Re: Using Libreoffice Icons

2024-10-06 Thread Fernando Cassia
As far as I know icons in windows apps are compiled into executables or DLLs. It's unfortunately not a drop-in replacement like changing JPGs or BMPs in a subfolder. Someone correct me if I'm wrong... FC On Mon, 7 Oct 2024 at 01:01, Curtis Hamilton wrote: > Does anyone know how or if it’s possi

Re: Cancel Subscription Please

2024-09-30 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Mon, 30 Sept 2024 at 13:39, Home Email wrote: > Please help me in cancelling my subscription to AO Professional. I didn’t > realize this was a subscription based product. > > Thank you! > Apache OpenOffice is free and does not run on iPad. Apparently what you are referring to is this https:/

List of manufacturers preloading OpenOffice?

2024-11-27 Thread Fernando Cassia
Hi there, Is there a list of PC builders and/or manufacturers preloading Apache OpenOffice somewhere? On the wiki, perhaps? FC

Re: List of manufacturers preloading OpenOffice?

2024-11-28 Thread Fernando Cassia
t them download and install. > > (Some operating system vendors - Linux - do offer it as a part of the > Linux package.) > > On November 27, 2024 at 1:40:56 PM, Fernando Cassia ( > wrote: > > Hi there, > > Is there a list of PC builders and/or manufacturer

Re: Subscription

2016-01-06 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 11:22 PM, toki wrote: > Regardless, since Apache Open Office is distributed gratis, it wouldn't > be charging you for a license. > > jonathon > Are we considering the slight chance that this might be a case of a customer running RollAp service on some kind of tablet and it

Re: Windows 11

2016-01-15 Thread Fernando Cassia
There is no such thing as "Windows 11" AFAIK. FC On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 3:34 PM, Richard Beeston wrote: > Dear all > > Does anyone know if Open Office is compatible with Windows 11. > > Thanks -- During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act Durante época

Re: please

2016-01-27 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 1/27/16, John Hart wrote: > The math was way off, the point wasn't. Most mail lists have unsubscribe > links that aren't so problem prone. What is exactly, "the problem" and what do you propose to fix it? I dont see anything different in the way this mailing list works compared with others. N

Re: Open Office Writer UTTER , UTTER Rubbish (or not)

2016-03-16 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 3/16/16, Urmas wrote: > "Darren Myers": > >> I shouldn't have to delete a profile and re-create it and go through that >> >> pain in order to get the most basic function working. >> Open office need to fix this MAJOR problem. > > Of course this is a big problem, but OpenOffice is no longer acti

Re: Apache Open Office v. 4.1.2

2016-05-03 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 5/3/16, Arnold E. Watkins wrote: > it states that the Open Office works with Windows 8, but there is no > mention of Windows 10. My questions is does it work with Windows 10? Windows always maintains backwards compatibility. Even apps compiled for Windows NT 4 released 20 years ago work sea

Re: Java

2016-06-03 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 6/3/16, suhail ansari wrote: > > Hi everyone, I have a suggestion that Apache OpenOffice should be re written > in java because java is available on all major server and desktop operating > system. Google recently switched to OpenJDK for Android development and > there is a project http://openj

Re: #############################################

2016-06-16 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 6/15/16, Sean Keough wrote: > A few days ago I opened > up the program, clicked on the file and instead of 15 pages of diary I have > 15 pages of hashtags. > > ## > and so on. > What can I do? How

Re: Differences Between Using Open Office Writer with OS X instead of Windows

2016-07-13 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 7/13/16, William Sullivan wrote: > Is anything published about these differences? > > Is there a forum for users on OS X? > > Is there a forum Moderator who uses OO Writer with OS X? > > I have submitted a problem to the forum, but all the response I get is from > people using OO Writer on Wind

Re: Research for School

2016-08-13 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 8/13/16, Yvonne Simmons wrote: > Hello, > My name is Yvonne Simmons and I am doing some research on word processors > for school and I was wondering if you could help me out? Would you be > willing to give me three similarities and three differences between your > program and Microsoft Word I w

