>  > Is the slowdown that results from SSH caused by 1) an increase in
>the amount
>>  of data sent between the two endpoints of the secure tunnel or is the
>>  slowdown caused by 2) just the additional computation necessary to
>>  and decrypt the data stream?
>Rather than ask the question like that, spin it around.
>Given a fixed bandwidth connection, is it possible that some protocol
>will not fit through the connection?  The answer is always yes.
>As protocol overhead approaches channel bandwidth, what happens?
>The answer varies quite strongly on the combination of prototcols.
>Recall that for a dial-up connection, you are typically running IP on
>the raw layer, TCP on that, PPP on that, then perhaps a VPN on that,
>perhaps with SSL on that, then VNC on top, and finally the user is doing

Swap IP for PPP.  PPP runs on the raw layer, IP on top of that, any
VPN goes here followed by another IP layer, TCP on top of that, SSL
on that followed by VNC.  Please, don't mangle the OSI stack any more
than BSD already has.

>One keystroke or mouse movement results in a cascade of ever-expanding
>encapsulations.  Think about running in 300 baud.  Could the SSL ever
>get a complete ACK within its timer if there were a few dozen retries
>at the TCP level?  No, not in any reasonable time.
>If all the protocols are stateless, response time can go to infinity,
>and everthing is still correct.  For example, try runnig NFS over PPP
>on a noisy, slow line -- write speed of 1 byte per minute is perfectly

Only if the line is *extremely* bad.  You're talking pathelogical
conditions which no sane user would even attempt to run graphical,
interactive applications over.  And yes, NFS is designed to work with
unreliable links, and will tend to do the Right Thing when things go
wrong - it's not expected to perform well in those circumstances.

>One "wild" idea I have is to run VNC on UDP (like FTP and NFS) instead
>of on TCP.  Yes, this would be a major, perhaps impossible, change.
>For low bandwidth connections, it would be winner.

FTP does not run on UDP.  I don't think NFS does either.  You forget
that UDP stands for Unreliable Datagram Protocol, and RFB *requires*
reliable transport.  If you look closely at the RFB specification,
you will notice that there is no defined way to locate the beginning
of a message, unless you can follow the entire stream up to that
point (you can guess, but that is also unreliable).  The messages can
be (and usually are) bigger than any UDP packet, so you can't use a
packet boundary as a marker.

Additionally, the whole premise is based on the server knowing which
parts of the screen have arrived at the client, or are at least on
their way - again, only possible with a reliable transport such as
TCP.  If your packet loss was high enough for UDP to be a significant
performance gain, the end user would only see bits of the screen, or
you'd have to send so much redundant data that it'd be a net loss.
TCP will, in general, only retransmit packets that have actually been
lost in transit, and is thus extremely efficient as a reliable stream

To overcome the difficulties in the previous two paragraphs, you'd
practically have to re-implement TCP.  Reinventing the wheel is a Bad
Thing.  Also, it'd make you incompatible with existing VNC
implementations, which is highly unlikely to win you many supporters.

from:     Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (not for attachments)
website:  http://www.chromatix.uklinux.net/vnc/
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           V? PS PE- Y+ PGP++ t- 5- X- R !tv b++ DI+++ D G e+ h+ r++ y+(*)
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