>I would like to access an XVnc server on a UNIX machine from a
>Macintosh (either Mac OS 9 or X). I am using VNC Viewer PPC under
>Mac OS 9.1 and I have overcome the dead-key issue by using a
>modified Macintosh keyboard layout, but still I have two problems:
>(1) I would like MacX-style ke
>I'm new to VNC. Is it possible with key mapping to disable a VNC client
>computer's modifier keys? If I'm controlling a Mac with a Mac and try to use
>a Command-char, Option-char, or Option-char combo, it will issue the command
>to the VNC Server running on the local client, not to the host. Timb
>I just started up with VNC a few days ago. I've tried AT&T's VNCServer for
>Mac PPC 3.3.3b2 and ChromiVNC Server FAT 3.4.0a5 for Mac and they're both
>buggy as hell. Both implementations freeze the host Mac frequently. I've
>tried increasing memory allocation. I'm concurrently running Timbuktu 5.
>I installed VNCThing and tried it. Same problem. The checkbox in Options,
>"Release Modifiers", doesn't seem to do anything. For example, if I'm in the
>Finder and issue Command-N (new folder), VNCThing's New Session window pops
>up on my client Mac. Am I unclear on the concept? Timbuktu makes it
>Last couple days, I've encountered less crashing/freezing of ChromiVNC
>server (OS 9.1) and more of this: a sudden disconnect and inablility to
>reconnect with server. When I physically go to the server, I find that the
>Mac's mouse click has not been released. Clicking on the server's mouse
>I forgot to mention that the mouse-down release problem described below goes
>away as soon as I quit ChromiVNC Server FAT. No need to reboot. - RCS
How about when you disconnect the client? The server shouldn't be
doing anything with the mouse when there isn't any client connected.
It also s
>Does it with no client connected.
Does it also do that with the original vncPatches (from ChromiVNC
from: Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (not for attachments)
website: http://www.chr
>I'm interested in using VNC for a proprietary project.
>My question is can I write a VNC client from scratch
>using the rfb protocol document under a non GPL license?
>I would not package the GPL server with the client but
>simply link to the Server. I havent read anything reguarding
>>Is VNC compatible with Mac OS 9.1?
>>I cannot configure the viewer. When I click on the Options button, the
>>dialog box closes. I cannot make any of the option choices shown in the
>>documentation. (I also can't make a connection, but that's another matter.)
>Works fine with 9.1, get Ch
>I'd like to see all the other encodings documented, including
>the Tridia ones.
I'm already working on this, and it'll go up on my site when I've
caught up with the original ORL documentation. From that point, I'll
add new information as I get hold of and understand it sufficiently.
Bonus po
>We already use RFB version 4.x in some of our projects. We're now developing
>version 5.0 of the protocol which is a substantial change from the version 3
>protocols. It would be good to coordinate over what version number you choose
>for your new protocol so that we don't release incompatible
>following are the servers that I know of:
>1) the AT&T server at
> http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/download.html
>2) the "Chromatix" alternative server at
> http://wrench.et.ic.ac.uk/adrian/software/vnc/ or
> http://www.chromatix.uklinux.net/vnc/
>3) the Mac OS X
>Not sure who to tell this to but all the VNC messages coming in are being
>blocked by ORBS and referred to me as postmaster. I presume the mail server
>hosting this list isn't supposed to be on the ORBS block list.
The ORBS list is defunct. The blockages are from one of the
nameservers which i
>I'm on a Mac with a 2 button mouse, and I am connected to a PC. I would like
>to be able to use my second mouse button on my Mac as I would on the PC, can
>someone tell me the command to put in the key mapping dialog? I can't seem
>to get it to work!
For starters, go to http://www.webthing.net/v
> > For example, if the Windows Key could be mapped to the Command Key
>> on a Mac
>As far as I'm aware, that should happen for ChromiVNC Server.
>I have to admit that I've never tried this (since I don't go near any form
>of Windows OS as a general rule), but provided that the
>If I try and do anything even slightly compilcated (dragging of
>multiple files) it causses my mac to crash.