Re: Inquiries

2016-08-28 Thread Fernando Cassia
[This somehow landed on the dev list] On 8/28/16, John Yoko Ono Lennon wrote: > Does Apache have > Old English font available? > How stable is it? > I have used WPS but it always collapses. > Upgrade costs? Apache Open Office uses whatever fonts you have installed on your system. Once you have a

Re: Java

2016-09-06 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 7:07 AM, nasrin khaksar wrote: > java is not accessible for blinds without using java access briedge > and i disagree to rewrite openoffice or libreoffice in java. Are you blind?. What is the percentage of Office users who are blind? Can't blind people continue to use ol

Re: End of AOO

2016-09-06 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 8:20 AM, user wrote: > Apache before you let OpenOffice die, please correct the mistake oracle > has done. Well mr troll, it depends on whom you ask. Oracle planned to move OO.o to JavaFX

Re: Java

2016-09-07 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 8:11 PM, toki wrote: > I take it you have never had the pleasure of using Apache OpenOffice > with either _Window Eyes_ or _JAWS_ and a Braille Display Monitor. > > Hint: it doesn't work. > First you claimed the lack of accesibility APIs as an argument against the move of

Re: AOO crashes on applying styles

2016-09-11 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 11:22 PM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote: > I mentioned it here a few years ago but > the response were that ”it works for me”. Later I switched hardware > completely (processor, memory, graphics card, mother board, everything > except the DVD burner and ”tower”…), but exactly the

Re: OpenOffice using NetBeans plaform

2016-09-17 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 1:23 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote: > I don't understand what that means. > > I thought NetBeans is an IDE with an extensive collection of plug-ins. > Netbeans also provides its own framework, Netbeans Platform, which also includes its own widget toolkit https://netbeans.

Re: OpenOffice using NetBeans plaform

2016-09-17 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 7:03 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote: > 1.43 GB (1,541,226,333 bytes) of text in > 60,955 files, in 6429 folders > wow, thousands of folders!! that already scared the s--t out of me. Folders are hard to port. And the 1.43 gigabyte figure of TEXT FILES expanded to the full

Re: OpenOffice using NetBeans plaform

2016-09-17 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 9/18/16, Martin Groenescheij wrote: > Sorry guys this is a user mailing list and as a user I'm only interested > in functionality > the technical aspects should be discussed at the dev mailing list You are right. Sorry for the noise. End of this thread as far as I'm concerned. FC --

What is the oldest Linux that AOO can run on? Is there a policy wrt baseline libraries/distro release?

2017-01-13 Thread Fernando Cassia
I wonder what are the older Linux version that AOO-current (whatever is the latest version) will run on? I'm not concerned too much about kernel but glibc which is a common cause of hassles. And I'm trying to create a VM with the oldest possible, still supported Linux version, with AOO on it. Cen

Re: What is the oldest Linux that AOO can run on? Is there a policy wrt baseline libraries/distro release?

2017-01-21 Thread Fernando Cassia
was looking for!. FC On 1/19/17, Andrea Pescetti wrote: > On 13/01/2017 Fernando Cassia wrote: >> I wonder what are the older Linux version that AOO-current (whatever >> is the latest version) will run on? > > Version 4.1.3 is built on CentOS 5 with glibc 2.5. > >>

Re: contact me to help me with apache open office

2017-03-10 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 3/10/17, Gene Riddell wrote: > my open office is no longer working properly. i cannot force/quit it. i can > be reached after 5pm friday eastern standard time. 7277299749. Gene, Welcome to this mailing list. A mailing list is an e-mail based discussion group, for the community of users to exc

Re: Diccionario

2017-03-13 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 3/13/17, Mnc __ wrote: > Buenos días, estoy intentando localizar el diccionario de Español en el > programa, que se supone que está instalado junto al OOffice, pero no > funciona, no tiene cargada ninguna palabra y no corrige ningún texto. Que > tengo que hacer??? Aqui se describe (está en ing

