What are the gotcha's -- the not-obvious limitations of this technology?
The obvious obstacles I see are the limited screen size, and the lack of a
keyboard in some products.
Many thanks in advance for any and all information.
Lee Allen
A. John Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> See for a review
Thank you, that is an excellent source of information on PalmVNC.
> On Thursday, July 5, 2001, at 02:27 PM, Lee Allen wrote:
> > I would like to hear from anyon
f, using Linux and FreeSWan (IPSec) or just SSH.
I hope you understand you have a networking challenge here, not a VNC issue.
-Lee Allen
To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list
See also:
... -->
Then, to VNC into system, you would specify in the
This is insecure. Someone could determine with a port scanner that these
ports are open, and they would deduce they are for VNC. At that point the
only protection is
oPr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i'm having problems setting up vnc through 2 firewalls. Situation is:
> vnc-client (win98) - fw1 (linux) - WAN - fw2 (openbsd 2.9 beta) - vnc
server (win98)
> port 5800 and port 5900 is forwarded to the vnc server on fw2.
> When i start up vncviewer, and connec
I would add another option. For about $70 in the U.S. one can purchase an
off-the-shelf router/firewall. I am using a Netgear product and I really
like it. It performs the same functions as a Linux based firewall but
without the work, and the potential maintenance problems of an old PC.
so people can find you. Otherwise
you can use one of the dynamic name registration services (eg,
> Can I have the upload option?
I don't know what you mean by that.
-Lee Allen
To unsubscribe, send a message
f those scroll bars. But it does not appear to be
implemented in this version. Can any one confirm this?
Many thanks.
Lee Allen
Leadtec Systems, Inc.
To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list
Did you get any responses to this, and/or get it working?
I am successfully using vncviewer on the iPAQ over wireless Ethernet.
-Lee Allen
Dean Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello I'm new to the list and having problems setting up VNC Pocket PC on
> the
> Ipaq wi
I am running Xvnc on Linux in inetd mode, using xdm. This prompts the user
for (Linux) user name and password.
-Lee Allen
- Original Message -
From: Pons, Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 12:50 PM
Subject: X windows serve
You probably have multiple Unix systems running 'xdm'. You can disable xdm
on the 'other system' if you don't need it there... or modify the xdm config
files on each system to configure which clients (well, X servers) they are
responsible for.
-Lee Allen
- Origina
ved any responses to this. I participate in a
couple of Linux newsgroups (not mailing lists). The first is general Linux
and has a large volume of postings; the second is RedHat specific and has a
much smaller volume.
g as a multi-user application server for a Windows app
to a bunch of clients running the vncviewer.
Pretty cool! But I can't take any credit for it. That goes to the Wine and
VNC developers.
-Lee Allen
To unsubscrib
Does VNC support double-byte character set?
More specifically...
In a Windows viewer, Linux server environment, does VNC support DBCS?
Maybe the question is: Does the X Server built into Linux VNC server support
Lee Allen
Leadtec Systems, Inc
e-byte character sets for that to work. And, the
Linux VNC server does require fonts.
-Lee Allen
> --
> Cameron Simpson, DoD#743[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> A squealing tire is a happy tire.
> - Bruce MacInnes, S
It's available at .
Lee Allen
Leadtec Systems, Inc.
- Original Message -
From: "Waugh, Randy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 9:59 AM
Subject: VNC for Compaq iPAQ with ARM processor?
> >Hi,
unit back up, the applications (VNC) think they are still
connected, but they are not. They eventually discover this and then you
must reconnect. This also applies to email -- it loses the connection to
the mail server.
Lee Allen
Leadtec Systems, Inc.
- Original Message -
From: &qu
with those
options defaulted. That's what I did.
Lee Allen
Leadtec Systems, Inc.
To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line:
'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY
See also:
ng to distribute the
viewer to multiple users, you can simplify things for them by hard-coding
the values (or the defaults) that you want them to use, ie: server (hostname
or IP address and session number), shared connection, disable mouse &
keyboard, full-screen, etc.
-Lee Allen
> Th
I had the same problem with the iPAQ (PocketPC aka Windows CE, StrongARM
port of VNC). And it affected at least one other application: Microsoft's
own email program, Inbox.