This weird interaction with the Drag Manager is a known problem in my
vncPatches, which is fixed by Adrian Umpleby's vncPatches68k. You
will find a link to his website in the ChromiVN
>Greg Breland's message about how TightVNC could perform worse than VNC
>got me thinking...
>It would be nice if TightVNC (and VNC in general, for that matter),
>could have a "best" encoding option. Assuming that you can get some
>round-trip timing information, then you could dynamically determi
>However when I tried the web interface, it is just not their.
>the application claims it is... HELP
Please read the ReadMe file that comes with ChromiVNC. It explains
what is needed to get the HTTP server running at present. I hope to
make it much easier to use in a future release, but
>I am looking for the latest beta of release of VNC where i can set the
>display/port number. Thank you !
See the URL in my signature.
from: Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (not for attachments)
>VNC Password Auto-Entry Mac68k???
>I'm using a Macintosh 68K Powerbook 540
>with touch panel as a front end for my
>home automation network.
>Problem is the password. I have no keyboard
>to enter the password. Is there a way to make the
>Macintosh 68K version of VNC start without entering
>Unfortunately, VNCthing requires OS8.1
>I'm using Mac OS7.5.5 Not sure if this is the latest the
>powerbook will run, but it is the latest I could find for free.
>Guess I should have mentioned that I'm looking for a free
>solution. VNC is free, shouldn't have to pay for a way to
>start it.
>I have a version of VNC viewer (my own code) that I know runs on OSes as
>old as 7.6.1. If you find that it has bugs on 7.5.x, let me know, I will
>try to fix them for you.
>you can find it at:
>it does require open transport.
>it does create "sessi
>I don't have any copies of MacVNC up and didn't keep any around, sorry.
>I could probably retrieve an old copy of the source from Voodoo if
>anyone's interested, but you're also going to need an old copy of
>CodeWarrior to get it to build.
I think I've still got at least a binary copy on my Quad
>> >I would really like to know if anyone else has had strange problems
>> >with VNC viewers under OSX.
>Been using VNCThing since the OSX Public Beta days. Never had a
>problem. Right now I'm using OSX.0.4 and run VNCThing all the
>time, connecting to PC's running all flavors of Windows
>I have a little network behind a cable modem router at the CEO's home,
>consisting of workstations of various platforms. I need from time to time
>to connect to one or the other of these machines from work, so I have
>installed VNC on each of these machines. As the cable modem is a single IP
> would like to know how come VNC is not used for connecting from =
>windows machine to windows machine just like pcanywhere? is there any =
>chance that future version will be able to do that?
You must be confused. It *is* used like that.
> >From what I can tell it certainly looks as though the Pro version is not
>free to install and use after the 30-day evaluation period.
>Refer to the following quote from the TridiaVNC Pro Price List at
>"TridiaVNC Pro Media Kit Includes print
Just to nip something else:
The OpenSSL toolkit is licensed under an Apache-style
licence, which basically means that you are free to get and use it for
commercial and non-commercial purposes subject to some simple license
So, even though TVNC Pro inclu
>I have installed the VNC PPC Mac server on a few of our G4s but when I
>connect to them all I get is a black screen. One of the Macs is beside me
>and I can see the pointer moving on the server screen but cannot see
>anything on my viewer. I did manage to see the desktop briefly this morning
>I just downloaded the VNC version for the Macintosh and it works
>great. I just need to find out how to emulate a right mouse-click
>with the one-button Macintosh mouse. Anybody has an idea?
VNCThing will let you choose a modifier key to use for each mouse bu
>Has anyone had any success running a VNC server with the Energy Saver
>control panel (which puts Mac to sleep) on a Macintosh? I'd like to put my
>Mac to sleep and have it wake up when I access it with VNC. I tried setting
>the Energy Saver to wake up on LAN activity, but it wakes up immediately
>Does running VNC on a Unix box eats up the CPU time?
Depends on what you're using it for, and whether you're logged into
it. If you're not logged in and you have nothing drawing into the
server framebuffer, it won't take any CPU. If you're logged in and
have a big animation going, of course
>I am running Red Hat 7.1 and tried to modify the xstartup file so that it
>would load KDE. But it failed miserably always crashing.
>Am I doing something wrong or is KDE incompatible with this or what is the
>problem that I am having? What am I doing wrong...
