RE: List clients

2001-06-27 Thread Steve Palocz
Sure, netstat -na at the command prompt. Steve -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of LAFRANCE Richard -IT INFRSTRC Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 5:57 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: List clients Is there a way a user at the host can determin

Re: List clients

2001-06-27 Thread Michael Duck
You might check out It might be what you are looking for. Michael M. Duck Telemetry Systems Networking Tuolumne Utilities District Sonora, California - Original Message - From: "LAFRANCE Richard -IT INFRSTRC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROT

Re: Passing arguments from /etc/sysconfig/vncservers

2001-06-27 Thread Tim Waugh
On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 07:09:00PM -0400, Mark Miksis wrote: > When using the vnc-server package that comes with RH 7.1, is there a way to > put arguments such as -depth or -geometry in the entries in the vncservers > file? Do I have to edit /etc/init.d/vncserver instead? Is there another > rec

Re: Xvnc screensaver

2001-06-27 Thread a . umpleby
> which window manager are you using? I don't think it is associated with the window manager. If I kill the window manager (or 'workspace manager' as they call it on these alpha boxes - it's dtsession running dtwm) it still does it after the obligatory 15 minutes. > I don't have that probl

Re: Clipboard transfer between Macs

2001-06-27 Thread Dair Grant
Jonathan Morton wrote: >Unfortunately, that's an unimplemented feature in ChromiVNC for the >time being. I can add it to my TO-DO list if it's a >commonly-requested feature... Also, I think a number of Mac clients >don't handle the Clipboard yet either, It should be supported in my VNCThing vi

RE: Xvnc screensaver

2001-06-27 Thread Jeff Walker
I am using xvnc on OSF4/Alpha and sparc/solaris boxes. I don't see any sort of screen saver. I would think that dtsession might do that. To reinforce that hunch, we don't run any session manager, so that may be why I don't have that problem. HTH -- Jeff Walker MatchLogic, I

Re: Zone Alarm and VNC problem on Win98

2001-06-27 Thread Steve Godfrey
You need to add the subnet you are trying to connect from into ZoneAlarm on the 98 PC. >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/26/01 01:27pm >>> I have a Windows 98 machine running Zone Alarm and VNC (both are the most current versions). When I attempt to login at the local machine (at the Microsoft Networking

CPU usage and WinVNC 3.3.3r9

2001-06-27 Thread Ricky L. Stiles
Could someone possibly help me out? I have winvnc v3.3.3r9 running on two NT 4.x servers as a service. On one of the servers, if I use the winvnc client to connect to it and open up task manager, the cpu usage shows about 8 - 12%. If I connect to the other server and open up task manager, the c

LockSetting in Registry

2001-06-27 Thread Spencer, John
I am having a heck of a time getting this locksetting to logout users when they disconnect vnc from a server. I don't see the username in hklm\software\ORL\winvnc3\ to add the DWORD AllowProperties and set it 1. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have been able to get all the other advanced

RE: PC-Anywhere

2001-06-27 Thread Michael Milette
At 08:50 AM 2001-06-27 -0400, you wrote: >Is there a good reason NT authentication couldn't be added to the Windows NT >VNC server? This seems like a pretty good idea. See by Jared Smolens. There you will find the WinVNC NT Auth Patches to 3.3.2R6. Au

Macintosh Keyboard/Mouse mappings

2001-06-27 Thread David Morley
I would like to access an XVnc server on a UNIX machine from a Macintosh (either Mac OS 9 or X). I am using VNC Viewer PPC under Mac OS 9.1 and I have overcome the dead-key issue by using a modified Macintosh keyboard layout, but still I have two problems: (1) I would like MacX-style key bind

New list to discuss efforts to add security to VNC

2001-06-27 Thread Bryan A. Pendleton
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 I have created a list to be used by anyone interested in participating in the effort to secure VNC. We've begun discussion approaches to accomplish this, and goals. If you're intersted, please feel free to subscribe. Here are the details: - --- To

WinVNC 3.3.3 R9 Using alot of CPU Time

2001-06-27 Thread Nick Fisher
Hi, I have WinVNC 3.3.3 R9 running on a server (Win2k) and it's using a huge ammount of CPU (60-90%) even when it's not connected. I find this a bit odd and I'd love to know if anyone has any ideas. I thought that it might be one of the VNC cracking tools that I've seen around but surely V

RE: LockSetting in Registry

2001-06-27 Thread Steve Palocz
Just add the username as a key. (lock doesn't work but I have had no problem with logoff). Steve -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Spencer, John Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 12:44 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: LockSetting in Registry

RE: VNC used in a commerical product..

