> Correct. I have never understood why winmodems exist at all. They
> make no sense at all from any standpoint I can think of, except
> perhaps Intel's bottom line.
Possibly in laptops? But other that that I'd agree.
#ifndef __COMMON_SENSE__ | Ian Phillips
#include | TIBCO Softw
Hi all,
I'm trying to get Redhat 6.1 installed on my new company laptop and I'm having
problems with getting X up and running correctly. The OS install wen't fine (I used
the text based option), but I can't get X to work at a useable resolution. Running
Xconfigurator it appears to detect the c
Who is it who's on this list who's involved with the OSWG project?
Cynthia J. Dale
Technical Engineer/FAQ maintainer
Red Hat, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
Hey all, I was just fiddling with the key settings in KDE, and I think I
set "alt" to "iconify window" or something similarly stupid; and now I keep
getting a "wrong charset" message and X crashes on me. Any ideas on which
rc I should vi? The problems only when I log in as user; the root user can
A LinuxChix team would be cool. (:
Cynthia J. Dale
Technical Engineer/FAQ maintainer
Red Hat, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
Ian Phillips wrote:
> it starts up but then appears to switch down to a very low resolution, 320x240 by
>the look of it, _and_ it does this by just showing the center of the frame, as if I
>was running a large virtual desktop through a small viewport, but without the ability
>to scroll!
> A LinuxChix team would be cool. (:
> Cindy
We should pick a preffered "community computing" project and ask people to join that.
Either this, seti@home, the RSA/DES thingy or whatever. I can probably get a dozen or
so machines working on whatever, but if we spread the workload around too t
I would like to be involved in whatever does anything good for the Linux
community. This one will get some funds for Apache Software Foundation.
Are there benefits to the community like this with any other projects that
you know of?
Cynthia J. Dale
Technical Engineer/FAQ maintainer
> I would like to be involved in whatever does anything good for the Linux
> community. This one will get some funds for Apache Software Foundation.
Not for seti@home for sure, but the RSA stuff has prize money up for grabs. This one
is probably the easiest for us to help with though, since the
Emily wrote:
> > DVD video support is in the 2.3 kernels. See http://www.linux.org.uk/diary/
> > or http://roadrunner.swansea.linux.org.uk/~hobbit/diary.html for first
> > hand details . If you want stable support, wait for the
Jenn V wrote:
> Yes, I was about to comment on that. The diary entrie
On Wed, 15 Dec 1999 09:41:44 -, "Ian Phillips" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>Possibly in laptops? But other that that I'd agree.
A DSP chip is probably going to have less power draw than a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
On Wed, 15 Dec 1999 10:49:50 -, "Ian Phillips" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>We should pick a preffered "community computing" project and ask
>people to join that. Either this, seti@home, the RSA/DES thingy or
>whatever. I can probably get a dozen or so machines working on
>whatever, but if we s
Telsa Gwynne wrote:
> You mean that modems are supposed to work properly? I have been under
> the impression for some time now that modems come with an inbuilt random
> timer which decides when to freeze and when their users have to start
> repeatedly power-cycling it...
I believe they're /s
On Wed, 15 Dec 1999, Kelly Lynn Martin wrote:
> One of these days I'm going to get my "distributed renderer" going. :)
> Kelly
That's a great idea. I'd give up some CPU for that, and my room mate
would drool also, because he just got an SGI and is starting to get into
graphics. I guess a
> >Possibly in laptops? But other that that I'd agree.
>A DSP chip is probably going to have less power draw than a Pentium
Buy your CPU will be running almost constantly anyway, and the DSP will be an extra
drain. I was thinking more in terms of space constraints really though.
On Wed, 15 Dec 1999 23:18:06 +1100, "Jenn V." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>I believe they're /supposed/ to function properly most of the time,
>Strange concept, isn't it?
Thank Microsoft for the general notion that random failures are
> One of these days I'm going to get my "distributed renderer" going. :)
I've seen this kind of thing running under PVM when I was at university, how would it
cope with the kind of latency inherent in such wide distribution? Unless it was doing
animation, then you could farm out whole frames at
We've been talking about Pricewatch's (not-really) Linux PC section.
There *are* other places to look for low-end linux-compatable boxes. A
few months ago, I was charged with pricing linux-compatable machines so
our lab could buy a new system. While I actually purchased parts from a
local comp
On Wed, 15 Dec 1999 13:45:52 -, "Ian Phillips" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>I've seen this kind of thing running under PVM when I was at
>university, how would it cope with the kind of latency inherent in
>such wide distribution? Unless it was doing animation, then you could
>farm out whole fra
On Wed, 15 Dec 1999 13:30:13 -, "Ian Phillips" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>Buy your CPU will be running almost constantly anyway, and the DSP
>will be an extra drain. I was thinking more in terms of space
>constraints really though.