Re: Diccionario

2017-03-13 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 3/13/17, Mnc __ wrote: > Gracias, pero así lo he intentado y nada, ni siquiera en la pagina hay uno > en español como tal. Es. Como si no tuviera ningún contenido ningún archivo, > me he bajado el italiano y latino y nada. > Por favor leer hasta el final, donde incluyo los links a capturas de

Re: Openoffice bug fixes from libreoffice

2017-03-18 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 3/18/17, Edward C wrote: > Hi. I just wonder, if a bug is fixed in libreoffice should openoffice users > expect the fix soon too? Libreoffice has always seemed more buggy than > Openoffice but they recently fixed a very important feature in calc that was > broken in both libre and open. So I wo

Re: Thanks!

2017-08-27 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 8/27/17, Edi Mesic wrote: > Thank you. > > I just wasted three hours of my life, writing an extensive report. It’s not > so much about quantity, as it is about quality. > All the ideas and creativity: completely and utterly lost because your > program crashes for apparently no reason whatsoever

Re: Thanks!

2017-08-27 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 8/28/17, wrote: > Isn't there some way Ed can retrieve what he created? If the app crashes usually when you restart a dialog comes up offering you to "recover" your unsaved document. Something like this

Re: Android OS and open office

2017-09-16 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 9/15/17, nina h wrote: > Is it possible to get your program for my cell phone? Which version should I > use? > > I have to thank you for creating a program that opens and edits all docs. > > Nina Nina, I don't know what "all documents" means (text documents only? spreadsheets too? presentatio

Re: Hello

2017-09-17 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 9/18/17, Eliana R. wrote: > I am having a problem with OpenOffice. I am unable to scroll down with my > keyboard; I have been trying to change the format settings for the past hour > and nothing has worked. Can you please help me fix this issue? Thank you. > Eliana Eliana, You need to tell us

Re: Question

2017-09-22 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 9/23/17, Steve Ahlers wrote: > Right click on a file, chose Open With, chose OpenOffice module from list > (Writer for text files, Calc for spread sheet files, etc.), check box for > All Files of this type, chose Open. In the future all files with the same > extension will be opened with the sa

Re: OpenOffice writer has neither an envelope tab nor a printer setup tab

2017-10-06 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 10/6/17, Abdul Harunah wrote: > My version of OpenOffice writer does not have either an envelope printing or > printer setup features. The version currently installed in my MacBook Pro > is 4.1.3. Can you help me to correct this situation? > > Thanks > > Abdul You setup your printer with you

Re: I can't use your product...

2017-10-08 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 10/8/17, Jura Rúdnev wrote: >Ok, I found out what is > JRE, downloaded it and restarted my computer... Now I have OO4, Java, > wasted nearly 400MB of the my 4G internet (is not free!) and your OO4 is > not working.. Dear "Yuriy" Your math doesnt add up: AOO4: v4.1.3 a 124 MByte download http

Re: I can't use your product...

2017-10-08 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 10/8/17, zahra a wrote: > hi. > java is required for base. > if you need for example writer and other component too, they work > without need java! > also i need java in openoffice if you need some vizards. > i dont know any other case that you are required to install java! Please learn to rea

Re: Is there a FAXing Facility in AOO?

2020-01-27 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Mon, Jan 27, 2020, 11:14 WA.TWORSX via AOL wrote: > > I have a PDF file that contains info that I want to transmit to a FAX > recipient. If I convert that PDF file, via OCR, would AOO-Writer be > useful to FAX the document? > > Regards, VinceB. > What you need to fax us a rasterized (bitmap)

Re: Possible Violation of Copyright buy 3rd party developer

2020-02-23 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Sun, Feb 23, 2020, 19:47 James Weil wrote: > A 3rd party developer, Menial Software (>., ) > is marketing a commercial SQLite database for the Mac as a commercial > product and has named it ‘Base’. This c

Re: emails

2020-12-05 Thread Fernando Cassia
John, You need to unsubscribe from the mailing list yourself. Send an empty email to this address: Regards, FC On Sat, Dec 5, 2020, 16:40 BAINES JOHN wrote: > Please stop users sending me emails I no longer subscribe to Open Office > > john baines >

Status of the former Sun Microsystems "Opendocument filters for Microsoft Office"?

