL many other people have helped me so I'm just passing it down the
line :)
Oh, didn't realize you could configure the minutes to jump in
increments -- that helps.
I still like the ClockPick UI better if we could get it (or something
similar) to work properly.
On Nov 13, 1:57 pm, villas wrote:
> On Nov 13, 5:06 pm, Branko Vukelic wrote:
> > Oh, noes! This wi
Hi Anthony
Please bear in mind that anyone doing serious form filling should not
have to use a mouse at all. Use the arrow keys instead - it flies.
Most people entering times will be using an increment of say 15 or 30
mins which makes it go at jet speed.
On Nov 13, 7:08 pm, Anthony wrote:
I disagree that web2py would become messy wrt the code-base. The
solution I found was to simply put all my actual logic code in
"modules", then, I simply call up the specific object method in the
controller function linked to the particular html file (view). I
therefore don't keep any code in the "
uhm are you using existing tables or you are using web2py to
create them ??
dbo shouldn't affect at all the query, but a few hints nonetheless :
master is a really nasty place to create tables "master" db
should be left untouched in web2py you define a database when you
Alex, I too am seeing that .load files are not being saved - add
Chrome on windows 7 to the list.
Firebug shows an error :
area is not defined
var data = area.textarea.value
I suspect this is due to the regular editor not being defined (it is
just a plain textarea instead of the usual edito
Massimo wrote:
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 09:47:25 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: provide a development flag for applications
OK let's just use WEB2PY_MODE than and it will appear in
Notice we aready have
On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 8:36 PM, villas wrote:
> Hi Anthony
> Please bear in mind that anyone doing serious form filling should not
> have to use a mouse at all. Use the arrow keys instead - it flies.
Should not, but they do. People should use Ctrl+V for paste (or
Shift+Ins), but they don't. Y
already does ajax search, pagination, etc. crud.select should be able
to do some of these without ajax.
On Nov 13, 1:08 pm, yamandu wrote:
> crud.select() is not yet very usable.
> I pesonaly wished it support:
> -any query or rows (just like SQLTABLE)
> -paginat
thanks for the in-depth reply ^ ^
im using existing tables and i master and another one stuff setup to
do the same thing but this is a school project so im not to picky at
the moment xD but thanks for the info for future use.
Can i do the db(db.user.email == s).select() if i dont instantiate it
We are considering making this even easier.
Two non-exclusive proposals on the table are:
1) make conditional models that are executed only for some controllers
2) promote the global objects (request,session,response,T,cache) to be
thread local (as in Flask) so that they can be imported by modules
web2py DAL only sees tables that are defined via the DAL. For raw sql
you can do db.executesql("")
On Nov 13, 2:39 pm, Crim wrote:
> thanks for the in-depth reply ^ ^
> im using existing tables and i master and another one stuff setup to
> do the same thing but this is a school project so i
I lost the context of this. Can you explain more?
On Nov 13, 2:13 pm, pierreth wrote:
> Massimo wrote:
> Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 09:47:25 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: Re: provide a development flag for applications
> OK let's just use WEB2PY_MODE than and it will appear in
> request.env.web2py_mod
Where can I start to look for the problem. Is the problem written in
some log?
It is a file permission issue.
On Nov 13, 12:33 am, Kenneth Lundström
Centos 5.5, Apache 2 and mod_wsgi.
I tried using the "New simple application". I gave it a name och pressed
create. I get "una
On Nov 13, 3:42 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> I lost the context of this. Can you explain more?
Here is the old thread:
These are encouraging.
In large deployment I mean it in the most external sense of it.
Facebook is big, myspace is big, those kinds of object were what I was
aiming for. And with Massimo's comment about the database size. I
think your right, the framework does become less relavent. In what ways
Yes, you are right, users get up to all kinds of things :) However, I
think it is still true to say:
a. Form filling should still be efficient without using a mouse.
b. TimeEntry is better than Clockpick (not least because the latter is
If we wish to take it further, I suggest one of the
Yes, I suppose it depends on the application, use cases, user skill,
etc. Note, it appears that to use the keyboard with Time Entry, you
have to either read some instructions, or fiddle around until you
figure it out -- so, not the best for casual users just entering one
or two times, but yes, prob
Hi Crim,
if you can use db.user.email that means you have defined the table in
As I understand it, as per your previous posts, that table was not
created with web2py so it must be a legacy table.