Specifically, when the unit powers down (either I power it down explicitly
or it does so automatically as part of power-sav
ly touched one yet.
The article said it includes vncviewer. It would not include VNC server --
this device is purely a 'client' in every sense.
-Lee Allen
> I'm getting one of these computers in a few days.
> Many thanks,
> Rick Vanover
ons produce a dialog box that MUST
be answered, and the user cannot switch focus away from the application.
Perhaps you could hack vncviewer to implement the same capability.
Lee Allen
Leadtec Systems, Inc.
- Original Message -
From: "Beeker, Emmet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#x27;s symposium was also held today."
I know I will want one of these... and I'll want to run VNC on it!
Lee Allen
Leadtec Systems, Inc.
To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line:
'unsubscribe vnc
Grab the StrongARM version of vnc viewer from ''. I'm
running that on an iPAQ.
-Lee Allen
> I cuurently just purchased a Compaq IPAQ PDA and
> was wondering if anyone has been successful with loading
> the VNC software on there PDA.
> I am curr
> Could anyone please tell me if there is some VNC viewer source code
> available for the Pocket PC (ARM processor)?
> Also, does anybody know how to speed up VNC on a Pocket PC?
It seemed plenty fast, to me.
n X client) would be
running on the 'main server'. This may actually offload some significant
processing from the 'application server'.
Lee Allen
To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
ts "-httpd
/usr/local/vnc/classes" to my inetd.conf entry, but that didn't work. This
is hard to diagnose -- I don't have any idea how close this comes to
Lee Allen
Leadtec Systems, Inc.
To unsubscrib
quired :0 or :2.
This was against a Linux server, not W2K.
Lee Allen
Leadtec Systems, Inc.
- Original Message -
From: "Will Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Vnc-List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 8:51 PM
Subject: VNC with Cisco
t the screen contents. Likewise it must generate keyboard and
mouse signals.
-Lee Allen
To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line:
'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY
See also:
> It's already done in Europe ... ;-)
As I understand the original post, this is not at all what is desired.
-Lee Allen
To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECT
), monitor.
It has received good reviews. I have my first unit on order.
-Lee Allen
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 11:05 AM
Subject: Hardware VNC / Redux
> >From an earlier
and set the resolution to 800 x
600 or 1024 x 768 resolution with 65,536 colors.
-Lee Allen
To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line:
'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY
See also:
of having a rough or ragged edge.
Lee Allen
Leadtec Systems, Inc.
To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line:
'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY
See also:
k. Hard disk is not needed and is not supported.
I made some slight modifications to the stock CD so it automatically starts
VNC and gets the VNC host IP address from a file in flash memory. I would
be glad to share those modifications.
Lee Allen
'vncviewer' most definitely is included (I just evaluated one), and it is
listed on their web site:
Lee Allen
Leadtec Systems, Inc.
- Original Message -
From: "Gabor D. Kiss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
it's childs?)
Yes: Immediately after forking, the child process sets its PGID=PID. The
parent retains the PID. When Xvnc terminates, it kills everything in the
child's PGID.
Lee Allen
Leadtec Systems, Inc.
To unsub
> SNIPPED: Description of using VNC with VMWare to bridge Windows + Linux on
one computer.
That sounds like an absolutely brilliant use of VNC and a great way to
access 2 operating systems via 1 user interface on 1 computer. I may have
to buy VMWare and give this a try.
Lee Allen
ling session: there is ONLY the
-Lee Allen
To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the line:
'unsubscribe vnc-list' in the message BODY
See also:
d. I move it to where I want it and then my
application appears.
I am trying to simplify this as much as possible for end users. Is
there some way to get the X window to immediately go to the extreme
upper left?
I realize this is probably more an X question than VNC.
Thanks, that nailed it!
"Liaw, Andy" wrote:
> > I am running VNC server on Linux, vncviewer on Windows 9x. When I
> > connect, I get that ghostly, skeletal box that I must
> > position to where
> > I want the X window placed. I move it to where I want it and then my
> > application appears.
d doesn't exist, log something somewhere and go on to the next
There would have to be some sort of maintenance function to maintain
this file of user names, verify they have active user profiles in
/etc/passwd, and create the vnc password files.
So, can anyone point me to anyth
t; -ne 0 ] && break
I'll probably modify this to log any failed startups, and continue to start
up the other users.