Well, laptop processors have variable power drain depending
Jenn wrote:
> >I believe they're /supposed/ to function properly most of the time,
> >Telsa...
> >
> >Strange concept, isn't it?
Kelly wrote:
> Thank Microsoft for the general notion that random failures are
> acceptable.
You know the funny thing? I've never used MS stuff.
Seriously, when I st
> You know the funny thing? I've never used MS stuff.
Now I'm really jealous, although I suppose I must be better for having suffered though
various Redmond OSs, in a Neitsche'en kind of way.
> When I started hearing of rebooting Windows just to... well, to
> fix things, I couldn't understand i
On Wed, 15 Dec 1999, Ian Phillips wrote:
> I know this chipset isn't fully supported by XFree86 yet, but it _is_
> possible to get the display running in 640x480, I know, because
> XF86Setup does this, but then fails to generate a working config file.
XF86Setup uses the VGA16 server which does j
On Wed, 15 Dec 1999 14:36:11 -, "Ian Phillips" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>surely there's this bit about ". . . all goods should be of
>merchantable quality and fit for the purpose for which they are
>. . ." in the Sale of Goods act? How does M$ defend themselves about
>that in the UK?
Does t
> Does the UK allow the buyer to waive that provision? The US allows
> for the purchaser to waive the common law requirement of
> merchantability, and of course Microsoft buries such a waiver in their
> adhesive contract of sale.
I'm not sure, but I've just written an email to the Trading Stan
On Dec 14, Robert Kiesling conjectured:
> More likely, the video card was specified incorrectly, perhaps
> from the start, and XFree86 didn't use any of the incompatible
> features until it tried to use the higher res. Rechecking
> the hardware config and hand-editing the XF86Config file is
> m
Hmm... I'm not sure what file you need to edit to get rid of the problem, but
I can tell you how to ditch kde altogether. First find out what other wm's
you have, common ones are fvwm, fvwm95. To see if you have them use 'which
fvwm' or locate fvwm. or 'locate wm' you'll probably get a LOT of resp
why in lapttops...processor power and battery power are more scarce in a
laptop than they are on a desktop machine...the average new desktop machine
has processor to spare...
Ian wrote:
Possibly in laptops? But other that that I'd agree.
That's a great idea. I'd give up some CPU for that, and my room mate
would drool also, because he just got an SGI and is starting to get into
graphics. I guess anyone who's ever waited for something to be rendered
would appreciate that project. (:
Wait for the playstation 2 to come out...s
A newbie here.
Could anyone tell me how I use Pine using telnet. Also if there are any good
starters documents on PINE it will be of immense help.
Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. All in one place.
newbie here. What is the best network monitor and sniffer tool for Linux. I
am using Linux on my ibm thinkpad i series running on pentium 266 and 128 mb
ram. i would like to realize the power of linux in network monitoring,
bandwidth analysis and sniffers. where do i start? i am quite familiar wit
> A Brunette, a Redhead, and a Blonde escape a burning building
> by
> climbing to the roof. Firemen are on the street below, holding a
> blanket for them to jump in.
> The firemen yell to the Brunette, "Jump! Jump! It's your only
> chance to
> survive!" The Brunette jumps and SWISH!
Amanda Owens wrote:
> Is there a list of online Linux-box retailers on the net anywhere? Or
> should we compile one? I'm sure it'd be useful for folks interested in
> trying it out - and it seems to me that if someone can buy a system
> pre-installed that they know will work, then they're more a
nmap, tcpdump, cold are all useable.
Maureen Lecuona
Tech Docs wrote:
> newbie here. What is the best network monitor and sniffer tool for Linux. I
> am using Linux on my ibm thinkpad i series running on pentium 266 and 128 mb
> ram. i would like to realize the power of linux in network moni
Hi, Theresa,
> Ok, I changed the mount for c drive to vfat, and it fixed the truncation issue, but
>now c drive is not automatically mounted in my file manager on boot.
You probably have the "noauto" option specified. Remove that from the line for you
Windows partition in your /etc/fstab file
Tech Docs wrote:
> newbie here. What is the best network monitor and sniffer tool for Linux. I
> am using Linux on my ibm thinkpad i series running on pentium 266 and 128 mb
> ram. i would like to realize the power of linux in network monitoring,
> bandwidth analysis and sniffers. where do i star
Hi, Jenn,
> Contact pricewatch and tell them that the box they sold you is
> not as advertised and would they please make good by providing
> you with equipment which IS as advertised.