You can access it depending on two things:
1) If the table has an auto incrementing field sim
Nice i like the idea of raw sql statements ... but when i execute a
select statement would it return anything ex
variable = db.executesql("select")
would that work? (would test when i get home but im at work right now)
On Nov 13, 2:41 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> web2py DAL only sees tables that
On Nov 13, 3:10 pm, Crim wrote:
> Nice i like the idea of raw sql statements ... but when i execute a
> select statement would it return anything ex
> variable = db.executesql("select")
> would that work? (would test when i get home but im at work right now)
> On Nov 13, 2:41 pm, md
I´ve read many posts about domains linked to different apps but still I
don´t know how to do it with Apaches virtual hosts.
I have looked at the web2py slices number 14.
Does anybody have two virtual hosts files or entries that you could send
that I could look at?
Very often we need to browse results of a query.
It´s not possibe with this plugin, is it?
Another probem is that when in a action you want for example change
the representation of
a field ony for that action.
Using the pugin jqgrid does not work because it seems to redo the
previous representatio
In the table creation step, how about having some columns with all the
available options for each table field such as "unique", "required",
"notnull", "nonempty" as checkboxes. The types could also come from a
dropbox with: "string", integer", ...
I don't know if this kind of thing could be applie
I use web2py and MS SQL with raw SQL queries often.
results = db.executesql("SELECT foo,bar FROM my_table WHERE blah = ?
and something = ?" , ('criteria 1', 'criteria 2'), True)
The two extra pieces at the end will let you safely bind in query
parameters and the final True arg makes it so that th
I was thinking the same when I was using the wizard first time. Maybe so
that you still could do like you do now, write evertything or then you
could select everything from a dropdown box and checkboxes.
In the table creation step, how about having some columns with all the
you can down load the sql code here http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ARORZKPF
no i cant use it .. so i take it i have to define the table in
thanks a lot for your help ^ ^
On Nov 13, 3:09 pm, DenesL wrote:
> Hi Crim,
> if you can use db.user.email that means you have defined the table i
Ah thanks this i like too ^ ^
my only question on it is when you say:
results = db.executesql("SELECT foo,bar FROM my_table WHERE blah = ?
and something = ?" , ('criteria 1', 'criteria 2'), True)
what do you mean by 'criteria 1' ... what kind of criteria? is that
where i put a python bit of code
Yes, the criteria are any python variables you might like substituted
into your query. I probably shouldn't have used only 'strings' in my
example, sorry.
my_city = 'somewhere'
my_state = 'MN'
start_date = date(2010, 11, 13)
end_date = date(2010, 11, 15)
results = db.executesql("SELECT * FR
You have
Email varchar(50),
Name varchar(50),
PIN int,
Phone varchar(50),
Address varchar(50),
Mileage int,
MealPref varchar(50),
that translates into this web2py model
the jquery timepicker is a good alternative to the clockpicker.
For my point of view, the clockpicker is "good enough" if it's working
as expected.
I would suggest to provide additional functionality, as timeentry and
other jquery widgets for ui enhancements in plugins.
The clockpicker misbe
Thanks ^ ^ this i understand. Thanks for taking time and give me a
great example!
On Nov 13, 3:48 pm, Brian M wrote:
> Crim,
> Yes, the criteria are any python variables you might like substituted
> into your query. I probably shouldn't have used only 'strings' in my
> example, sorry.
> rows=db(db.user.email=...@b.com).select()
that did not paste properly, should be
On Nov 12, 3:03 pm, mdipierro wrote:
> The admin (admin) has a selector at the bottom, it uses cookies to
> keep the preferred selected language.
Since Version 1.89.1, released 2010-11-12 15:14:36
(In case somebody reads this thread in a few years and thinks I'm
On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:47 PM, pierreth wrote:
> On Nov 13, 3:42 pm, mdipierro wrote:
>> I lost the context of this. Can you explain more?
