That depends on your veiw of easy I suppose ;) but I prefer editing my
XF86config files by hand.
Its usually under /etc or /etc/X11.
Heres a short rundown of the relevant sections:
Section "Monitor" <- make sure you have a modeline setting for
the resoltuion you wish to use. If you ar
Had a cut/paste error. sorry! the example for the screen section should
look as follows:
Section "Screen"
DefaultColorDepth 16
SubSection "Display"
Depth 16
Modes "1152x864"
#Virtual1152 864
No problem, we only charge $5 for newbie questionz ;)
you could use split. man split for more detailz (of course)
split -b 1024k big_file.tar little_file_prefix
If you big file was 10 meg, then 10 little files with the prefix of
'little_file_prefix' would be generated. The sequence at t
heres another which have some cool cases IMHO. course, coolest in my
book is a caseless boxen flayed out across my wall like a dissected
digital lifeform. or something.
> "Y." wrote:
> I'm not sure if someone if someone has posted about this befo
On One Day In Novemember 'Lots of People' Wrote:
> vi, ...>
Well, I vote to keep html and rtf in the lists simply for the
entertainment value of the discussion threads it produces. And those
who really dont like html / rtf can add a filter i spose. (it really is
trivial to convert incoming h
identd is usally started via inetd.
your distro probably has a package for it.
If not, it is a minor issue to download and install.
If you are using IP masquerading you will need to use a modified identd
server specifically for use in such a situation. This identd server
will need to be on the m
Deb Richardson wrote:
> ...
> I would like to know what people think about this.
Sounds good to me.
"You are the product of a mutational union
of ~640Mbytes of gene
look for any type of config.cache / Configure.cache / *.cache / etc. in
the directory. Usually this file(s) stores the configuration
information from previous configures.
Jennifer Tippens wrote:
> I answered a
> question in the MakeMakefile wrong and now I can't get it to ask me the
> question a
J B wrote:
> i must apologize for this posti accidentally hit the wrong button...
The 'Send' button? ;)
"You are the product of a mutational union
of ~640M
Allright, a few other distributed computing projects which may or may
not be of interest:
Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search:
Distributed .Net (already mentioned, but they have other projects aside
from RC5)
And of course, SETI:
Subba Rao wrote:
> Thanks to every one who replied. To summarize the main problem
> with DVD are the filesystem support (in development) and CSS encryption (legal
> barrier). Here are all the various links for DVD on linux.
There is a software crack available for the windoze and linux platform
Kelly Lynn Martin wrote:
> Merely that you currently have to pay for that right, because of the
> DVD decoder patents.
You can play DVD's on linux / BSD / other systems with software
decoders. These are not as efficient as hardware decrpytion
(obviously), but they do allow you to play the m
Kelly Lynn Martin wrote:
> Is that legal, though? What's the terms on software implementations
> of the decoding algorithm?
Well, i spose the crack itself is illegal to distribute (software to
circumvent copyright protection mechanism are illegal last time I
checked), however, if you are n
Kelly Lynn Martin wrote:
> Well, some of us actually care about following the law, and agitate
> for its change through legal channel. BTW, the DVD thing is patent,
> not copyright.
Well, the encryption scheme is used to protect the copy rights covering
the movies themselves. Thats wha
Tech Docs wrote:
> Is there any way to make Intel USB Camera work on Linux? Linux refuses to
> even identify my USB. I am sure, I am messing up somewhere.
> How do I check what resources each device is using on Linux?
To list IRQ's and io ports in use try:
cat /proc/interrupts (IRQ's)
sara korhonen wrote:
> ok, so this is one the REAL rtfm-questions, but after i rtfmed and rtfmed
> and dind't figue out, i gave up and decided to ask, whether anyone here
> knows how to get Eterm, to have a background color at the same time when
> it's transparent? meaning that the background
Kelly Lynn Martin wrote:
> And even so that's just a function of how ls and the shell behave --
> there's nothing in the kernel that makes a leading dot special.
> The only names that are special as far as the kernel is concerned are
> '.' and '..'.
void main(){
Theresa Radke wrote:
> I've recently sent a few posts that have not shown up, does anyone else have this
>problem ever?? Should I be concerned/?
Ive had posts take up to 3+ hours, perhaps more, to appear on occasion.
Can't recall any getting lost.
Anyone ever use the TNT/TNT2 cards under linux with the modified XFree86
server and OpenGL ?
Im looking for a compiled server or code / patch and perhaps a FAQ or
Not having much luck, and Riva appears to have pulled their driver code
for a while for some reason..
Beverly Guillermo wrote:
> What exactly is the problem that you're getting? What configuration
> program are you using for the xfree86 setup?
> Xconfigurator
> XF86Setup
> xf86setup
> Are you trying to use the NVidia chipset?
Right now I am using a SVGA server without incident. I ed
Beverly Guillermo wrote:
> k
> Well, the latest development version of XFree86, I believe 3.9.17, has
> updated additions to the drivers for TNT/TNT2.