2001-06-27 Thread Mel Chandler PMI
I couldn't find where it says it is using or going to be using vnc. Mel L. Chandler, A+, Network+, MCNE, MCDBA, MCSE+I, CCNA [EMAIL PROTECTED] Network Analyst Information Services PMI Delta Dental (562) 467-6627 === = not many animals were harmed in = =the mak

Re: Macintosh Keyboard/Mouse mappings

2001-06-27 Thread Jonathan Morton
>I would like to access an XVnc server on a UNIX machine from a >Macintosh (either Mac OS 9 or X). I am using VNC Viewer PPC under >Mac OS 9.1 and I have overcome the dead-key issue by using a >modified Macintosh keyboard layout, but still I have two problems: > >(1) I would like MacX-style ke

Errors Installing WinVNC Service

2001-06-27 Thread Diane Lewis
I ran the Install VNC Service on our NT 4 server and it says it installed it. I go to Services and try to start the service and I get error 0005. The Event Viewer has an error entry: The VNC Server service failed to start due to the following error: Access is denied. EventID: 7000, Source: Serv

IRIX 6.5 Build

2001-06-27 Thread Ellis Golub
Hi -- There have been several inquiries on the list about how to build vnc on SGI's running IRIX 6.5. Recently, I was able to successfully build VNC 3.3.3r2 by making the following modifications to the source files: 1) in vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/hw/vnc: edit Imakefile. Find the line:

RE: Errors Installing WinVNC Service

2001-06-27 Thread Steve Palocz
Check permissions on the vnc files/folder (c:\program files\orl\winvnc). You must install as administrator. Steve -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Diane Lewis Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 1:59 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Errors Ins

Re: Socket errors

2001-06-27 Thread Ellis Golub
Brandon -- I got similar behavior on my SGI. My workaround is to edit vncserver as follows: #if (-e "/tmp/.X11-unix/X$displayNumber") { #$ENV{DISPLAY}= ":$displayNumber"; #} else { $ENV{DISPLAY}= "$host:$displayNumber"; #} By commenting out the if-else locution and leaving the line:

Re: Clipboard transfer between MACs

2001-06-27 Thread Richard Schletty
I also weigh a file transfer capability more heavily than the clipboard transfer. I've been using Timbuktu for years -- its Exchange feature has a very basic interface (only a single column listing files alphabetically) but is very robust. An essential element is its Find function. TB2 for Mac has

Disabling client computer's modifier keys

2001-06-27 Thread Richard Schletty
I'm new to VNC. Is it possible with key mapping to disable a VNC client computer's modifier keys? If I'm controlling a Mac with a Mac and try to use a Command-char, Option-char, or Option-char combo, it will issue the command to the VNC Server running on the local client, not to the host. Timbuktu


2001-06-27 Thread Matt Keyes
Is there a way to show, for instance, a 1024x768 size VNC client off a server? Can this be done even if the server itself cannot handle (i.e. a weaker video card)? I've tried resizing via the startup file, but it never seems to fit inside the client window. I've got a Linux VNC server and the c

Re: Macintosh Keyboard/Mouse mappings

2001-06-27 Thread David Morley
At 9:52 AM -0700 6/27/01, David Morley wrote: > >I would like to access an XVnc server on a UNIX machine from a Macintosh (either Mac >OS 9 or X). I am using VNC Viewer PPC under Mac OS 9.1 and I have overcome the >dead-key issue by using a modified Macintosh keyboard layout, but still I have t

Re: Disabling client computer's modifier keys

2001-06-27 Thread Jonathan Morton
>I'm new to VNC. Is it possible with key mapping to disable a VNC client >computer's modifier keys? If I'm controlling a Mac with a Mac and try to use >a Command-char, Option-char, or Option-char combo, it will issue the command >to the VNC Server running on the local client, not to the host. Timb

RE: Errors Installing WinVNC Service

2001-06-27 Thread Diane Lewis
Steve, Administrator has full control already. It was installed using the Administrator logon. I noticed on my other server, the one that works, that the group Everyone has full control. I need to change that but don't want to before I determine why the other server is having the problem. It s

Stable VNC Server for Mac OS 9.x? (was Clipboard...)

