Hi, everyone,
Hope y'all are having a great weekend.
I've done some upgrades to my system, moving Netscape up to 4.7, which seems
to have fixed the lockup problem I had in Messenger under 4.61 (yay!), and
KDE up to 1.1.2. I did KDE by installing the RPMs that come with RH 6.1,
and also have bot
Ellen Gibboney wrote:
> Hello,
> Can anyone tell me why I can't kill a netscape pid, It just hangs there
> and slows everything down. I removed a lock file. It seems like a
> simple problem.
Hi, Ellen,
To kill it, type:
kill -9
That will do it.
Hi, Karl-Heinz,
> Thanks!
> My parents are visiting us for seeing our second son (now 8 weeks old)
> and we all are having a great time! :-)
> [KDE 1.1.2]
> I am not sure if this will help you,
> but let's try it anyway:
> Open the file
> /opt/kde/bin/startkde
FWIW, in Red
> but Corel
> Draw! is a vector graphics program, and you can't obtain such functionality
> from bitmapped graphics. For example, if you need a logo, it is much better to
> draw it as vectors, because later you can scale it as you like without any
> quality loss. You can't do that kind of things w
> > I can see how all this could be quite a shock to someone
> >coming from the windows world, where there is *one* windows manager,
> >*one* desktop, and *one* widget set.
> Yup, this is one of the biggest problems people moving to Linux have,
> I think. Don't forget that there ar
> You won't need as much distro specific help with Debian as with
> RedHat. Debian left more bits and pieces intact, whereas RedHat
> applied lots of patches to critical systems, like the kernel, ppp...
OTOH, if you're coming from a Windows, Mac, OS/2, or other graphical background,
Red Hat come
Hi, Conni,
> > mkfs -t ext2 /mnt/dosc
> That will format /mnt/dosc as ext2 (linux native?), right? That's what I
> want to do.
> Does it matter what order the partitions are in? I mean,
> what cylinders etc they start on.
The /boot partition does have all the usual restrictions that
Hi, everyone,
I thought I should share the solution to my little problem, since I may have
discouraged some of y'all from downloading KDE 1.1.2 and using it with Red
Hat 6.0.
To remind you of what happened: I downloaded all the revised KDE and QT
RPMs from the Red Hat 6.1 directory on the RH FT
Chris Ritsert wrote:
> I am looking for a new modem to use with Red Hat Linux 6.0. I have 3 modems
> and I can only get my old 2400 modem to work. Does anyone have any
> suggestions as to what I could buy that is currently on the market?
Hi, Chris,
Any real modem will work. Winmodems will ab
> > Excuse me but am I the only one having problems viewing the mails. I use
> >Mutt and most emails I received are in HTML format. Can something be
> >done (like we standardized on non-HTML emails) or is HTML emails the norm
> >here?
> >
> You are not the first to have complained of this
Cathy James wrote:
> I'm using Outlook, not Outlook Express.
> I did find a switch somewhere that purported
> to turn off formatting, but it doesn't work correctly.
> What do you expect from an MS product?
> The solution I eventually came up with was
> to create a new
Hi, everyone,
I am having printing problems under Caldera OpenLinux 2.3. I am trying to
get my Epson Stylus Color 600 (which worked perfectly under Red Hat 5.x/6.0)
going. At the most basic level, if I type:
cat test.txt > /dev/lp0
My printer will spit out the text file, so it is not a hardwa
Y'all might want to check out:
> ...And if it is indeed a WinModem that you are SOL.
> They are completely incompatible with Linux
> This is not technically completely correct. There are a couple of programs
> out there that enable the software
Ji Lee wrote:
> He forgot 's' in the url. The url is
> http://www.linmodems.org
"He" is a she, thank you very much. This is LinuxChix, remember?
Thank you for the correction.
(who wonders if spelling it Katie would make it easier on some people)
Hi, Siobhan,
I'm a little late jumping in this discussion, but I really like KICQ, the
KDE ICQ client. It is on the Red Hat Power Tools CD, or is downloadable in
RPM form from their FTP site.
Take care,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
Patricia wrote:
> I use ksirc, comes with KDE
> works great
I agree, and there is yet another KDE IRC client called KVIRC.
Choice is a good thing :)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
> I'm looking for:
> * Something that isn't netscape mail.
> * Supports multiple user accounts on multiple servers.
> * Supports kill-files, or has a scripting interface that allows
> spam-blocking.
> * Allows channeling of incoming traffic into multiple folders.
> * And, fo
Shad Young wrote:
> Just my 2c.
> But Kmail has some nasty bugs. Reports are that the version that will
> come with kde 2.0 will fix the problems, but for now it is problematic.