2021-01-11 Thread Fernando Cassia
Hi users, Recently I had a nightmarish experience with trying to edit long tables on a document originally created with Microsoft Office (the last version before the Office365 move, I believe it was Office 2003). It had tables pasted inside of tables... something which was a nightmare to edit and

Re: Status of the former Sun Microsystems "Opendocument filters for Microsoft Office"?

2021-01-11 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 11/01/2021, Fernando Cassia wrote: > > Sun Microsystems used to offer a set of installable Opendocument > Filters for Microsoft Office. The download page was at: > > > > On Web Archive the last version seems to be v3.

Re: Status of the former Sun Microsystems "Opendocument filters for Microsoft Office"?

2021-01-28 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Sat., 16 Jan. 2021, 09:04 Peter Kovacs, wrote: > Hello, > > According to Wikipedia Microsoft Office supports the ODF standard 1.2 > since 2013. > > My cooperate Microsoft Word Version (which is 365) supports the Foirmat > using Apache POI. > > The Microsoft user needs to select Save as and the

AOO PDF Import

2021-02-10 Thread Fernando Cassia
Hi Users, I have downloaded and installed the AOO PDF import extension v0.1.0 from the extensions web site. I have successfully opened a pdf file and it looks good, allows me to edit a typo generated by the back end server that generates pdf files. However I'm not sure if I'm using it right. I j

Re: AOO PDF Import

2021-02-10 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Wed., 10 Feb. 2021, 11:21 Brian Barker, wrote: > At 07:46 10/02/2021 -0300, you wrote: > >I have downloaded and installed the AOO PDF import extension v0.1.0 > >from the extensions web site. > > Extensions are the responsibility of their individual authors, not of > OpenOffice itself. I know


2021-05-11 Thread Fernando Cassia
Hi there, Not a Mac user myself but I found this by googling: Go to "System Preferences" click on "Security and Privacy"> General tab, "Allow apps from" click on "Anywhere" and this allows the "Apache *open office*" program to be *verified* and installed. Hope this helps, FC On Wed., 12 May 20


2021-08-12 Thread Fernando Cassia
You seem to have no problems with writing in all caps, that's for sure. FC On Thu., 12 Aug. 2021, 21:39 David Cobble, wrote: > DEAR OPEN-OFFICE, > > THE AUTOMATIC FORMATTING FEATURES ON YOUR SOFTWARE *IS A NIGHTMARE FOR > WRITERS!* > > WE DO NOT NEED IT. WE DO NOT NEED YOUR PLATFORM MAKING FOR


2021-08-12 Thread Fernando Cassia
If you Google for "automatic capitalization OpenOffice" the first search result is this: *How do I stop from changing the first letter of a word to uppercase?* 1. Select Tools > AutoCorrect Options and then the Options tab. 2. Near the top of the list, uncheck the [T] box nex

Re: How to recover a accidently deleted manuscript

2021-10-14 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 13/10/2021, Rory O'Farrell wrote: > On Tue, 12 Oct 2021 19:12:00 -0700 > 100 page manuscript and no timed dated backups? Tut-tut! > > Look at the methods set out in this tutorial for recovering deleted files > > After several yea

Re: Formula

2022-04-09 Thread Fernando Cassia
The right way to do it is convert HH:MM to seconds. Then calculate your billing rate PER SECOND (amount / 60), and multiply it with the first value. At least that' s how I'd do it. Hope this helps... FC On 09/04/2022, wrote: > My pay is basically done by the minute. When I r