Cool, i didnt realize they added support. I'm dl'ing now.. hopefully
this will work.
GJS wrote:
> I'm using a 15" monitor. The text size is often smaller than I
> want, but it gets too heavy if I increase it too much (and
> without anti-aliasing that ain't too purty). Would a 17" monitor
> make much difference to my aging eyes or would the change be
> minimal? Is it worth shell
"Wendt,Andrew" wrote:
> What do you people prefer as colours for extended viewing of text? :-)
i would die without my green text on a shaded Eterm background..
Makes me think of the old 'green screen' CRT's way back when.. :)
My roomate seems particularly fond of the classic amber col
Subba Rao wrote:
> During the system bootup, the init script /etc/rc.d/rc.M is partially executed.
> The last 3rd of the file does not get executed. When I run those remaining commands
> manually, they work fine. Why is that happening?
Is there a specific command at the 2/3rd point that could
> So my questions follow two
> lines -- what are considered good prices on hardware these days? And
> what kind of configurations should I be looking for?
I can give some hardware and software recommendations...
> Here are the services I'd like to setup on the computer: Firewall, V
I found some info which may or may not be of interest:
Concerning size and viewable size:
Other Misc. Monitor info:
> Stephan Zaniolo wrote:
> >
> > I have a Hewlet Packard CD-Writer Plus 8100i that
> > I'm trying to set up. (I'm not trying to get the CD-RW feature to work,
> > just the CD-R) It's an IDE drive. I started with "Installing an IDE CD-R
Once you get SCSI-Emulation setup you should be able to us
Something got hosed, let me try again:
coder wrote:
> /etc/lilo.conf:
-- image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.12
--root = /dev/hda1
--label = linux-2.2.12
Note that you may still need to load the sg, and possibly id
"Jenn V." wrote:
> Jamie Walker wrote:
> >
> > Most Linux based CD-R(W) software can only talk to SCSI devices. To get
> > them working under Linux, you use SCSI emulation whereby the kernel
> > "converts" an IDE device on the bus into a SCSI device that the
> > applications talk to. You don't
> Hey All,
> I was wondering if anyone has any info about the iso
> images (such as RedHat ftp site). I want to build a RH
> distro that already includes security and bugfixes. I am
> under the impression that the .iso images copies onto
> the CD which also make it bo
Linda Walsh wrote:
> No one is "equal" in every way with everyone else -- well, maybe genetic twins,
> but the difference between queen elizabeth and prince charles is probably less than
> difference between the queen and a pygmy woman in africa.
I was going to say the same thing. G
Allright, ive got something on topic for once... *grin*
ive been playing with OpenGL support under Linux/X with drivers for the
TNT/TNT2 working fine. However, I noticed that currently these drivers
do not support direct access to the acceleration hardware, so
is incredibly low from
Raven Brooke wrote:
> So, I just tried to format a floppy, and was told-
> bash: mkfs: command not found
> never had a problem with this before, anyone know what might have
> happened, or how to fix it?
Double check your path; usually system commands like this one are
under /usr/sbin or
As a side note, this usually occurs if you use 'su' to switch to
root. If you use 'su -' root's environment should be configured
properly, and these types of path errors wont occur.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://cubicmetercrys
> Is this normal? I -think- this is just place-holder, but I don't really know what is
>going on here or if it is a good thing or a bad thing. Any information would be
>appreciated! Root is not logged in at the time of this ps.
Yes, that is normal. Each one of th
Carolyn Jarie Getter wrote:
> In Netscape, when I go to certain pages, it (Netscape) goes *poof* (shuts
> down). I don't begin to know where to look to figure out why. All my
> settings are default settings, except that I enlarged the font size. Any ideas,
> anyone?
> Carolyn
> ___
"Shelly L. Hokanson" wrote:
> <>
> i'm using the net-lib package (with active-perl for windoze) for a simple
> web based emailer via SMTP. wondering if anyone has any experience using
> this module with any of the major ISP's, or if i must be running my own mail
> server as well in order for
I keep forgetting about the default reply to.. ;)
Original Message
Subject: Re: [techtalk] Desperate Plea for CDROM mounting help!!
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 00:45:09 -0600
From: coder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "S. Stubbs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Original Message
Subject: Re: [techtalk] Technical issues (was Re: [grrltalk]
"Confrontational" postings)
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 23:52:28 -0600
From: coder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mary Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Here is a nice analysis of the current MP3 encoders available:
- bladeenc and LAME are the best encoders for 128k and up, with 320K
bladeenc leaving everything else behind.
- LAME has an emphasis towards energy and high performance, bladeenc
One day I will get the hang of 'reply to'.
Original Message
Subject: Re: [techtalk] DESIGN: N-ary trees
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 20:38:31 -0600
From: coder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Has anyone come up with a useful design of an N-ar
41 matches
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