2001-06-27 Thread Richard Schletty
Thanks, Dair. I hadn't run across your Mac viewer yet. I've downloaded it and will give Clipboard transfer a go. I just started up with VNC a few days ago. I've tried AT&T's VNCServer for Mac PPC 3.3.3b2 and ChromiVNC Server FAT 3.4.0a5 for Mac and they're both buggy as hell. Both implementations

Re: Resolution

2001-06-27 Thread Richard Schletty
Try making the following change to index.vnc or index.html in your Classes HTML folder: Richard Schletty Schletty Graphics Design & illustration for print & web publishing. Desktop publishing support. Network administration. Saint Paul, Minnesota [EMAIL PROTECTED] Vox 6

Re: Stable VNC Server for Mac OS 9.x? (was Clipboard...)

2001-06-27 Thread Jonathan Morton
>I just started up with VNC a few days ago. I've tried AT&T's VNCServer for >Mac PPC 3.3.3b2 and ChromiVNC Server FAT 3.4.0a5 for Mac and they're both >buggy as hell. Both implementations freeze the host Mac frequently. I've >tried increasing memory allocation. I'm concurrently running Timbuktu 5.

Re: Macintosh Keyboard/Mouse mappings

2001-06-27 Thread Dair Grant
David Morley wrote: >Unfortunately VNCThing suffers from the same problems (by the way, I >incorrectly stated that Control Shift '-' currently gives >Control-'-', it actually gives Control-Shift-downarrow) ... >So, the way I test things is to see what happens in emacs when I >press various key co

Re: Disabling client computer's modifier keys

2001-06-27 Thread Richard Schletty
I installed VNCThing and tried it. Same problem. The checkbox in Options, "Release Modifiers", doesn't seem to do anything. For example, if I'm in the Finder and issue Command-N (new folder), VNCThing's New Session window pops up on my client Mac. Am I unclear on the concept? Timbuktu makes it so

Re: Stable VNC Server for Mac OS 9.x? (was Clipboard...)

2001-06-27 Thread Richard Schletty
Last couple days, I've encountered less crashing/freezing of ChromiVNC server (OS 9.1) and more of this: a sudden disconnect and inablility to reconnect with server. When I physically go to the server, I find that the Mac's mouse click has not been released. Clicking on the server's mouse restores

Re: Disabling client computer's modifier keys

2001-06-27 Thread Jonathan Morton
>I installed VNCThing and tried it. Same problem. The checkbox in Options, >"Release Modifiers", doesn't seem to do anything. For example, if I'm in the >Finder and issue Command-N (new folder), VNCThing's New Session window pops >up on my client Mac. Am I unclear on the concept? Timbuktu makes it

Re: vnc-list-digest V1 #1182

2001-06-27 Thread Jim Millard
>You need to add the subnet you are trying to connect from into ZoneAlarm on >the 98 PC. > > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/26/01 01:27pm >>> >I have a Windows 98 machine running Zone Alarm and VNC (both are the most >current versions). When I attempt to login at the local machine (at the >Microsoft Net

Re: Stable VNC Server for Mac OS 9.x? (was Clipboard...)

2001-06-27 Thread Jonathan Morton
>Last couple days, I've encountered less crashing/freezing of ChromiVNC >server (OS 9.1) and more of this: a sudden disconnect and inablility to >reconnect with server. When I physically go to the server, I find that the >Mac's mouse click has not been released. Clicking on the server's mouse >res

RE: Errors Installing WinVNC Service

2001-06-27 Thread Steve Palocz
Diane, After reviewing more, I wonder, did you recently add anything from the original source. I get the service control manager event 7023 (service stopped due to an error) after I install the networking service and network card before reapplying sp6a. 7000 states the service could not be started

RE: Errors Installing WinVNC Service

2001-06-27 Thread Diane Lewis
Thanks Steve. We did install another NIC in the server but had a problem with it so it's disabled now. Priorities you know. I will check the sp6a aspect of it. Thanks again for your help. Diane -Original Message- From: Steve Palocz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, June 27,

Re: Stable VNC Server for Mac OS 9.x? (was Clipboard...)