Re: Winding OpenOffice down

2022-06-22 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 22/06/2022, Flaviu Tamas wrote: > Why hasn't OpenOffice been wound down & shuttered? > > The existence of the website makes users assume that OpenOffice is > still actively being developed It is. > when those users would be much better > served migrating to LibreOffice. Speak for yourself. I

Re: Winding OpenOffice down

2022-06-23 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 23/06/2022, Bret Busby wrote: > On 23/6/22 2:20 pm, Fernando Cassia wrote: >> Cows see a lot of trains pass by while pasturing, and that doesn' t >> make the cows train engineers. > I like that. > > Are you the source of that one? Sadly, no. > That is a prove

Re: Open

2022-10-07 Thread Fernando Cassia
On 07/10/2022, amous78 wrote: > Dear Open Office Representative: > I downloaded your version that was supposed to be compatible with my MacOS > Monterey 12.6 version. It said I need to contact the developer to get the > updated version that is compatible with my computer. Could you please help >

Re: Software support

2023-11-07 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Tue, 7 Nov 2023, 17:16 Gemma Lloyd, wrote: > > Dear Open Office Support, > > My grandfather who has used Open office via you and Sun Systems for years > and worked as an engineer in the tech and electronics sector (ICL,D2D, > Fujitsu and Celestica) all his life now at the grand age of 81 has i

Re: Mi autorizzate a vendere il vostro software Open Office su CD-ROM?

2023-12-18 Thread Fernando Cassia
La licenza del software openoffice è GPL. Risposta breve: sì, puoi. Ecco cosa dice Richard Stallman sulla vendita di software libero FC On Mon, Dec 18, 2023, 07:35 Simone Nardoni wrote: > Salve, come da titolo mi chiedevo se potreste autorizzarmi

Re: Mi autorizzate a vendere il vostro software Open Office su CD-ROM?

2023-12-18 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Mon, Dec 18, 2023, 15:50 Keith N. McKenna wrote: > Fernando Cassia wrote: > > La licenza del software openoffice è GPL. > > Risposta breve: sì, puoi. > > > > Ecco cosa dice Richard Stallman sulla vendita di software libero > > > > https://www.gnu.or

Re: OpenOffice interface

2024-01-18 Thread Fernando Cassia
Some of us like CUA menus. A properly designed user interface that can be navigated with mouse clicks or (for me, most of the time) keyboard shortcuts. EG alt-f then using the cursor Keys. If the UI is revamped, that is the day K will stop using AOL. Yeah, newer interfaces might look flasher, bu

Re: OpenOffice interface

2024-01-18 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Thu, Jan 18, 2024, 16:00 Fernando Cassia wrote: > Some of us like CUA menus. > A properly designed user interface that can be navigated with mouse clicks > or (for me, most of the time) keyboard shortcuts. > > EG alt-f then using the cursor Keys. > > If the UI is revamp

Re: Assistance re:scam

2024-04-17 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Wed, 17 Apr 2024 at 10:33, Steve Norton wrote: > This is sad. I would just about wager that the media you received or > website was loaded with malware. “Open Office cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified” It doesn' t necessarily mean the OO code had malware, just that it

Re: Problem

2024-08-11 Thread Fernando Cassia
It's a bit dangerous to post your phone number like that. Anyone including scammers can read this message of yours and calls impersonating to be anyone "official sounding" and trick you into installing malware, remote access tools and even if they "fix your problem" you really don't know the perso

Re: StarOffice (was RE: users Digest 28 Nov 2012 19:50:51 -0000 Issue 232)

2012-11-28 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 7:37 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote: > StarOffice was not spun out. Oracle continued with an Oracle Open Office > for a time. They seem to have concluded that was not a sustainable > business. > > - Dennis > > -Original Message- > From: Girvin R. Herr [mailto:girv

Re: StarOffice (was RE: users Digest 28 Nov 2012 19:50:51 -0000 Issue 232)

2012-11-29 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Girvin R. Herr wrote: > StarOffice may be dead, but there must still be some users out there to > support the website. However, it sounds like the website is also dying. > They are looking for advertisers to help support the web site's costs. I > also noticed on

