Hi, Conni,

> > mkfs -t ext2 /mnt/dosc
> That will format /mnt/dosc as ext2 (linux native?), right?  That's what I
> want to do.


>  Does it matter what order the partitions are in?  I mean,
> what cylinders etc they start on.

The /boot partition does have all the usual restrictions that apply to DOS,
Windows, OS/2 and the like.  Following what Red Hat suggests (and has
suggested for quite some time now), I create a separate 16MB /boot partition.

>  I think windows lives on the first 3
> gb, then linux has the second 5.  (After I'm finished, it will all be
> LInux.)

Aside from the /boot partition issue, no, Linux does not care :)  As one of
my favorite old Can songs says: "Do what you feel what you need to do". :)

> Heh... Putting win98 back on isn't an option

You know, I don't miss Windows, and I find most folks who switch to Linux
with one GUI or another don't.  My Mom was all concerned about her
multilingual stuff, until she learned that the stuff I was giving to her for
Linux was head and shoulders better than what she was used to for European
languages.  Now if we can only get a distro with bidirectional support, and a
few apps to go with it...

Good luck, Conni.

Take care,

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