You need to start Xvnc with "-
>We are testing several remote control programs, to replace an outdated (non
>W2K compliant) program we are using nowadays on our helpdesk (Reachout).
>The program is used to help our end-users when they have problems with their
>desktop applications
>VNC seems an ideal candidate, but we ran i
>I'm new to the list, but I have been using VNC for a few years now
>on several platforms.
>On an NT4.0 system Sophos Anit-Virus reports that W32/Hybris-B was
>detected in vncviewer.exe. This is reported as soon as the file
>vnc-3_3_3r9_x86_win32.zip is unzipped. I saw the virus notes in
>I hope you can help me with this one. Is there a tool I could use to
>make a presentation of a programm, when programm is not available
>where I have to do the presentation.
>Is there any tool that allows me to prepare the presentation on e.g. hardisk?
>This includes the video output with m
Can someone remind me which of the available VNC clients have
JPEG-encoding support? I'm trying to test something. Details of how
the encoding is expected would be handy, too.
from: Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
>I then select 1 of the Xservers from the list and select "ok".
>The vncviewer then exits. ( This is strange to me why???)
>I then connect back to the CHOOSER machine and the machine then connects me to
>the Xserver that I had chosen on the first connection from the list.
If the server's reso
>That would be Tight VNC. Detailed explanation of encoding probably best
>left to Const Kaplinsky...
Looking at the TightVNC source, it seems that JPEG is implemented as
a subencoding of TightVNC, rather than as something separate. Still,
it may be usable for what I have in mind.
More detail
> > Is the slowdown that results from SSH caused by 1) an increase in
>the amount
>> of data sent between the two endpoints of the secure tunnel or is the
>> slowdown caused by 2) just the additional computation necessary to
>> and decrypt the data stream?
>Rather than ask the questi
>If anyone sees this message, could you please reply?
>I don't think I'm getting through.
It's getting through all right. Make sure you're subscribed properly
(CC'ed to make sure he gets this). If you get two copies of this
message, you're subscribed - otherwise not.
>The reason is, that I have to control the Mac from a Linux Box. This can
>be very
>nicely achieved by the progs rfbmacro and rfbproxy by Tim Waugh. Both
>do not yet support auth.
See the URL in my signature - ChromiVNC can operate without a
password, if you simply leave both password f
>I'm using vnc and if i want to print out something from the program i am in
>it only gives me the option for my work printers how do i print to my home
You have to move the file onto the computer with the printer on it.
VNC doesn't provide direct support for this, but you could FTP it
>Wow. I didn't even know Crapintoshes could do NAT...
That's what IPNetRouter is for. And please don't insult Macs.
>But more to the
>point, can't you just block all outsiders from ports 5800-5999? Those
>are the ports VNC uses.
That's probably the best idea. I don't recall whether IPNR will
> > And please don't insult Macs.
>Why shouldn't I? I use one every day, and believe me, if I could, I'd
>throw that POS right out the window!
Strange, I have four of them and want more.
> > BT! Wrong! Well, right if you were only using the AT&T server.
>> But ChromiVNC is a *lot* mo
>We're running a VNC server on Solaris. For shared connections we'd
>like to disable the remote user's mouse and keyboard...an option we
>see is available with the Window VNC. Does anyone know how to do
There was a patch to Xvnc available which allowed a separate
"view-only password".
>I will be away for 10 days at New Year's and still need
>to access all the systems for routine maintenance. I will
>be thousands of miles away. I will be using a friend's
>Mac OS 8.6.
Don't forget to turn off RRE encoding in this viewer, it tends to
mess thing
>I'm still lost in finding a VNC for this setup (see subject). Any
Compile Xvnc for Linux. If that doesn't work, it's a bug - report it.
from: Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (not for attach
>I discovered VNC in a MacAddict Article "10 Things You Don't Know
>How to Do (and Probably Shouldn't)", and it worked great under Mac
>OS 8.6. However, Mac OS 9 is out, and has been for sometime. When I
>went to OS 9, the program upon connection, with the right settings,
>before it asks for t
>I am connecting to a Mac from Windows. I need for the desktop picture
>to NOT display since it is really slow. Is there anyway to disable it
>(so it doesn't pass the 1024x768 jpg over the network)?