Re: StarOffice (was RE: users Digest 28 Nov 2012 19:50:51 -0000 Issue 232)

2012-11-29 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Girvin R. Herr wrote: > StarOffice may be dead, but there must still be some users out there to > support the website. However, it sounds like the website is also dying. T This was the official site for StarOffice under Sun

Re: StarOffice (was RE: users Digest 28 Nov 2012 19:50:51 -0000 Issue 232)

2012-11-29 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 4:21 PM, M Henri Day wrote: > I suspect, Fernando, that «the freedom fighters» at LO would find that your > description of events had omitted a significant detail - i e, that Oracle's > «development» of OO.o was half-hearted at best and that that that was why > they decide

Re: StarOffice (was RE: users Digest 28 Nov 2012 19:50:51 -0000 Issue 232)

2012-11-29 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 5:14 PM, M Henri Day wrote: > hat «After OO.o had lost half its devs (that´s my > estimate)... » But of course, I don't expect to be in complete agreement > with someone who applauds that kindly open source supporter Lawrence Joseph > Ellison's action in, as you put it, gi

Re: StarOffice (was RE: users Digest 28 Nov 2012 19:50:51 -0000 Issue 232)

2012-11-29 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 9:20 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote: > Some of them fortunately still write to the OpenOffice lists from time to > time to help and share their knowledge, but their expertise (and this > includes some of the main OpenOffice architects) is mostly lost to the > free/opensource off

Re: Oracle Bad news JDK 6 will no longer be free which screws AOO usage

2012-12-13 Thread Fernando Cassia
> Maybe it is time for AOO to either code for Java 7 or remove Java > dependencies altogether. > Keep in mind that AOO is not the only app that uses Java. Mozilla > immediately comes to mind. They will most likely have to change also. > Girvin Herr Why does people always feel the need to jump in

Re: Oracle Bad news JDK 6 will no longer be free which screws AOO usage

2012-12-13 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 5:39 PM, Girvin R. Herr wrote: > Fernando, > From my reading the postings on this forum, it is my understanding that > there are (were?) problems running Java7 and AOO/LO. Yes, I´ve seen those reports, but nothing was more specific than "Base runs slow on JRE7" or " "AOO c

Re: Oracle Bad news JDK 6 will no longer be free which screws AOO usage

2012-12-14 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 7:30 PM, Rod Lockwood wrote: > I may be wrong about this, but now I have the impression that Oracle wants > nothing to do with anything that they cannot make money from. Yes, you are wrong. Oracle is continuing development on most FOSS projects including: OpenJDK (GPL Java

Re: Oracle Bad news JDK 6 will no longer be free which screws AOO usage

2012-12-14 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 7:30 PM, Rod Lockwood wrote: > If they can find a way to charge for Java (maybe change the licensing for > Java 8) then they will do that. I think the latter is the most likely > scenario. So you now predict the future?. How much do you charge for each crystal ball reading

Re: Unsubsribe -is- broken

2012-12-17 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 12:50 PM, wrote: > The first unsubsribe email works, at least to the point where one receives > the auto confirm. > > That there even is a confirm is madness. It is also quite possibly illegal > as removing oneself from auto mailers has been regul

Re: Unsubsribe -is- broken

2012-12-17 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 12:50 PM, wrote: > That there even is a confirm is madness. No. Imagine if the process had no confirmation and if troublemakers could just read the list, compile a list of messages, and procees to unsubscribe everyone, one by one. The purpose of th

Re: Unsubsribe -is- broken

2012-12-17 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Maurice Howe wrote: > Many of us have multiple USERIDs that we funnel into a single email account > so that we don't have to hop around to different log-ons. Maybe *THAT* > could be a reason that UNSUBSCRIBE requests fail. For example, "Maurice" is > a sub-accoun

Re: Questions

2013-02-28 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 6:42 PM, wrote: > Before I upload your Open oFFICE. You are uploading Open Office where? FC - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@

Re: macro compatibility between LO and AOO?