2001-06-27 Thread a . umpleby
> Adrian should rename his patch from vncPatches68k to vncPatchesNo68k. ??? > I find that it works on newer Macs, NOT on 68K Macs. ??? again!! It *was* designed for 68k Macs - that was its original purpose (and it still works fine on them, though I would not recommend trying to use VNC server

Re: Stable VNC Server for Mac OS 9.x? (was Clipboard...)

2001-06-27 Thread a . umpleby
oops... sorry - just noticed the e-mail I was replying to was not sent to the list (I'm at home typing into a terminal and didn't think to look at the original address before typing in the list address... Doh!) Adrian - To

Re: Disabling client computer's modifier keys

2001-06-27 Thread a . umpleby
>I installed VNCThing and tried it. Same problem. Yes, VNCThing does not have such an extensive ability to map keypresses as the original AT&T version. 'twould be nice... >For example, if I'm in the Finder and issue Command-N (new folder), >VNCThing's New Session window pops u

Re: Stable VNC Server for Mac OS 9.x? (was Clipboard...)

2001-06-27 Thread Richard Schletty
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > >> I've downloaded Adrian's three most recent flavors > > Let me know how you get on with each, if you can... vncPatches68k-a5nobuffer and vncPatches68k-a5adaptive are causing a problem on my Mac G3 and G4 running Mac OS 9.1. When working on the server itself (as opp

Re: Stable VNC Server for Mac OS 9.x?

2001-06-27 Thread Richard Schletty
I forgot to mention that the mouse-down release problem described below goes away as soon as I quit ChromiVNC Server FAT. No need to reboot. - RCS > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > >> I've downloaded Adrian's three most recent flavors > > Let me know how you get on with each, if you can... vncPatch

Re: Stable VNC Server for Mac OS 9.x?

2001-06-27 Thread Jonathan Morton
>I forgot to mention that the mouse-down release problem described below goes >away as soon as I quit ChromiVNC Server FAT. No need to reboot. - RCS How about when you disconnect the client? The server shouldn't be doing anything with the mouse when there isn't any client connected. It also s

Re: Stable VNC Server for Mac OS 9.x?

2001-06-27 Thread Richard Schletty
Does it with no client connected. Richard Schletty Schletty Graphics Design & illustration for print & web publishing. Desktop publishing support. Network administration. Saint Paul, Minnesota [EMAIL PROTECTED] Vox 651-222-2526 Fax 651-227-1492 > From: Jonathan Morton

How can I automatic start ?

2001-06-27 Thread 김상수
Hello there ! How can I start the winvnc server as service mode, just after installing as service non reboot my Windows 2000 computer ? anybody know ? - To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list to [

Re: How can I automatic start ?

2001-06-27 Thread Trash Box
Go into services, select it, and press start. - Original Message - From: "1h;s To: "VNC mailling list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 9:56 PM Subject: How can I automatic start ? > Hello there ! > How can I start the winvnc server as service mode, just after install

Re: Stable VNC Server for Mac OS 9.x?

2001-06-27 Thread Richard Schletty
Prior to the oddball mouse-down behavior, I had a few abortive sessions from my office G4 (running ChromiVNC Server FAT with vncPatches68k-a5nobuffer) to my home G3 (running ChromiVNC Server FAT with vncPatches68k-a5adaptive). Could an aborted session leave some residue that could cause this behav

Re: Stable VNC Server for Mac OS 9.x?

2001-06-27 Thread Richard Schletty
I could not reproduce the oscillation and quick release with vncPatches68k-a5nostagger. Richard Schletty Schletty Graphics Design & illustration for print & web publishing. Desktop publishing support. Network administration. Saint Paul, Minnesota [EMAIL PROTECTED] Vox 651

Re: How can I automatic start ?

2001-06-27 Thread 김상수
Well, it's fine ! but, I want to start in source program level. In VNC source file, Win9x can start service just after installing service without any interaction, BUT WinNT(or Win2000) is not. I hope the same behavior of Win9x case. - Original Message - From: "Trash Box" <[EMA

RE: VNCProxy-help

2001-06-27 Thread Mark Debenham
There are multiple programs that can proxy, MS Prooxy 2.0 can be configured to do so, as can any routing firewall. However there are two main tools I use (which in their methodology are ancient however what you trust for links to the outside world is always important) these are NetCat (originally

Re: Stable VNC Server for Mac OS 9.x?

