Shad Young wrote:

> Just my 2c.
> But Kmail has some nasty bugs. Reports are that the version that will
> come with kde 2.0 will fix the problems, but for now it is problematic.
> It has a tendency to core dump a lot and hang X every now and again.
> There are also serious problems with reply addressing, and wordwrap is a
> work around.

This is completely contrary to my experience, and I use KMail regularly.  It has
shut itself down on me, perhaps twice, since I started using it, and not at all
since I upgraded to KDE 1.1.2.  No hangs, no core dumps, reply works, as does
wordwrap.   Could you be using an older version?

FWIW, I use it daily for my VNet account, and I do like it.

Take care,


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