2013-03-03 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 3:52 AM, M. Fioretti wrote: > are there any guidelines/best practices to write portable macros? Just use the documentation about writing macros for 3.3x or earlier. Going forward AOO and LO will start to diverge, I´m sure. Can´t speak about what LO did with

Re: Open Office/Star Office

2013-03-05 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 4:57 PM, Girvin R. Herr wrote: > There is still a StarOffice website . However, it > doesn't look like the website offering (StarOffice 9) has kept up with > OpenOffice and is far behind. It also does not look like they are offering > paid support.

Re: Codes

2013-06-22 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 9:15 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote: > I wouldn't dream of going back to WP. I still have it on my computer to > read documents sent to me by others, and every time I load it, it looks > like a techno-dinosaur. > > Reveal codes? Why? With a styles-based program, there are no co

Re: Open Office for iPad???

2013-07-02 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 4:12 PM, Suzanne Pomeranz wrote: > ust wondering if Open Office is available for use on the iPad (not the mini). > > > suzanne Hi Suzanne, I'm afraid the answer is no For an Office suite that runs on the iPad you should check out Thinkfree Office

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: OpenOffice 3.3 and Java 7

2013-07-03 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Steele, Raymond wrote: > under windows, java 7 requires visual c++ redistributable 2010, which is > packed neither with it nor with aoo and should be downloaded separately. > there might be some similar requirements to update the libraries under > solaris too. Th

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: OpenOffice 3.3 and Java 7

2013-07-03 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 4:12 PM, Steele, Raymond wrote: > Thanks Fernando. I think he was only using the visual c++ redistributables as > an example. Do you have any input to the issue we are facing? sadly, no. My last solaris install was Opensolaris back in the Sun days. Are you running Solari

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: OpenOffice 3.3 and Java 7

2013-07-03 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 4:27 PM, Steele, Raymond wrote: > "The folder you have selected foes not contain a Java runtime environment. > Please select a different folder." Maybe a permissions issue? Sorry, I'm shooting in the dark here without access to a Solaris system. Downloading and installing

FUD right after download

2013-07-23 Thread Fernando Cassia
Oh sweet irony, right after downloading AOO 4.0, and before one even gets a chance to install it, you get the same FUD review from a LO zealot as part of the SF.Net redirect to the reviews section... (those are's user-submitted review

Re: FUD right after download

2013-07-23 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 11:32 AM, Rob Weir wrote: > Or even better, write a real good review, praising AOO, but give it > only 1-star. We'll benefit more from the good review than we will be > hurt by a single-star review. > > -Rob Good idea. The problem remains as to why those two reviews seem

Re: FUD right after download

2013-07-24 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Urmas wrote: > That is an objective review, why do you call it FUD? Do you understand that > you are hurting OO.o more with your childish behavior? Excuse me? Which one are you refering to? FC -- During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revo

Re: FUD right after download

2013-07-24 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 6:25 PM, Fernando Cassia wrote: > Do you understand that >> you are hurting OO.o I guess you mean AOO >more with your childish behavior? Can you be more specific? FC -- During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act Duran

Re: FUD right after download

2013-07-24 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 8:13 PM, Urmas wrote: > You are slandering your competitors' product by calling the small factual > review of it 'FUD'. You seem to have reading problems. The review I pasted and which started this thread was a review posted by a LO supporter, on the AOO user reviews

Re: Still unable to email documents with version 4 upgrade

2013-07-25 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 8:31 AM, Rob Weir wrote: > A quick search shows there are products out there that claim to add > MAPI support to GMail. I haven't tried any of them to see how they > work with OpenOffice, but this one sounds interesting: > > > Regards, > > -Rob E

Re: Still unable to email documents with version 4 upgrade

2013-07-25 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 8:26 AM, MIKE LISH wrote: > > I use Google for everything, and for any office platform not to recognize > Google email is stone age stuff ! > > Do I need to wait for version 12 before this is sorted?? No. You need to install this software that registers GMail on Windows, s

Re: Still unable to email documents with version 4 upgrade

2013-07-25 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 2:44 PM, Fernando Cassia wrote: > > Note that I haven't tried it. But if it does what it claims, then it > should work... Dang, I failed to paste the URL... here it goes again.

