Thanks, that nailed it!
"Liaw, Andy" wrote:
> > I am running VNC server on Linux, vncviewer on Windows 9x. When I
> > connect, I get that ghostly, skeletal box that I must
> > position to where
> > I want the X window placed. I move it to where I want it and then my
> > application appears.
> >
> > I am trying to simplify this as much as possible for end users. Is
> > there some way to get the X window to immediately go to the extreme
> > upper left?
> >
> > I realize this is probably more an X question than VNC.
> Not exactly. This has to do with the window manager in X. Some (most?)
> window managers have a resource/setting/option called window placement
> policy. In your case the default must be something like "ask", which
> lets the user place the window. Other possible settings are "random"
> or even "smart". If you are using twm (as the vncserver script calls
> by default), check the man pages for twm.
> As you can tell by now, this is window manager specific, and not a
> whole lot to do with X per se.
> Andy
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