Yes. Open the Appearance control panel, go to the Desktop tab, click
on the offending picture an
>What I want to ask is if there is a way to password protect the ability to
>change the server password? I've got it installed on my mother-in-law's
>Win98 PC (as a service) and my brother-in-law keeps changing the password so
>he can get into her computer.
There isn't a "password protection" on
>>It's a long-standing bug, one of many. See the URL in my signature
>>for a fix.
>The link is dead.
Sorry about that, unbeknownst to me my ISP was moving servers at the
time, including the one hosting my website. It came back again about
an hour or two later.
>Thank you, I tried now to connect at linux server from another port, but
>with the same result.
>The interesting thing is that while 'ssh -R' tunnel is established vnc
>viewer does not return any messages, but when I close the tunnel it
>immediatesy tell to the consol I started it from that VNC s
> > That might be a DNS-reverse-lookup problem. Leave it for a few
> > minutes and see if it completes the connection.
>Hi Jonatan, will you please instruct me in details what should I do
>and what may be the source of such DNS-reverse-lookup check which
>failed, - VNC server, viewer or ssh
> > I waited several hours, but nothing happened. Is there
>> anybody succeded in
>> connecting to VNC server through the tunnel, organized by
>> "ssh -R" option?
>It works. But my experience is that when "ssh -R" is used with sshd on linux
>(at least OpenSSH), then sshd listens only on 127.
>This cute lil' PDA is sort of an orphan now. It runs Linux. It runs X.
>It supports 4-bit gray scale It has a 3" screen. It runs on two AA
>batteries. It has a serial port. Has anybody put either VNC server or a
>VNC viewer on this puppy?
If it runs Linux and X, and has a network connection, I s
>My problem is that there appears to be 2 separate screens which are being
>handled and presented by the vncserver. I can open up an xterm window, add
>Xeyes, etc. and then work with a program which uses multiple windows on
>screen (dia or fetchmailconf).
>When I am in the middle of doing someth
>What in the min Connection Speed VNC needs
There is no hard minimum. However, you will find performance
degrades on very slow connections, or on slow connections when
complex graphics are being viewed.
Some people use VNC from PDAs with 9600 baud connections. An
average-sized desktop shoul
> >> There's an extension backend, but you still have to run the VNC Server
>>> application frontend don't you?
>> No, the first version of ORL/ATT's Mac server was a pure extension,
>> there was a control panel to configure it but that was not necessary
>> to run (after configuration).
> >>> I'm trying to implement VNC on a few MacOS 8.5 computers I
>have, but don't
want there to be any "evidence" per se of VNC's presence. I'd like to use
the computers without VNC having to be in the list of running applications
and no UI whatsoever.
Any ideas?
>I'm running a number of vncservers on a host.
>Is there a way to specify which one I want
>for a reverse connection? Thanks.
What platform?
from: Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (not for attachments
>Slashdot.org, circa 2006:
>Microsoft announced today the release of Windows PUO (the PU stands for
>Pay Us Often.) It is most notable for its vastly simplified license
>agreement - the new release ships with a short 500-page EULA that is
>rumored to require only one new license to be purchased
>It's perfectly understandable that you don't want your project used as
>"spyware". I simply want to use it between a few computers of mine. My macs
>are at a 640x480 resolution so *any* less bit of screen clutter would be the
>best... I shouldn't have used phrases such as "don't want any evidence
>Well, since TightVNC is based on VNC code, it has to be GPL. What I was
>really asking is, are there any pitfalls in using Unix or Windows C code
>on a Mac? Also, are there any free compilers for the Mac?
Personally, I recommend working with Dair Grant and his VNCThing
viewer rather than the AT
>If you run a TightVNC server that uses extra
>compression over the protocol, how can a
>non-TightVNC viewer understand it?
The viewer fails to send the indication that it understands Tight
encoding (which is correct - it doesn't), and so the server simply
doesn't send it.
>I thought you had t
>Does someone know, why RFB which is not fixed message size protocol (when it
>comes to screen updates) is not defined the Following way:
>[CARD32 MessageSize]
>Why the protocol does not contain a Message Size field as the 1st member?