2001-06-27 Thread a . umpleby
> As I held down the button, the cursor started shaking back and forth That's the Time Manager task in my patches which is used to overcome the Drag Manager problem. -It only kicks in if it detects that the standard patches are not being called (i.e. in that 'sticky' situation where a drag is not

RE: ..thought

2001-06-27 Thread Mark Debenham
I don't think that in a properly administrated company you should be getting error messages which are deliberate, lacks a touch of professionalism. Thanks for the thought, Mark -Original Message- From: David Brodbeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 27 June 2001 14:24 To: '[EMAIL PROTECT

RE: List clients

2001-06-27 Thread Mark Debenham
Go into a command prompt and type netstat -a OR netstat -an That will list connections to the machine, Mark -Original Message- From: LAFRANCE Richard -IT INFRSTRC [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 19 June 2001 22:57 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: List clients Is there a way a user at t

RE: LockSetting in Registry

2001-06-27 Thread Mark Debenham
Need to use the username "Default" That will make things easier I hope, Mark -Original Message- From: Spencer, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 21 June 2001 17:44 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: LockSetting in Registry I am having a heck of a time getting this locksetting to logout

Re: Socket errors

2001-06-27 Thread Akira Hatakeyama
Seemsd FAQ13. On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 11:11:17AM -0500, brandon willis wrote: > In regards to multipl users on my system here si the error that is going > into the .log file: > > _XSERVTransSocketCreateListener: failed to bind listener > _XSERVTransSocketUNIXCreateListener: ...SocketCreateListe

RE: PC-Anywhere

2001-06-27 Thread David Howe
> Although I think that VNC is a really good little application > I think I may go with PC anywhere as I do not know very much > about security and so on so I would not want to have to set > up VNC and worry about SSH and so on. I assume that as PC > Anywhere is sold by a big company to the masse

Win2k with AD

2001-06-27 Thread Arek Lichwa
Hi I'm using VNC on Win2k. All my implementations work well on member servers with win2k. I've applied security features like AuthHosts and QuerySetting(level3) and the things behaves as expected. But latelely on one of me server I've added AD and after that the server stopped work. What I mean -

VNC Server shuts down too early

2001-06-27 Thread Varga Daniel (QI/RZS4) *
Hi there, I run WinVNC-3.3.3r9 on many W2K_Servers as service. Problem is if I remotely initiate a shutdown or reboot, the VNC is one of the very first processes to be stopped. If after that any of the running applications or services cannot close properly, i.e. user interaction is required, I ha

RE: VNC as spyware on TV

2001-06-27 Thread Varga Daniel (QI/RZS4) *
> From: Michael F. March [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Does anyone know how many simultaneous desktop sharing connections > Netmeeting can host? > > Does Netmeeting use TCP or H.323 for the protocol for desktop > sharing? As to firewall configuration for Netmeeting: To enable NetMeeting 3 mult

RE: VNC as spyware on TV

2001-06-27 Thread Varga Daniel (QI/RZS4) *
> From: A. John Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Also, netmeeting requres an ILS server. Everyone has to > authenticate to this server and then they can connect to another desktop. only for some features you need an ILS Server, e.g. for Remote Desktop Sharing you don't. > For my money, Net

RE: PC-Anywhere

2001-06-27 Thread Varga Daniel (QI/RZS4) *
> From: David Howe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > The only real advantage PC_Anywhere has is encryption by default - and > that is via a propriatory alg that isn't known to be secure (try SSH > forwarding instead - at least you know you can trust that) other advantage of PCAnywhere: you can use NT

RE: Win2k with AD

2001-06-27 Thread Mark Debenham
Make sure that you have security settings to access the .exe and the other files related to VNC, right click > properties > security. Mark -Original Message- From: Arek Lichwa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 27 June 2001 11:37 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Win2k with AD Hi I'm using


2001-06-27 Thread Mark Debenham
Does anyone know of a way (a registry key that would need creating I assume) that will disable the ability to right click the icon and select the kill all clients. We have had several occasions where we have needed to watch people however they have found the option..and hence meaning I had to ge

RE: ..thought

2001-06-27 Thread Nick Palmer
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORL\WinVNC3] "DisableTrayIcon"=dword:0001 (Or at least that's what I use with Tridia) Nick Palmer IT Manager > -Original Message- > From: Mark Debenham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: 27 June 2001 12:43 > To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' > Subject: ..thought