> Over here (Australia), at least, you'd have a very VERY strong
> case to take to Small Claims - and the comp
Lighthouse Keeper in the Desert Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 14, Robert Kiesling conjectured:
> > More likely, the video card was specified incorrectly, perhaps
> > from the start, and XFree86 didn't use any of the incompatible
> > features until it tried to use the higher res. Re
i must apologize for this posti accidentally hit the wrong button...
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
Amanda Owens wrote:
> The first one that comes to my mind is www.indybox.com. I priced out a
> nice system (sans monitor) for under $500 there (a few months ago. Their
> current base system price appears to run around $700). And they pre-install
> Red Hat 6.1. There are also a bunch of barebone
J B wrote:
> i must apologize for this posti accidentally hit the wrong button...
The 'Send' button? ;)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://CubicMeterCrystal.com/
"You are the product of a mutational union
of ~640M
J B wrote:
> i must apologize for this posti accidentally hit the wrong button...
It's ok. Just make sure you do it more often :)
Clint Forgy
"Paving the Information Gravel Road for the Midwest"
ICQ: 8443021Make Code, Not War
hey now this is my corner (as anyone I work with could tell you ;o))
Do you have any specific questions?
There is a great faq linked from http://www.washington.edu/pine
(probably /faq.html ;o)), and there are sources around the web that I
believe are linked from there also, or I could dig them u
nopeon my address list...
The 'Send' button? ;)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://CubicMeterCrystal.com/
"You are the product of a mutational union
of ~640Mbytes of genetic information."
Hi, Theresa,
> Oh, RH was not pre-installed, it came on a CD as the operating system for the box.
>They said they could not install linux on the system as it was too difficult.
With all due respect, Red Hat is not a terribly difficult installation, particularly
with the graphical install in 6
- Original Message -
From: Nicole Zimmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [techtalk] Pine Usage
> hey now this is my corner (as anyone I work with could tell you ;o))
> Do you have any specific ques
Hi I was wondering if someone could explain some mechanics of POP mail to
me. I have a Unix account, which I'm not sure is set up for POP mail or
not. I know that when I have tried, I got responses from the server that
said "we do not relay". I tried to set up my roommate's pop mail which I
Newbie here.
How do I invoke and start using Pine when I telnet to some server? Any
Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. All in one place.
Yahoo! Shopping: http://shopping.yahoo.com
You mean something other than typing "pine" at a prompt?
That'll start it for ya. Of course if you want any special sorting or
starting in your inbox instead of that welcome screen, you might add
some options. It's run just like any other from-the-command-line program
for the most part.
(maybe I
Excerpts from linuxchix: 15-Dec-99 [techtalk] X in Corel vs. R.. by
Caitlyn Martin@netferret
> Red Hat graphical installer may not have handled it correctly,
> is all. I suspect if you prefer the selection of packages in
> Red Hat (and the wide availability of Red Hat RPMs on the web),
> you can
> Hi I was wondering if someone could explain some mechanics of POP mail to
> me. I have a Unix account, which I'm not sure is set up for POP mail or
> not. I know that when I have tried, I got responses from the server that
> said "we do not relay". I tried to set up my roommate's pop mail whi
yesterday my friend got the Corel Linux Deluxe and I was
wondering, has any of You installed Corel already?
If so, would you please let me know about the possible problems.
(Currently i'm using Debian Slink)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
Have you looked at the Mail HOWTO?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
On Wed, 15 Dec 1999, Samantha Jo Moore wrote:
> OK. First of all POP mail involves the use of two types of servers. A
> POP3 server is used to download incomming mail to your mail client. For
> outgoing mail an SMTP server is used to deliver the mail.
okay, what's this i've heard about "Secur
Doesn't quite help though. The cable connection I have at home is
roadrunner, and like I said, I will probably cancel it sometime since I
have a free dialup through work. The dialup through work is actually a
watered-down AOL account - it uses AOL's network but not the client, and
Excerpts from linuxchix: 15-Dec-99 [techtalk] Corel Linux by Jane
> yesterday my friend got the Corel Linux Deluxe and I was
> wondering, has any of You installed Corel already?
> If so, would you please let me know about the possible problems.
> (Currently i'm using Debian Sl
> okay, what's this i've heard about "Secure POP"? I'm assuming this is a
> modified POP that sets up a secure connection between the server and the
> client, to avoid sniffing?