Lack of foresight, probably. The
>Ahm, can we change it?, I mean it's not SUCH a big change and I'm sure that
>all of us will support it. And we can always maintain backward
How? Think about all the massive set of software already using the old system.
Don't answer that. I've already thought of a way that does
>Alex - Changing the NIC solved the problem. The old one was an ancient
>AT-1500T running at 10Mhz half duplex. We put in a newer card and
>nailed it up at 100Mhz/half duplex.
>We did have the switch port fixed 10/half - we've experienced too many
>problems with auto-negotiation in the past.
>I remember a tool called KeepItUp
>that ran in the background on the Mac and was tied to certain apps. When you
>tried to close an app that was monitored, KeepItUp would prevent it from
This looks like the solution most people actually need, provided the
tool still exists and works c
> I'm attempting to convince my IT dept. that I need VNC to run on the
>Macs in my labs. Basically, VNC allows me and my staff to assist our
>clients remotely, which is a huge blessing because our labs are spread all
>over campus, so we're not always physically in position to help our clients
>I just tried setting up a Mac PPC Viewer on a Mac OS 8.5 system running
>Open Transport 2.0.1. When attempting to connect I immediately get
>OTOptionManagement fails f3a0 kOTStateChangeErr - State
>is changing - try again later
This is a known problem with the AT&T viewer.
>I'm VNCing to a Windows machine from a Mac, and can't find a way of
>sending right-clicks.
>Can anyone enlighten me?
from: Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (not fo
>So in sum -- VNCThing and a two button mouse was a
>simple solution that was non-invasive to my friend's
>machine. I recommend you try that. I also got some
>helpful and prompt support from Jonathan Morton on this
>list who I believe is the developer.
I'm not the d
> This thread is turning good. ;) It's all in good spirit.
>I'm sure the *NIX guys are saying "'common, what's all this scanner
>fuss about, we have NMAP!" ;) We Windowz users like a GUI for
What, you mean like NmapFE? ;)
(so he says from his swanky new MacOS X installa
>If you maintain a version of VNC that includes zlib in the viewer or
>server, please get back to me if you are affected, and what plans you
>have to go to zlib version 1.1.4 or the fixed version of zlib from
ChromiVNC does not yet implement the Zlib
>Apple does not seem to have made any comment about Classic Mac OS.
>(Do apps have to include their own zlib if used in Classic, just as
>VNCThing has?)
As far as I can tell, all Classic applications that use Zlib are
statically linked with it, except for a few which include a dynamic
library w
>Depends on your malloc() implementation. The thing that causes the bug
>to appear is an input stream constructed *just* *so*, and that *is*
>platform independent as the inflate input stream is the same regardless
>of platform. Bad things happen when malloc()/free() from libc is also
>faulty or fa
>The prerequisites required to allow this exploit are:
...or a rogue server that is imitating a known server. Man in the
middle attack is therefore possible.
from: Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
>Sure it's possible to authenticate against a nasty server if they have
>discovered your password.
A rogue server could ask for a password, send a challenge, and then
ignore the response and just let you in, and then set up the exploit
on the viewer. It wouldn't even need to send you through t
>I would like to use VNC to connect to my old Mac (Performa 6400). I want
>to connect them using AppleTalk through the serial (printer) port.
>So here are two questions:
>1. Would the bandwidth be enough to have a
>reasonable working connection with the server running at the lowest
>resolution (
> > ivisit running, the ivisit webcam images on the client window do not
> > refresh unless one of the mouse buttons on the client are pushed.
Turn on some of the Polling options in the server preferences.
from: Jonathan "C
>When I use VNC to access the TV computer it works fine but the
>window that shows the video signal is black.
That's because TV cards normally use an "overlay" mode to boost
performance and free the CPU. The TV signal never reaches the video
card's framebuffer where VNC can see it, but is ins
>Is this simply because that the video in application is a
>hardware solution, or do other graphical systems bypass VNC?