Re: Clipboard transfer between MACs

2001-06-27 Thread Jonathan Morton
> >I haven't been able to do a Clipboard transfer between Macs running Mac OS >>9.x. Is it possible? If so, how? > >Ok, well, that's not one I know how to handle. I haven't had easy access to >an unrestricted MAC in several years now > >What I was referring to is that the VNC protocol already

RE: ..thought

2001-06-27 Thread Varga Daniel (QI/RZS4) *
> From: Mark Debenham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > they have found the option..and hence meaning I had to get > evidence in other > ways...oh the joys of admin, be careful not to violate any laws in your country regarding personal rights... -- Daniel -

RE: ..thought

2001-06-27 Thread Mark Debenham
The in house lawyers will object im sure if needs be. Never hurts to know hows its done at any rate, Mark -Original Message- From: Varga Daniel (QI/RZS4) * [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 27 June 2001 13:01 To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: RE: ..thought > From: Mark Debenham [mailto:[

Re: Xvnc screensaver

2001-06-27 Thread a . umpleby
>> ...the 'gray' background with the big X > > The grey pattern and the large X is the X server No - I'm talking about the *screensaver* (at least, I presume that's what it is) - Check out the -s and -p options for Xvnc... The 'big X' I refer to is not the 'default X server cursor' that you get

Re: Developers interested in helping with light built-in encryption project

2001-06-27 Thread Jonathan Morton
>Some of you may remember me as one of those who started one of the periodic >"we should add encryption" discussions a few months ago. > >Anyway, I'm back. And, having finished school, I finally have some time to >experiment more directly with the code. I'd like to find any other >developers or se

RE: PC-Anywhere

2001-06-27 Thread David Brodbeck
Is there a good reason NT authentication couldn't be added to the Windows NT VNC server? This seems like a pretty good idea. -Original Message- From: Varga Daniel (QI/RZS4) * [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 7:15 AM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: RE: PC-Anywher

Re: Xvnc screensaver

2001-06-27 Thread Jonathan Morton
> >> ...the 'gray' background with the big X >> >> The grey pattern and the large X is the X server > >No - I'm talking about the *screensaver* (at least, I presume that's what >it is) - Check out the -s and -p options for Xvnc... Hmmm... which window manager are you using? I don't have that

RE: ..thought

2001-06-27 Thread David Brodbeck
If you adjust the privilages on the VNC helper program, non-administrator users will get an error message instead of an icon when they log in. That's pretty sloppy, though. ;) (I did this by accident once, if you're wondering.) -Original Message- From: Mark Debenham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTE

VNC Tunnelling: Windows to Windows via Linux

2001-06-27 Thread David Brodbeck
I'm posting this because some people had asked about the VNC setup I use at work for remote access. I'm not much of a technical writer but this might be helpful to other people trying to set up something like this. Obviously if VNC eventually incorporates encryption this kind of tunnelling will

vnc on AIX via inetd

2001-06-27 Thread Jan Haluza
Hello, is there anybody successfuly running Xvnc through inetd on AIX ? I went through all the emails dealing with aix and found several peoples with the same problem without correct solution. Through inetd - without started xdm or dtlogin and connecting to the Xvnc through inetd I will get v

VNC used in a commerical product..

2001-06-27 Thread Michael F. March
FYI.. This might be old news but when I was reading PC Magazine yesterday it said that this product: uses unmodified VNC extensively. - To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubsc


2001-06-27 Thread "이규환"
hi. i try to connect to VNCserver through VNCProxy. VNCviewer <> VNCProxy <> VNCServer (VNCviewer connect to VNCProxy with VNCProxy's IP address) this is my work. VNCviewer, VNCProxy, VNCserver are seperated physically(with different IP address) in contributed, there are VNCPro

Zone Alarm and VNC problem on Win98

2001-06-27 Thread Ethan Kiczek
I have a Windows 98 machine running Zone Alarm and VNC (both are the most current versions). When I attempt to login at the local machine (at the Microsoft Networking prompt), the machine freezes with a blank green screen. Disabling either of these programs cures this problem. Also, if I load

RE: AuthHosts format on 3.3.3 r9

2001-06-27 Thread Martin . Jones
I think the format of the AuthHosts has changed from eg 100.100.100. to 100.100.100 the difference being the last full stop - by NOT entering the full stop - everything works ok I have not seen this written down - just by trial and error cheers -Original Message- From: Ralph E

Re: File transfer capabilities

2001-06-27 Thread Dr.
Dear James Pifer, dear VNC gurus and users, admittedly, I'm very happy VNC does _not_ have file transfer capabilites. For file transfers, other tools (such as scp, included in the OpenSSH package) are available (thanks to RedHat, even on the platform that comes from Redmond). As for VNC, its u

Polling full screen on unix vncserver?