Yes. The problem with regular POP servers is that they establish an
ASCII based conversation through stdio. You can c
- Original Message -
From: Jane Susi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 4:27 PM
Subject: [techtalk] Corel Linux
> Hi,
> yesterday my friend got the Corel Linux Deluxe and I was
> wondering, has any of You installed Corel already?
> If so, woul
Excerpts from linuxchix: 15-Dec-99 RE: [techtalk] POP mail by
> okay, what's this i've heard about "Secure POP"? I'm assuming this is a
> modified POP that sets up a secure connection between the server and the
> client, to avoid sniffing?
Yep. basically, it just uses ssh to cr
> I don't know exactly how it works, but secure pop provides for a secure
> mechanism of transmitting these data items, and possibly the content of
> the mail comming back to you.
I'm not sure if there is a totally encrypted POP session, but usernames and
passwords can be hidden using AP
> Doesn't quite help though. The cable connection I have at home is
> roadrunner, and like I said, I will probably cancel it sometime since I
> have a free dialup through work. The dialup through work is actually a
> watered-down AOL account - it uses AOL's network but not the client, and
> has
Excerpts from linuxchix: 15-Dec-99 RE: [techtalk] POP mail by Di
> The thing that really got me, is that when I hooked up my old roommate's
> email through POP, the school's servers will send it if you're not dialed
> up into them, but when he sent an email, the receiver's ser
At 10:49 1999-12-15 -, you wrote:
>We should pick a preffered "community computing" project and ask people to
join that. Either this, seti@home, the RSA/DES thingy or whatever. I can
probably get a dozen or so machines working on whatever, but if we spread
the workload around too thinly then w
Clint Forgy wrote:
> J B wrote:
> >
> > i must apologize for this posti accidentally hit the wrong button...
> It's ok. Just make sure you do it more often :)
But not to techtalk. Grrltalk is more appropriate for jokes.
(just trying to keep topics appropriately sorted)
Jenn V.
Di Gregory wrote:
> For our corporate email, we use Iplanet webtop and have a java or HTML
> client that you use through a browser. It's all IMAP, and works fine.
> I'd like to use a "real" client though with my personal email. Pine is
> great, but doesn't work very well with editing the t
Excerpts from linuxchix: 15-Dec-99 Re: [techtalk] POP mail by Laurel
> 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
> This is a mail.
Hm.. looks like it actually used the "." on a line by itself..
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
Just in time for Christmas! LinuxChix tshirts are now available for
purchase from our good friends over at http://www.thinkgeek.com.
Available in both regular and women's styles, and a full range of
sizes. Currently regular are only available in black, and women's in
black or white.
Get 'em wh
I am currently running Corel, I love it, I started with RH 6.0, but being a corel
buff, could not wait to get my hands on it, I"ve only been using linux for not quite
two weeks, but corel compared to rh is a huge differenceI prefer corel so far...
Good luck and enjoy, oh...don't install i
what does export Pine do?
When I say Pine in the command prompt on the telnet, nothing happens at all.
I think there is something more.
- Original Message -
From: Nicole Zimmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 1:00 PM
Looks like I confused some people.
My work email is irrevelant.
It's my PERSONAL email that I am concerned about with the POP. My
regular email address is currently a Unix shell account. They do have
POP3 setup but AFAIK not SMTP. If they do have it, I can't use it
because I
Tech Docs wrote:
> Hi
> what does export Pine do?
> When I say Pine in the command prompt on the telnet, nothing happens at all.
> I think there is something more.
Lower case p?
Maybe it's not installed on that server.
Try 'man pine' or 'locate pine' to see if it's there.
Jenn V.
Does the server *have* pine locallly? (I hope you're typing pine in all
lowercase letters)
You might try a `which pine` to see if it's in your $PATH (if you're
using bash anyway, not sure about csh). Mine is in /usr/bin but the one
on my university's server is in /usr/local/bin (hopefully netscap
Di Gregory wrote:
> SO how do I have a POP email account if I can't dial up into the account
> directly. I couldn't get the POP email to work when I set up my old
> roommate's I -THINK- because our dialup was a local provider, the pop
> email was through school (NOT the provider) and ALTHOUG
> First:
> My work email is irrevelant.
Got that.
> Second:
> It's my PERSONAL email that I am concerned about with the POP.
... snip ...
> Does this make any more sense?
Well, I can see that you have a little bit of confusion over the
different mail services. I would like to stress the point
Excerpts from linuxchix: 15-Dec-99 RE: [techtalk] POP mail by Di
> It's my PERSONAL email that I am concerned about with the POP. My
> regular email address is currently a Unix shell account. They do have
> POP3 setup but AFAIK not SMTP. If they do have it, I can't use it
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