Re: AOO 4.0.0 unusable

2013-08-15 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 3:36 AM, Josef Latt wrote: > > In addition to the mail from Brian Barker. > > You must do a so-called administration installation: > > After downlaoding the package start it, the files will be unpacked in a > separate folder. Disrupt the installation process. Go to the fold

Re: Help I'm being invaded

2013-08-25 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 9:36 AM, LYNN BRUBAKER wrote: > Every day I get about 10 emails concerning how to work Open Office Lynn, You, or someone with access to your PC subscribed your e-mail address to the" mailing list. A mailing list is like a web discussion forum,

Re: Help I'm being invaded

2013-08-25 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 3:44 PM, wrote: > Unsubscribe I think the powers that be are putting *something* into people's drinkng water... FC -- During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act Durante épocas de Engaño Universal, decir la verdad se convierte en un

Re: Help I'm being invaded

2013-08-25 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Brian Barker wrote: > > There is absolutely no need for anyone to have access to a particular PC in > order to subscribe to a mailing list, of course. What is necessary is to > have access to the relevant e-mail account; any "someone" making a malicious > subscri


2013-08-26 Thread Fernando Cassia "6 things you should consider before you rely on : " Ballmer might be on the way out, but their bad habits continue... FC -- During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutio

Wiki editing plug-in?

2013-09-16 Thread Fernando Cassia
If you ever tried editing complex tables like this on a wiki using wiki syntax you will soon see that it's a hair-pulling exercise. Even with the wikipedia's new Ajax "online" wysiwyg editor, table editing is stil not even there. So, is

Re: Wiki editing plug-in?

2013-09-17 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 7:42 AM, Fernando Cassia wrote: > So, is there a plugin allowing to use AOO to edit wiki articles > (including tables), and pushing changes back on-line effortlessly? > > If not, there's an idea: there should be. Options: 1. Thanks for your idea, it&#

Someone is hell bent on seeing AOO go away... (Rampant FUD in FOSS Land)

2013-09-17 Thread Fernando Cassia
(and MySQL too, and probably the same that would like for Oracle's investments in FOSS to end). "LibreOffice, as you know, is now the defacto office suite of choice among Linux users and is rapidly gaining traction in the Windows world as well. " "OpenOffice is pretty much only a memory" http://w

Re: Wiki editing plug-in?

2013-09-18 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote: > Note: it doesn't work with OpenOffice 4 yet, see last comment. But the > source code should be in the OpenOffice repository, so it's available to > anybody who wants to take a look. Thanks Andrea. I remember trying this one back in the 2.

Re: Someone is hell bent on seeing AOO go away... (Rampant FUD in FOSS Land)

2013-09-23 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Scooter wrote: > I'm a bit confused. > It shows. Some comments below each of your statements > What is FOSS > > & FUD >,_uncertainty_and_doubt > and why would any

Graph numbers in stats pages need thousands separator

2013-10-08 Thread Fernando Cassia
While looking at the graph in it was very difficult for me (besides small screen and poor eyesight) to see if the numbers were 6 million 60 million or 600 million, because of the tiny text and lots of zeros without separators for thousands and hundred

Re: Graph numbers in stats pages need thousands separator

2013-10-09 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 11:32 AM, Rob Weir wrote: > We're using a 3rd party library for the charts. I don't see the > ability to control the number format, other than to enable or disable > rounding to the nearest integer. But maybe someone else sees more > here: > > http://www.simile-widgets.or

Re: Graph numbers in stats pages need thousands separator

2013-10-09 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 12:22 PM, Fernando Cassia wrote: > I will file a request for enhancement for that 3rd party lib Done FC -- During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act Durante épocas

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