Here is a nice analysis of the current MP3 encoders available:

- bladeenc and LAME are the best encoders for 128k and up, with 320K
bladeenc leaving everything else behind.
- LAME has an emphasis towards energy and high performance, bladeenc an
emphasis towards tonal clarity and accuracy.

hope you find it usefull.

Aaron Malone wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 02:03:01PM +0000, BobTFish wrote:
> > Bladeenc is not a great encoder. Better than the frauenhoffer one but for
> > quality you want to use LAME or a derivative. Bladeenc puts *far* to much
> > overring in your mp3s..
> Hear hear.  Bladeenc is also extremely slow compared to other, better
> encoders.  My personal favorite is Gogo; however, checking the developer's
> page, he seems to have stopped work on it.  Oh well, you can grab a copy
> of the latest version I have at .  Very
> fast, and a nice psychoacoustic model to boot.
> --
> Aaron Malone ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> System Administrator                     "Never tell the truth to
> Poplar Bluff Internet, Inc.                those unworthy of it."
>                                -- Mark Twain
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