It's mostly restricted to video. However, some early 3D cards
(specifically the 3dfx Voodoo and Voodoo2) attached inline with the
existing video adapter, and would also show
>My dsl connection changes ip# every 12 hours from the ISP (Bellsouth Fast
>Access). Is there a way I can have the new IP# sent to me when it changes or
>some type of software that does this ?
from: Jon
>Anyone else able to shed some light on what's in vogue for Mac telnet
>clients? My last use of telnet from a Mac was NCSA's telnet client back in
I use BetterTelnet (based on NCSA Telnet), unless I want SSH. For
the latter, I use NiftyTelnet with SSH support added.
>Does anybody know something about macosx (or 9.x) vnc server which
>supports multiple monitors (screens)??
ChromiVNC will do this under MacOS 7.5.5 or later - it will assign a
display node for each monitor - but is not quite suitable for MacOS
X. I don't know whether OSXvnc will handle it.
>The advisory is looking pretty solid, and I'll be posting it in some 24
>hours from now to Bugtraq. Please check out the release candidate for
>any last minute errors, omissions etc.
Tiny niggle... my name is spelled incorrectly. :)
>yea, it did work before that.. but i hate the onboard sound, it
>really is horrible. and i just bought all these new speakers and a
>new card, it cant be the card becuase i already went through 2. soo
>it has to be software.
Sometimes this problem appears on certain m/boards, especially
>I got around it by installing the previous version (beta 2) on another
>machine and configing via that, and then just copied the prefs file to my
>VNC server machine running beta 3. It seems to have worked that way (I
>can now make my changes via the VNC control panel and save them
>>>Is it practical to build ChromiVNC Server using MPW?
>>As far as I'm aware (Jonathan will give you 100% answer here),
>>it requires the Powerplant framework (Metrowerks CodeWarrior).
>>I don't know if it's possible to download and use these classes these
>>days without CodeWarrior itself.
>The Chromatix version will not unstuff into a folder of files at all.
As described on my website, you probably need the latest version of
StuffIt Expander from http://www.aladdinsys.com/ to unpack ChromiVNC.
from: Jonathan
> >I find it a lot more stable than AT&T VNC, even though it does have a few
>>"oddities" of its own...
>I glanced that direction before I installed the AT&T version, but since
>the last update of Chromi was almost a year ago, and it is listed as
>alpha, I figured it was probably really unstabl
> >I glanced that direction before I installed the AT&T version, but since
>>the last update of Chromi was almost a year ago, and it is listed as
>>alpha, I figured it was probably really unstable and mostly unsupported.
>Well, Jonathan usually keeps an eye on this list and is often quite
>I remember Jonathan mentioning to me that he thought it was better
>for the client to have the whole display at its end, even if it was
>not all needed, so it was ready for the case when it scrolled into
>view (or something like that...)
I was having particular trouble with certain viewers, whic
>What's the current status of VNC for the Mac? What different versions are
>out there, how well do they work, etc.? I'm currently trying to use the
>basic one linked off the main vnc page, but it crashes every time I log
Yes, the basic AT&T server (all available versions) is extremely buggy.
>Is the performance of ChromiVNC decent on the older Macs?
The oldest machine I've personally tested it on is a Quadra 840AV, on
which it is a little slow, but still very usable provided you don't
put continuous-tone images on the screen.
Adrian has tested it on an '030, which is obviously muc
>I just installed ChromiVNC under OS 9.2.2, and the applet isn't working.
Could that be because ChromiVNC does not include the Java applet on
it's own? It does include a webserver which you can attach the
applet to.
This *is* explained in the Read Me file that comes with ChromiVNC.
>On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, Jonathan Morton wrote:
>> >I just installed ChromiVNC under OS 9.2.2, and the applet isn't working.
>> Could that be because ChromiVNC does not include the Java applet on
>> it's own? It does include a webserver which yo
> > It is a separate file in the Xvnc distribution, so you can get it
>> from there. Bear in mind that you'll have to edit the HTML file to
>> remove the "dynamic" portions, since ChromiVNC's webserver doesn't
>> yet have any dynamic features. But maybe someone has already put
>> together s
>I see a page with the title I specified, with "applet loading", reloading,
>running, etc. in the status bar. If I use the correct XHTML code I tried
>before, I even see a frame around where the applet goes, droawn at the
>correct size. What I don't see is the buttons or the name and password
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