2001-06-27 Thread Alfonso Esteban GONZALEZ SENCION
How can configure the unix vnc server so it polls the whole screen? The option appears on the windows vnc version. But has been unable to find it for unix server. - To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-li

RE: VNC : Color Map

2001-06-27 Thread Rob Treuer
Hello Peter, Where are you running "vncviewer"? >From the messages below, you appear to be running vncviewer on a Unix machine, whose native X server is set to 8bpp, pseudo-color. The message: Got 199 exact BGR233 colours out of 256 Using 6 existing shared colours" implies that the pseu

Looking for contract programmers for VNC work.

2001-06-27 Thread Steve Kann
Hello, VNC listers, I'm working on a project here with VNC, and am looking to make some enhancements or additions to it. I'm looking for people interested in doing contract work with VNC. The work would involve several features that people in the community have been looking for, and ar

Re: Microsoft ICS and VNC

2001-06-27 Thread Mike Doyle
look for a program called ICSconfig (check google). Set it to forward ports 5800 and 5900 (or just 5900 if you don't need the java server, 5900 is required) to that machine. You may want to setup static IPs so you always have the correct machine on the network. If you wish to setup the secon

ESC key with Java VNC client

2001-06-27 Thread Michael Carland
Hello, I been using the Java version of VNC on Linux to control a Windows NT machine. Everything seems to be working great, except for one problem. When I hit the ESC key on my end, the letter "i" appears on the other. This makes using emacs a little tricky. Client side is Java "VNC 3.3.3r2 B

Fw: Windows 2000 Pro, unstable and really slow connection.

2001-06-27 Thread Ben Chapman
Re: Windows 2000 Pro, unstable and really slow connection. - Original Message - From: Ben Chapman To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 10:27 AM Subject: Re: Windows 2000 Pro, unstable and really slow connection. I use VNC to remotely administer a Win2K Pro machine that has a

List clients

2001-06-27 Thread LAFRANCE Richard -IT INFRSTRC
Is there a way a user at the host can determine what client(s) are connected (ie: list the IP addresses of any connected VNC clients)? Thanks Richard Lafrance - To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list t

Behind a DSL Router

2001-06-27 Thread Roger Ingersoll
I have a network behing a DSL Router. Netgear RT311. My private network is on 192.168.x.x and I have 2 computers on it. I have the NAT programmed to route 5800 & 5900 to PC #1 and 5801 & 5901 to route to PC #2. however, from outside the network, when I connect to the actual IP address (24.x.

Re: music

2001-06-27 Thread John Lallier
You don't have to download or transfer any files to your work machine... What I have done is using WinAMP and SHOUTCAST server, created my own radio station. You can then just use WinAMP at work and connect to your IP address and listen that way... for more info on how to set up shoutcast on yo

Passing arguments from /etc/sysconfig/vncservers

2001-06-27 Thread Mark Miksis
When using the vnc-server package that comes with RH 7.1, is there a way to put arguments such as -depth or -geometry in the entries in the vncservers file? Do I have to edit /etc/init.d/vncserver instead? Is there another recommended way to do this? I want to set up multiple users with differe

RE: Error 132 - What does this mean??

2001-06-27 Thread David Khoh
Hi, was wondering if this si something you can help me with. I made a copy of the error and pasted into word. One thing is that I uninstalled and tried reinstalling VNC and I get this error. I never get it when it is a first time install. Thanx in advance. David Khoh Network Administrator

Re: VNC as spyware on TV

2001-06-27 Thread Roger Lipscombe
> Where I work we're currently trying it [] Well, if we're having cool uses of VNC... Recently, I had to go to Ibiza to install a system in a hotel there. So, I plugged an 802.11 box into the server room switch, fired up the VNC server on the W2K box in there, and retired to the poolside wi