look for any type of config.cache / Configure.cache / *.cache / etc. in the directory. Usually this file(s) stores the configuration information from previous configures. Jennifer Tippens wrote: > I answered a > question in the MakeMakefile wrong and now I can't get it to ask me the > question again. I re-un-tarred the module and ran perl Makefile.PL again, but > it just said writing makefile, done. No chance to change my mind.... -- .oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo. [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://CubicMeterCrystal.com/ "You are the product of a mutational union of ~640Mbytes of genetic information." ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- Re: [techtalk] swaping & upgrading Meredith Tupper
- RE: [techtalk] swaping & upgrading Naomi Hospodarsky
- RE: [techtalk] swaping & upgrading Robert Kiesling
- Re: [techtalk] swaping & upgrading Kelly Lynn Martin
- Re: [techtalk] swaping & upgrading T. E. Pickering
- Re: [techtalk] swaping & upgrading Ian Hall-Beyer
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- Re: [techtalk] Alternatives to Star Office/... Ian Hall-Beyer
- Re: [techtalk] Alternatives to Star Off... Caitlyn Martin
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