> So my questions follow two
> lines -- what are considered good prices on hardware these days? And
> what kind of configurations should I be looking for?
I can give some hardware and software recommendations...
#include <std_disclaimer.h>
> Here are the services I'd like to setup on the computer: Firewall, VPN
> or something equiv (I don't know much about SSH ...), X, SMTP, Mailing
> list, IMAP, Web, Database, and Backup.
Firewall: ipchains comes with the 2.2.X kernels standard in any recent
distribution. You may have to explicitly select it during install.
VPN: Check out some of the following:
Vtun: http://vtun.netpedia.net/
Tinc: http://ftp.nl.linux.org/linux/tinc/
There are also some commercial VPN products...
X, SMTP, IMAP, Web, Backup: These should come with any good distro.
Mailing list: Try majordomo.
MySQL, mSQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc.. Sounds like MySQL might be a
good fit for what you need to use a db for.
> So, what do you think I should get? And how much should something
> like this cost? I'm especially clueless about backup options. I
> don't think I'll be buying DLT for home use ... Do they make DVD RAMs
> that support Linux? Also, IDE or SCSI? I've only used SCSI on
> servers, but I'd guess it'd be a bit expensive for personal use,
> unless there's a compelling reason I don't know about ...
My suggestion:
~500Mhz celeron, PII, athalon.. take your pick.
128-256 M ram.
and CDR / DVDR, or tape for backup. They do have DVD recordable support
under linux.
check out cdrecord, perhaps gcombust / X-CDRoast as a frontend.
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