-Lee Allen
To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list
See also:
sion "gets in trouble" somehow. I think we may need
the capability to kill and restart the session (VNC server instance and the
associated GUI application) for a specific user. With the inetd approach, I
don't think we could identify whi
e "newpass\nnewpass" | vncpasswd
It still prompts for the password, twice.
Any suggestions?
Lee Allen
Leadtec Systems, Inc.
To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list
I haven't been watching all this, but: you must open two ports for the
5800+display & 5900+display.
-Lee Allen
- Original Message -
From: ronnie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: Virgin ?
It took some experimenting but I got this to work. Thanks!
- Original Message -
From: Joseph A. Knapka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: vncpasswd & scripting
> Lee Allen wrote:
> >
> >
did you tell inetd to re-read the file?
does netstat show a LISTEN on port 5950?
Another diagnostic to try: Replace your script with something that just does
some echo's. Start a telnet client against it instead of vnc.
-Lee Allen
- Original Message -
From: Bill Taroli <[EMAIL P
e executable on the client;
installing an FTP client is not nearly as simple).
I wonder... whether it is possible to implement file transfer in such a way
that it also delivers remote printing. I think the two requirements have
significant overlap.
-Lee Allen
- Original Message -
, my xdm 'Xreset' script should shut down
the application.
Is there any way to do this?
Lee Allen
Leadtec Systems, Inc.
To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list
n between viewer and server breaks. Xvnc and
the session & application continue to run on the server, forever.
I am hoping Xvnc implements some sort of keepalive and eventually detects it
has lost communication with the viewer.
-Lee Allen
> -----Original Message-
> From: Lee Allen
> I am hoping Xvnc implements some sort of keepalive and eventually detects
> has lost communication with the viewer.
> -Lee Allen
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Lee Allen
> > Sent: 03/27/2001 1:42 PM
post that code?
I have done something very similar in a client-server function I wrote.
-Lee Allen
To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list
See also:
software for
many companies. You propose using VNC, and people would react as if you
wanted to plant hidden cameras in the bathroom stalls and listening devices
in the cafeteria.
Yes, there may be legitimate uses for this feature. But they don't merit
the risk to the reputation
This is extremely valuable information -- not just the ICA vs VNC
comparison, but, to me, the hints on optimizing performance of VNC on
different connections.
Thank you!
-Lee Allen
Mac Reiter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Having recently had to perform some fairly intensive compa
VNC is working but nothing is causing an application (X client) or window
manager to start.
You need to set up xdm.
I am also running RH 6.2 with VNC via inetd.
-Lee Allen
- Original Message -
From: Ken Steven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 0
> I'll put the entrie Agent-Viewer on sourceforge as soon as I can
Did you ever do this? If not, is there some way you could send me your
I am looking for a 'keepalive/timeout' function for VNC. In fact I am
getting a bit desperate for it!
Sorry folks, that was supposed to be sent via private email.
- Original Message -
From: Lee Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: Xvnc and timeout
> > I'll put the entrie Agent-Viewer on sourceforge a
stem. You could have 100 different
internal numbers (extensions) but only 1 phone line.
-Lee Allen
> At 12:36 PM 5/17/2001 -0500, you wrote:
> >Jan,
> >
> >>But: how can I connect to my office network? I have 3 computers,
> >>permanently connected with ethernetcar
course the colon must be preceded by
the real, dynamic IP address.
FYI, this procedure is not unique to VNC. This would be the case if you
wanted to Telnet into those boxes, or FTP, or access them as web servers, or
almost anything else.
-Lee Allen
- Original Message -
t; Any suggestions?
It appears the problem is with xdm. Some things to check:
Check your xdm error log.
You say "Xdm is running". Is it really? Can you see the process?
What init mode is Linux running in (3,5) ? Is inittab configured to start
xdm in this mode?
What does you
ging it from :2
to :2.0, and how do I stop it?
Many thanks.
-Lee Allen
To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list
See also:
I'll bite:
What is this for, what does it do? I mean, is it a fix for WinVNC on W2K,
or is it something else?
Where does one get it?
Lee Allen
Leadtec Systems, a division of CGS
- Original Message -
From: "De Vos Rudi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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