> Here is the old thread:
> https://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/65b6f8197af3eebd/f9c9488f71ba6893?hl=en&lnk=gst&q=provide+a+de
Thanks DenesL ^ ^
On Nov 13, 3:57 pm, DenesL wrote:
> > rows=db(db.user.email=...@b.com).select()
> that did not paste properly, should be
> rows=db(db.User.Email=="a...@b.com").select()
I have this problem. I want to do a blog with posts that allows
comments. I also want those comments to be able to have other
comments, like a thread.
I just can't do this in web2py at least using the wizard...
Or else, just integrate the SQL designer in http://gaesql.appspot.com/
for the job. I think it's even better for this kind of thing...
On Nov 13, 9:31 pm, Kenneth Lundström
> +1
> I was thinking the same when I was using the wizard first time. Maybe so
> that you still could do like you
There's a lot of stuff out there! Please could we have a link? I
found one really cool timepicker but it was using UI. Please bear in
mind that Massimo has said that he does NOT wish to include jQuery UI
with Web2py at present.
If anyone suggests a replacement timepicker, ple
On Nov 13, 5:07 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:47 PM, pierreth wrote:
> If this is an application-specific flag (that is, unless the web2py core
> takes it into consideration), why wouldn't you just set it in your
> first-parsed model?
This is what I did.
But I believe
Hi Blackthorne
Sounds like you need a parent_id field in your comments table which
would be self-referencing. See this section in the book:
On Nov 13, 10:11 pm, blackthorne wrote:
> hi,
> I have this problem. I want to
On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 11:42 PM, villas wrote:
> @Everyone
> If anyone suggests a replacement timepicker, please post a link.
> Preferably to a demo.
I've looked around for a good timepicker a lot back when someone said
we needed a datetime picker. And my conclusion was that there is
On Nov 13, 5:18 pm, blackthorne wrote:
> Or else, just integrate the SQL designer inhttp://gaesql.appspot.com/
> for the job. I think it's even better for this kind of thing...
Hmm, I notice it still uses SQLField in web2py table definitions
instead of Field.
On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 9:49 PM, Jason Brower wrote:
> These are encouraging.
> In large deployment I mean it in the most external sense of it. Facebook is
> big, myspace is big, those kinds of object were what I was aiming for. And
For that kind of large deployment, you'll probably hit the lim
Thank you,
sorry, I should know this...
On Nov 13, 10:50 pm, villas wrote:
> Hi Blackthorne
> Sounds like you need a parent_id field in your comments table which
> would be self-referencing. See this section in the
> book:http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/06#Self-Reference-and-Aliases
Let me just say that the chance that your app will have the traffic of
facebook or twitter or even livejournal (yes it is still alive) is so
small, that you really don't need to worry about it too much at such
an early stage.
On Nov 13, 3:11 pm, Branko Vukelic wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 9
We got an app for that... ;)
It's a plugin...
On Nov 13, 5:47 pm, pierreth wrote:
> On Nov 13, 5:07 pm, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> > On Nov 13, 2010, at 12:47 PM, pierreth wrote:
> > If this is an application-specific flag (that is, unless the web2py core
I do not remember the reason for that suggestion.
My only concerns are:
1) I would be best to have just one verison online (the most updated
one) even if hosted at multiple places.
2) not break the link in web2py admin (or make a case for changing the
Are you Boris the only one maintaining
Hi all,
I have a project in which I am supposed to use mysql. The database
already made up. I am facing an issue with the primary key check.
Whensover i insert a duplicate value for the primary key i end up with
a ticket rather than a graceful handling.
Here's the db model:
The biggest contributing factor is that web2py is executed and not import.
The coder must always be sure to align objects and database in the correct
order, including any auxiliary functions, class mappings, queries. He/she
has to worry about the "order" of everything. Sometimes you can't have such
Using firefox 3.6.12.
My datetime widget is begin partially obsured by the input field's
autocomplete drop-down box which contains previous inputs. Maybe the
Z-Index needs fiddling with, or something...?
If anyone else needs a quick fix / work-around, I have simply added
the lines hereunder nt
I think it would be cool to be able to run a web2py app in debug mode
by using a flag on the command line.
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