> It has a tendency to core dump a lot and hang X every now and again.
> There are also serious problems with reply a
Hi, everyone,
Has anyone managed to get a 300 to work under Linux/GhostScript? My
understanding is that it isn't supported. My roommate is finally talking
about migrating from Windows to Linux, but unfortunately he has one of these
Oh, and I know most every other Epson Stylus works w
Hi, Conni,
The main reason I switched from Gnome/E to KDE/kwm, aside from the fact the
E was a resource hog, was the kind of problem you described: Netscape
freezing hard, and other random freeze ups. When I went away from Gnome
(admittedly an older version) my problems went away. Oh, Netscape
dez wrote:
> So I take it that you have no suggestions of a similar HTML editor for linux
> like Hotdog ???
Well... I've never used Hotdog, so I can't compare, but I've found three I can
use and like reasonably well. The simplest, and IMHO, the best, especially if
you basically do raw co
Kelly Lynn Martin wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Mar 2000 09:47:08 +0100, Rik Hemsley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >Um, you ran Gnome ? It's buggy.
> Please refrain from gratuitous flaming of free software packages.
> Thank you.
Gratuitous flaming? In my experience, he is absolutely correct, at least
Hi, Bob,
> I first tried Gnome when Red Hat announced they were using it as the X
> desktop in their distribution and supporting the development of Gnome.
> I thought they were premature, like everybody else.
I'd say that was an accurate assessment. As I said before, it is
*very* promising, and
Hi, Shaun,
> anyone know of a stable spreadsheet?, have had trouble with gnumeric and abacus
> i would prefer xwindows based, but will try terminal if they are worth it
Which version of Gnumeric are you having problems with? If you are running less
than 0.38, you might consider upgrading. It h
Hi, Shad,
I can answer your questions, but not in any way that is useful, I'm afraid.
> 1. Samba: is it possible to have smbmount mount a NT share as a user so
> users can read/write to the NT drive. Currently smbmount complanes that
> it need suid set if you want to have users mount drives. Thi
On Mon, 03 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using 4.73 as well but Mandrake 7.1 with kde and I do not have your
> symptoms.
Same here, with 4.73 and Caldera Open Linux eDesktop 2.4, so I suspect that
it may be something specific to Slackware 7.0 and this particular version of
On Mon, 03 Jul 2000, GeekGrrl wrote:
> Slackware does not release 'compiles' or 'packages' of Netscape other
> then what comes on their official releases. I am using the glibc
> Netscape.
I'm sorry to say that absolutely, positively did *not* work for me. I don't
know why the version off the Ca
Hi, lc,
> I was just wondering if anyone out there knows how to enter init strings on
> red hat 6.x... I've just started learning about them at work and would like
> to see if I can speed up my modem a little.
There are *many* possible answers to your question. There is no one magical
Hi, everyone,
I have downloaded and installed Kleopatra (KDE 1.91, or the second beta of
KDE2) on my system, and I am successfully running both KDE2 and KDE 1.1.2.
I want to get all my apps into KDE2's menus to make it a bit easier to use.
Here's the catch: kappfinder doesn't seem to work just
Hi, Conor,
> What's KOffice anyhow? Where can I get it? Is it Open Source or free or
> anything?
KOffice is what the name implies: a full office suite for KDE. The catch:
it's still beta code and requires KDE 2.0 (also still beta, with things
missing and some bugs), as well as QT 2.1 to r
Hi, everyone,
I wrote:
> I want to get all my apps into KDE2's menus to make it a bit easier to
> use. Here's the catch: kappfinder doesn't seem to work just yet, and
> kmenuedit seems to be missing entirely. Is there something that replaced
> it, or another way to edit KDE2 menus, or is this j
Hi, Anne,
> I think, the license still depends on the Qt license ... please correct me
> if I'm wrong.
Yes, but read the announcement on the KDE web site or the TrollTech site.
QT 2.1 *is* open source :)
Caitlyn Máire Martin
Hi, Nicole,
> More importantly (to me anyhoo!) is... do you have to run ALL of KDE to
> run it? (I guess it's status on word docs is up there, too)
Yes, you have to run pretty much most all of KDE 2.0, which is bigger than
KDE 1.x. No KDE 2, no KOffice. Yes, there is an MS Word filter, which
> KDE is NOT free software! GNOME/HELIX IS!
I completely disagree. So does ESR, for that matter. KDE does meet the
Open Source definition, and I happen to accept ESR's opinion on it.
Now, if you are saying the LGPL is not "Free" as defined by Richard
Sta1lman, then perhaps you are corr
Hi, Dan
> Make sure to try Gnome 1.2, (use sawfish not E) if you have not
> already. However when comparing Gnome and KDE, they are very
> diffrent. My opinion about both products that they are bloated, and
> designed to hold a newbie's hand. Gnome does less of this, than KDE.
Please underst
Hi, Keith,
> I will follow the advice of the separate Linux box soon, but I have a
> separate (and idle) 1.6GB drive in this box, and will make that the Linux
> partitions leaving the dreaded WinDoz95 on the other drive...
One of the things I really must give Caldera credit for is making that
Hi, Dan,
> I understand, but I'm from the "throw the little kid into the pool" if
> they sink jump in and rescue them, if the float great. :)
That doesn't work in the business world, unfortunately. People would
probably learn better and more quickly if it did.
I had the rug pulled out from
Hi, Malcolm and everyone else,
> Oh dear! I would have thought (hoped?) it was harder to mess up the rpm
> database using gnorpm than using the command line. I didn't even think of
> mentioning it in my previous post because I tend to always use the command
> line for installing stuff, but had I
Hi, Carol,
This thread is probably best moved to the techtalk list to get you the
maximum number of responses. I've taken the liberty of crossposting it to
both lists in case you aren't subscribed to techtalk yet. (If you're not, I
highly recommend it. Nothing but lots of friendly help.)
> What we advise people is to "go with what you know". If you don't know
> anything, we suggest you pick one and stick to it. It helps if you pick
> something that folks around you are using as it will be easier to find
> help.
Sometimes I agree with this, but sometimes I don't. I starte
Hi there,
This probably should move to issues, so... I'll copy it there.
On Sat, 19 Aug 2000, pheret werks wrote:
> i would highly suggest NOT buying software and getting it online . . .
> well, that's how i do it . . . go to www.freshmeat.net,
> www.linuxberg.com, do a search for software, it'
Hi, Kathy,
> > Anyone have a list handy of what free software/open source web tools
> > (e.g., Dreamweaver; I already know about GIMP) are out there?
I use Webmaker for my HTML editing. It's for KDE, but if you have the
necessary libraries installed you don't need to be running KDE to run it.
Hi, everyone,
I did a rebuild of my main system, got it all cleaned up and configured the
way I wanted, and then installed Kooldown, a/k/a KDE 1.93, a/k/a KDE 2.0 Beta
I've only been using it for a few days, but it's sure come a long way since
Kleopatra (KDE 1.91). It really loooks to b
This thread should probably be on techtalk...
On Fri, 01 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Unfortunately, I have a P100, 32Mb RAM & a 1GB harddrive. This is
> going to be fun Not!
> I guess I will find out soon enough how it goes. Could some of the
> problems with Netscape be because it is being us
I hope this helps.
Caitlyn M. Martin
techtalk mailing list
Caitlyn M. Martin
techtalk mailing list
much improved.
All the best,
Caitlyn M. Martin
techtalk mailing list
nearly as often as a Windows box.
Caitlyn M. Martin
techtalk maili
As you can see, I'm a
> Linux newby (in fact, I'm not yet a newbe, more like a gonnabe).
Don't worry... we're friendly :)
Caitlyn M. Martin
Caitlyn M. Martin
techtalk mailing list
Hi, Walt,
Newer RPMs from Red Hat require either RPM 4.0 (Red Hat 7.0) or RPM 3.0.5
which can read the 4.0 databases (Red Hat 6.x and 5.x). Info on the new
version is available here:
Good luck!
Hi, everyone,
Never being one to let something go... :)
I've got Mandrake 8 plus all the latest updates on my box right now.
Remember the issues raised by James before? Here is what I've found so far:
1) "Color in scripts": James objected to Perl scripts being used to invoke
gcc and vi
James wrote:
> Just as a company is free to
> ban personal 'phone calls, or charge for them, but not to record them, the
> company can prohibit WWW surfing, or charge users for the bandwidth they
> use - but logging what users do is a violation of their privacy. Usage
> logs must not be made avai
Hi, Michelle, and everyone else,
> > OK, I had to download some drivers and recompile the
> >kernel to make the PCMCIA floppy work on the two Librettos I have, but
> > even that wasn't hard with the tools and instructions Red Hat kindly
> > provides.
> Please listen at what you just said. For
Hi, everyone,
I decided to play around with the latest version of Gnome kindly provided my
Mandrake, and something really weird is happening. Somehow, my letter "r"
key has been remapped. Do you know how hard it is to type without an "r", at
least in English? Anyway, this is only in Gnome.
On Saturday 07 July 2001 08:26 am, Marcia Barrett Nice wrote:
> http://www.nsa.gov/selinux/
> Has anyone on this list looked into this?
Yes, in detail. I wrote the white paper for another federal Agency on this,
recommending that they continue to monitor the progress of the project but
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